Chapter 1 - Defining Adolescents Flashcards
Ethnicity is the cultural group to which an individual belongs.
Gender is the cultural and psychological contributions to being female or male.
Early Adolescence
Early adolescence is the period of adolescence between the ages of about 11 to 15, marked by the onset of puberty, changing gender roles, more autonomous relationships with parents, and more mature relationships with peers.
Late Adolescence
Late adolescence is the period of adolescence between the ages of about 16 to 19 that is organized around the central task of achieving an identity, in which adolescents integrate their sexuality into their relationships, prepare for a vocation, and fashion a personal set of beliefs.
Emerging Adulthood
Emerging adulthood is a period between adolescence and adulthood characterized by demographic unpredictability and increased opportunity for identity exploration.
Identity is the part of one’s personality of which one is aware and is able to see as a meaningful and coherent whole.
Adolescence is the transitional and often ambiguous period of development between childhood and adulthood. The duration, characteristics, and even existence of such a period depend very much on historical, social, cultural, and economic factors.
Historical Perspective
The historical perspective is an approach that considers the way patterns of individual development differ as a function of the historical context.
Lifespan Perspective
The lifespan perspective is the view that development is characterized by continuity as well as change throughout life.
Contextual Perspective
Contextual perspective is the view that development is influenced by one’s ethnicity and culture.
Constructive Perspective
The constructive perspective is the view that perception is an active, constructive process in which individuals interpret and give meaning to their experiences.
Traditional Cultures
Traditional cultures are cultures that have maintained their values and practices over long periods. These cultures often find themselves in conflict with other traditional or more rapidly changing cultures or with internal pressures for change.
Developing Countries
Developing countries are countries that have only recently begun to adopt modern technology, social forms, and means of production. Such countries were previously termed “third world” countries.
Globalization is the process by which expanding international trade, communication, and travel erases national and geographical boundaries.
Puberty is the growth processes, including the skeletal growth spurt and maturation of the reproductive system, that begin in early adolescence and transform children into physically and sexually mature adults.
Sexual Dimorphism
Sexual dimorphism is the physical differences that distinguish adult females and males.
Compulsory Education Laws
Compulsory education laws are legislation making school attendance mandatory for children and adolescents until they graduate or reach a minimum age.
Child Labor Laws
Child labor laws are laws that specify minimum ages for various types of work.
Juvenile Justice
Juvenile justice laws are legislation instituting separate legal proceedings for juveniles and adults.
Cohort Group
A cohort group is people born during the same historical period of undergoing the same historical influences.
In the contextual perspective, the microsystem is one’s immediate social contexts, involving firsthand experiences such as interactions at home or in the classroom.
In the contextual perspective, the mesosystem is social contexts involving interactions of several microsystems, such as when parents meet teachers.
In the contextual perspective, the exosystem is contexts occurring at the level of the community, such as types of schools and housing.
In the contextual system, the macrosystem is the underlying social and political climate at the level of society.
In the contextual system, the chronosystem is the changing impact of the various environmental systems (micro, meso, exo, macro) at different historical periods.
Sex Differences
Sex differences are biological and physiological differences distinguishing the sexes.
Gender Differences
Gender differences are culturally determined differences in masculinity and femininity.
Gender Stereotypes
Gender stereotypes are the cultural expectations concerning behaviors that are appropriate for each sex.
Culture is the values, beliefs, and customs that are shared by a group of people and passed from one generation to the next.
Ethnic Identity
Ethnic identity is an awareness of belonging to an ethnic group that shapes one’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior.
A minority is a social group, distinguished by physical or cultural characteristics, that often receives differential treatment.