chapter 4: surface roughness & local advection Flashcards
study of the properties of moving air and the interaction between the air and solid bodies (land)
wind profile relations involve the parameters:
- zero plane displacement (d)
- aerodynamic roughness length (z0)
aerodynamic charactaristics of the land
zero plane displacement (d)
- if the height of the PBL > 10x canopy height than the height above the tree tops can be neglected
Aerodynamic roughness length (Z0)
- For NEUTRAL conditions: the height at which the wind speed becomes zero
- can change with individual roughness elements (higher roughness means higher Z0)
- height and coverage
- errection of fences
- deforestation
- construction of houses
- cannot change with
- wind speed
- stability
- wind sress
- Z0 < the physical height
zero plane displacement (d) equation
d- zero plane displacement
z0- aerodynamic roughness length
for z> 10 hc then d can be neglected

aerodynamic roughness lenght can be estimated as:
where SL= (total ground surface area)/(no. of elements)
SL: the lot size per element

Z0 depends on
individual roughness elements:
- h*: vertical ht of roughness elements (average)
- Ss: average vertical cross section area presented to the wind by one element (how much cross section the wind cross)
if a garden is planted with 1000 trees per square km. where each tree is 4 m tall and has a vertical cross section area of 5m2. calculate Z0
ans: 0.5h*(Ss/SL)
=0.5 (4)(5/100)
SL=1 km/1000= (1000x1000)/1000
For aerodynamically smooth flow, Z0 can be expressed as
(when the viscous sublayer is deeper than surface roughness protuberances)
v= kinamatic viscosity coeff
u*0 = friction velocity at the surface

wind flow over canopy and within canpy
- without: logarithmic increase
- within: increase in the middle then reduce at top of canopy and then exponentially increase
within canopy, branches and leaves (diffusivly distributed) act as a sink for momentum
the mean wind speed and shearing stress decay with depth bellow the canopy top
wind flow over canopy and within canpy
wind profile results in
exponential form

n: coeffecient depends on canopy density and structure
values between 1 to 4
temperature and humidity profiles within canopy
- temperature profile shows maximum near mid canopy
- humidity decreases upwards with largest gradient near the ground
flow over the sea
differe from that over land because of
- large heat capacity of the oceans
- mobile wavy nature of the ocean/sea surface
flow over sea follows logarithmic wind profile but modified due to mobile nature of the sea
us is the surface drift velocity

Z0 for smooth flow (light wind)

Z0 for rough flow (strong winds)
alpha is the charnocks constant
𝑔, as an essential dynamic parameter and characterizes the
- equilibrium between wind and waves, with the spectrum of gravity waves acting as roughness elements.

drag coefficients:
- used to quantifiy the resistance (or drag) of an object in a fluid environmnet (like air or water)
- dimentionless quantity while magnitude varies with roughness of the underlying surface
drag coefficients under neutral conditions
CDN= k2/ln(z/zp)2
drag coefficients for smooth flow

drag coefficients for rough flow

CDN in terms of wind speed

Internal boundary layer (IBL)
- occurs when sudden changes in surface roughness disturb the wind flow
- suddent changes occur when wind flows from the current surface to new surface
- the influence of the new surface on the wind flow depends on the charactaristics of the
- new surface and
- old surface
- discontinuity in properties forms high gradient
- therefore advection
- new equilibrium layer forms between the two surfaces called IBL
the thickness (SIBL) increases with
the distance from the edge
compare wind profile above and bellow(inside) the IBL
- above: remains in balance with previous surface
- bellow (inside): adjusted to the new surface
there is a sharp discontinuity in the atm. properties across the IBL ht which results in advection
Types of IBL
IBL caused by advection of air across discontinuity
- surface temperature
- thermal IBL (TIBL)
- surface roughness
- mechanical IBL (MIBL)
local advection
the effects of surface changes do not propagate above the depth of IBL (SIBL) is called local advection