Chapter 4 - Systems Flashcards
small structure in a cell with a special function
Cells are the building blocks of living things
groups of cells performing the same function
group of organs working together
Cellular Respiration
the chemical reaction involving oxygen that moves the energy in glucose into the compound ATP
Respiratory System
the body system involving the lungs and associated structures, which take in air and supply the blood with oxygen to deliver to the body’s cells so they can carry out their essential functions
Circulatory System
the body system that circulates oxygen in blood to all the cells of the body.
Blood Cells
the red liquid that circulates around the body. It is made up of plasma, blood cells and platelets
Blood Vessels
the veins, arteries and capillaries through which the blood flows around the body
a muscular organ that pumps blood through the circulatory system so that oxygen and nutrients can be transported to the body’s cells and wastes can be transported away
hollow tubes (vessels) with thick walls carrying blood pumped from the heart to other body parts
minute tubes carrying blood to body cells. Every cell of the body is supplied with blood through capillaries.
blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart. They have valves and thinner walls than arteries.
Digestive System
a complex series of organs and glands that processes food to supply the body with the nutrients it needs to function effectively
Excretory System
the body system that removes waste substances from the body
Musculoskeletal System
consists of the skeletal system (bones and joints) and the skeletal muscle system (voluntary or striated muscle).
Reproductive System
the body system involving the reproductive organs, which differ between males and females
Nervous System
the system of nerves and nerve centres in an animal in which messages are sent
Endocrine System
the body system of glands that produce and secrete hormones into the bloodstream to regulate processes in various organs