Chapter 4: Space and Time Flashcards
Define ‘Asteroid’.
A sub-planetary object orbiting the Sun. The orbits of most asteroids lie between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
Define ‘Astronomical unit’.
Unit of measure used by astronomers; it is the average distance from Earth to the Sun; 149,600,000 kilometers.
Define ‘Comet’.
Small solar system body com- posed primarily of ice with some dust and rock particles, which orbits the Sun in a highly elliptical orbit.
Define ‘Galaxy’.
A cluster of a billion or more stars, plus gas and dust, that is held together by gravity.
Define ‘Geological column’.
A composite diagram combining in chronological order the succession of known strata, fitted together on the basis of their fossils or other evidence of relative or actual age.
Define ‘Half-life’.
The time needed for the number of parent atoms of a radioactive isotope to be reduced by one-half.
Define ‘Jovian planets’.
Giant planets in the outer regions of the solar system that are characterized by great masses, low densities, and thick atmospheres consisting primarily of hydrogen and helium.
Define ‘Main sequence’.
The principal series of stars in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, which includes stars that are converting hydrogen to helium.
Define ‘Meteorite’. vs meteoroid and meteor?
Piece of natural debris that falls to Earth.
Define ‘Moon’.
A natural object in a regular orbit around a planet.
Define ‘Nebular hypothesis’.
The proposition that the Sun and planets formed from a huge, swirling cloud of cosmic gas and dust. Elements heavier than hydrogen and helium came from the remains of an older star that exploded in a supernova.
Define ‘Numerical age’.
The time in years when a specific event happened or a specific material formed or was deposited.
Define ‘Planet’.
A natural body in orbit around a star that is massive enough to be spherical and to have cleared its orbital path of other objects.
Define ‘Planetary accretion’.
The process by which bits of condensed solid matter were gathered to form the planets.
Define ‘Planetary differentiation’.
The process of chemical segregation by which a planet separates into a core of dense matter surrounded by one or more layers of less dense rocky matter.
Define ‘Primary (primordial) atmosphere’.
The original envelopes of hydrogen and helium which surrounded the terrestrial planets early in the history of the solar system.
Define ‘Principle of uniformitarianism’.
The same external and internal processes we recognize in action today have been operating unchanged, though at different rates, throughout most of the Earth’s history.
Define ‘Radiometric dating’.
Determination of the time in years since the formation of a rock or other natural object using the contained radioactive isotopes.
Define ‘Relative age’.
The age of an object, material, or event, as determined by comparison to an older or younger object or event.
Define ‘Secondary atmosphere’.
The envelope of gaseous volatile elements that leaked from the interior of a terrestrial planet via volcanoes and was trapped by the planet’s gravity.
Define ‘Solar nebula’.
A flattened rotating disc of gas and dust surrounding the Sun.
Define ‘Solar system’.
The group of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other natural objects in orbit around the Sun.
Define ‘Terrestrial planets’.
The innermost planets of the solar system (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars), which have high densities and rocky compositions.
The Sun is a star, the central body of our solar system. It is part of the Milky Way galaxy, one of about 100 billion galaxies, each of which contains between 200 and 400 billion stars. Though an ordinary star, the Sun overwhelmingly dominates our solar system, containing ___ percent of its mass—mostly hydrogen and helium, with small amounts of the heavier elements.
How is the blanketing layer on Earth formed?
Radiatively active gases in the lower part of the atmosphere absorb outgoing longer-wavelength terrestrial radiation, forming a “blanketing” layer that raises the aver- age surface temperature, making life possible on this planet.
We experience seasons because Earth’s rotational axis is tilted at ___ with respect to the ecliptic. This means that at certain times the northern hemisphere points toward the Sun (June) and at other times of the year the southern hemisphere points toward the Sun, thus receiving the most direct solar energy (Dec).
23.5 degrees.
The solar system consists of the Sun, ___ planets, at least ___ dwarf planets, a vast number of small rocky bodies called asteroids, millions of comets, innumerable small fragments of rock and dust called meteoroids, and 170 known moons, all of which travel along trajectories determined by gravity. The planets, asteroids, comets, and meteoroids orbit the Sun, whereas the moons orbit the planets.
8 planets, and 5 dwarf planets.
What features are characteristic of the terrestrial planets?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars—are small, dense, and rocky and metallic in composition.
What features are characteristic of the jovian planets?
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—are much larger and more massive, though much less dense than the terrestrial plan- ets since they are composed dominantly of hydrogen and helium.
Almost everything in the solar system—planets, moons, and the Sun—revolves and rotates in the same direction and in the same plane. What is a notable exception?
Venus, which spins in retrograde direction.
Condensation in the solar nebula produced a cosmic “snow” of high-temperature, rocky condensates in the ___ part and low-temperature, volatile, icy condensates in the ___ part,
Inner and outer.
What ae the main factors that have influenced the subsequent evolution of the terrestrial planets? Although we cannot see the surfaces of the jovian planets through their thick atmospheres, it is reasonable to conclude that these factors also influenced their evolution as planets.
- Impact cratering and resultant partial melting
- Volcanism
- Distance from or proximity to the Sun
- Absence or presence of a biosphere.
What processes/features did all of the terrestrial planets share?
The terrestrial planets underwent partial melting and differentiation into low-density, rocky crusts; rocky, intermediate-density mantles; and metallic, high-density cores. All terrestrial planets have experienced volcanism and intense meteorite collisions. All of the terrestrial planets lost their primary atmospheres, but Earth, Mars, and Venus evolved and retained secondary atmospheres.
What is unique to Earth?
Plate tectonics may be unique to Earth, which also has a stronger magnetic field than the other terrestrial planets.
What is the composition of the gas giants?
The outer planets are gas giants. Jupiter and Saturn are so massive that their atmospheric gases have not escaped—even the lightest gases, hydrogen and helium. Thus, they have compositions very similar to that of the solar nebula from which they formed. Huge storms, high- speed winds, and lightning are common in their deep atmospheres. They probably have small rocky cores mantled by ice. Deep in their interiors, pressures are so intense that hydrogen condenses, becoming a liquid or even a metal inside Jupiter and Saturn.
How did Earth’s moon form?
Earth’s Moon originated as a result of a massive collision (with Theia) that tilted Earth’s axis of rotation.
Where do asteroids orbit in the solar system? Comets?
Asteroid belt.
Kuiper belt or Oort cloud.
Where did much of Earth’s water come from?
Likely from impacts with comets.
What are stellar classes based on?
Luminosity and colour.
What determines a star’s size (and also its main sequence lifetime)?
The balance of inward gravitational forces and outward radiation forces inside a star.
How do stars end their lives?
When a small (1 S) star ends its main-sequence lifetime, it undergoes core contraction and shell fusion of hydrogen, becoming a red giant and then a white dwarf. Very massive stars (100 S) have very high temperatures and luminosities, quickly deplete their fuel, and have short lives on the main sequence. Once off the main sequence, massive stars go though burnout, core contraction, and shell fusion of hydrogen and helium. Eventually, fusion begins to form elements heavier than carbon, releasing so much energy that the star blows up in a supernova.
___ to ___ percent of the stars in the Milky Way have characteristics similar to those of our Sun.
The widely accepted value for the age of the universe is …?
13.7 billion years.
How has the age of the solar system (4.56 billion years) been determined?
By direct measurement of the ages of the oldest and most primitive known objects in our solar system, carbonaceous chondrites.
The Sun probably existed as a young star for about 100 million years prior to the formation of the solar system; hence its age is about …?
4.7 billion years.
The rate of decay of radioactive materials is not changed by geologic processes, so it can be used to determine ___ ___.
Numerical age.