Chapter 4 Vocabulary Flashcards
In a __________ like the United States, citizens rule through elected representatives.
In the late 1700s, Virginia’s free African American population grew due the the passage of a law that encouraged ____________.
An example of an _____________ to the U.S. Constitutions is the Bill of Rights.
In creating their own constitution, most of the original states established a ___________ legislature to divide the power between two houses.
The branch of the government that establishes the law is the _________________.
legislative branch
In the House of representatives, the number of representatives must be ____________, or correspond in size, to the population of each state.
The political feature of the United States government whereby power is shared between the federal and state governments is called ___________.
In 1785 the Confederation Congress passed an ___________ that established a procedure for surveying and selling western lands north of the Ohio river.
The _________________ system was established so that no single branch can dominate the government.
checks and balances
In a ___________, two or more sides reach an agreement in which each side gives up some of what it wants.
A written plan for government is called a ____________.
The branch of government headed by the president is the __________________.
executive branch
During a ______________, economic activity slows and unemployment increases.
The Supreme Court is part of the ________________ of government.
judicial branch
In the late 1700s, when a district’s population was the same as that of the smallest existing state, that district could apply to become a state by submitting a __________.
The president and vice president are elected by a group of presidential electors called the ________________.
Electoral College
Money printed during the Revolutionary War began to ___________, resulting in Continental Congress and the states printing their own paper money.