Chapter 4 - Start of WWII In Europe Flashcards


Describe and explain how Hitler’s foreign exchange policy led to the outbreak of WWII.


Describe : Hitler wanted to conquer Europe. When he become dictator of Germany, he was determined to expand Germany to provide Lebensraum (living space) for Germans, reclaim territories lost due to TOV and a powerful Third Reich.

Explain : This shows that war was inevitable as former German territories include Poland and Czechoslovakia that are already independent.

Describe : When Hitler came to power in 1934, he rearmed the military to start his expansionist policy. Some examples of Hitler demonstrating aggression are uniting with Austria, reclaimed Sudetenland, remilitarising Rhineland and invaded Czechoslovakia in 1938. Even after Britain and France appeased him to contain his expansionist policy, he kept going and invaded Poland, which is the catalyst for war. If Hitler stopped in 1938 and signed the Munich Agreement, war would not have started

Explain: Thus, Hitler’s foreign expansionist policy led to the outbreak of WWII as it led to tensions among countries such as Britain and France threatened by war if Hitler continue with his aggressive exapnsionism.

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Describe and explain how the weakness of League of Nations led to the outbreak of WWII


Describe: League is formed to maintain world peace through disarmament and collective security but was largely unsuccessful. Disarmament conferences failed as nations do not trust one another and rather depend on their own military to defend themselves instead of collective security. The League was suppose to establish a commission to oversee the disarmament of Germany but could not prevent Hitler from rearming Germany once he came to power. Hitler’s decision to quit the League and pursue an agressive rearmament strategy did not get stopped by the League.

Example: A prime example is the Abyssinian Crisis in 1935. The League failed to sanction Italy, resulting in Italy taking over Abyssinia and convinced Hitler that League would not stand in their way. Hitler grew bolder and confident in invading countries close to Germany and thus sent his troops to Czechoslovakia and Poland. This shows that tensions are rising as Hitler was able to implement his aggressive foreign policy, setting a stage for war.

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Describe and explain how Hitler’s actions led to the outbreak of WWII.


Describe: Hitler carried out numerous actions that led to WWII. Firstly, he rearmed Germany to realise his ambition in creating a Greater Germany and destroy threat of communism. Secondly, he left the 1932 disarmament conference and pulled out from the League in 1933 without being punished as he didn’t get military equality and was the only country to disarm in TOV.

Explain:He grew confident as the League could not stop him and took over Poland, making the West unable to trust him and declared war on him.

Next, he increased his men from 100K to 550K and re- introduced Conscription which is prohibited under TOV. He also invested in the war economy, making more weapons and jobs for unemployed Germans. This makes it easier for Germany to go to war as they are equipped. Additionally, he re-militarise the Rhineland without being stopped by the Allies, giving the idea to Hitler that Britain and France were too weakt ot stop them. Finally, uniting with Austria to fulfil his plans in creating a Third Reich.

Explain, all these actions were not stopped by the Allies, making Hitler grew more confident and thus invading Poland which lead to the outbreak of WIII

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Describe and explain how the Policy Of Appeasement led to the outbreak of WWII


Describe: France and Britain adopted a policy of appeasement towards Germany to avoid war with her as they are still recovering from WWI and the Great Depression. However, this appeasement gave Hitler more reason to not fear a military response from the West. Hitler’s power was enhanced at the expense of the LON.

Explain:Thus, Hitler was confident that he could break the Munich Agreement and invade the whole of Czechoslovakia without interference from the West and the LON.

Describe: Hitler also signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact with USSR to prevent Germany from fighting a two front-war if WWII breaks out. USSR and Germany invaded Poland , triggering WWII.

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Describe and explain how the Nazi- Soviet Pact led to the outbreak of WWII.


Stalin felt that the Allies were supporting Germany’s expansion at USSR’s expense rather than stopping her aggression. To protect USSR and buy USSR more time to prepare for war, Stalin agreed to sign the Nazi-Soviet Pact. Germany now need not have to fear a two-front war as its eastern borders are safe and only need to sent his army westward if a war broke out in Europe

This pact gave Hitler more confidence in is dealings with the West and invaded Poland as he believed that the West would not interfere. However, Britain and France had enough with Hitler’s aggressive acts and end the Appeasement policy by declaring war on him when Hitler invaded Poland, starting WWII.

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