Chapter 4 - The Cognitive and Intellectual Changes of Adolescence Flashcards
Prefrontal Cortex
The prefrontal cortex is the region of the cortex located behind the forehead that is involved in abstract thought.
Myelination is the formation of a fatty sheath surrounding a nerve fiber (axon), which increases speed of neural conduction.
Object Permanence
Object permanence is Piaget’s term for the infant’s recognition that objects exist even when they cannot be seen.
Schemes is Piaget’s term for the precursors of concepts; they are ways of representing experience through one’s actions.
Conservation is the realization that something remains the same despite changes in its appearance.
Differentiation is a process by which one distinguishes or perceives differences not previously recognized.
Psychometric Approach
The psychometric approach is an approach that focuses on the measurement of individual differences in abilities contributing to intelligence.
Intelligence is the ability to profit from experience and adapt to one’s surroundings; measured by intelligence tests.
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale is an intelligence scale for adults that is individually administered.
Cohort Differences
Cohort differences are experiential differences between groups of people born at different periods in time; these differences can be confounded with age changes.
Cross-Sectional Research
Cross-sectional research is a research design in which several age cohorts are compared at a single time of measurement.
Sequential Designs
Sequential design is a research design in which several age cohort groups are compared at several times of measurement; essentially, a number of longitudinal studies, each starting with a different age group.
Culture-Fair Test
A culture-fair test is a measure of intelligence that minimizes cultural bias by using materials or requiring skills not likely to be more familiar to one segment of the population than to another.
Information Processing
Information processing is an approach to cognition that focuses on the processes by which information is encoded, retrieved, and utilized.
Automaticity is the ability to perform highly practiced cognitive operations without conscious attention.