Chapter 4 Study Guide Flashcards
Came to America before the Civil War (Ireland, Germany)
Old wave immigrants
Came to America after the Civil War (Italy, Greece, Russia, Ukraine, Japan, China)
New wave immigrants
Hostility towards immigrants - Hostility mostly from the working class
Affected immigration on the West Coast, banned further Chinese immigration, denied current Chinese in America citizenship
Chinese exclusion act
Factors that caused someone to want to leave a country (famine, overpopulation, war, religious persecution)
Push factor
Something that causes someone to want to come into the country (Religious freedom, Jobs)
Pull factor
Multi family apartment buildings that were usually very cramped
Congestion, pollution, crime, political corruption
Problems created by urbanization
 upper, middle, and working class citizens lived in separate parts of the city
Upper class lived in the heart of the city
Middle class usually move away to avoid crime
Working class usually lived in tenements 
Separation by class
Informal political group designed to keep power
Immigrants voted on a party boss for jobs
 political machines
The theory of evolution applied to humans.
Social Darwinism
Supported philanthropy but by donating to the community
Andrew Carnegies the gospel of wealth speech
Belief that the rich should donate to the poor directly by giving them money and a place to live and stuff like that
Provided direct help and age those who need it (Settlement house, YMCA, Salvation Army)
The social gospel movement
Large house used for temporary housing and usually run by women
Hull house or settlement houses