Chapter 4 - Use Case Flashcards
The actor refers a person, another software system, or a hardware device that interacts with the system to achieve a useful goal.
Business scenarios
It described user interactions with the system, while organizations applying object-oriented techniques used what they called use cases.
External trigger
A trigger can be an external trigger, such as a customer placing an order, the fire alarm ringing, or in our example, the LCA needing a chemical for a job.
Fully dressed use case
This means that the use
case is very thorough, detailed, and highly structured.
Happy path
The normal course lists the steps that are performed when everything flows smoothly in the system.
There are no problems or issues that arise when the
steps are able to be followed normally
Input is something put into a system in its operation to achieve output or a result.
Output includes the visual, auditory, or tactile perceptions provided by the computer after processing the provided information.
Preconditions define
the state the system must be in before the use case commences.
Primary actor
The person or thing that triggers the event.
To verify the use case that it is correct as written.
Temporal trigger
DVD becoming overdue at the video store
Use cases
Use cases = User requirements
Elements of a Use Case
Full dressed use case
- Basic information
- Preconditions
- Normal course
- Alternative courses
- Post conditions
- Exceptions
- Inputs and outputs
Building use cases
- Identify the major Use Cases
- Identify the major step for each Use Case
- Identify Elements within Steps
- Confirm the Use Case