Chapter 4: Social Cognition Flashcards
Anchoring and adjustment
a mental shortcut in which people rely on an initial starting point in making an estimate but then fail to adequately adjust from this anchor
Automatic thinking
a type of decision-making process that occurs at an unconscious or automatic level and is entirely effortless and unintentional
Availability heuristic
a mental shortcut in which people make a judgment based on how easily they can bring something to mind
Base-rate fallacy
an error in which people ignore the numerical frequency, or base rate, of an event in estimating how likely it is to occur
Behavioural confirmation/self-fulfilling prophecy
the process by which people’s expectations about a person lead them to elicit behaviour that confirms those expectations
Belief perseverance
the tendency to maintain, and even strengthen, beliefs in the face of disconfirming evidence
Content-free schemas
rules about processing information
Contrast effect
the relative difference in intensity between two stimuli and their effects on each other
Controlled or effortful thinking
thinking that is effortful, conscious, and intentional
Counterfactual thinking
the tendency to imagine alternative outcomes to various events
Event schemas
scripts that people have for well-known situations that help them prepare for the expected sequence of events
Field dependent
having more difficulty in identifying an embedded figure in a larger background but greater ability to perceive an image as one holistic figure
Field independent
having the ability to identify an embedded figure and separate it from a larger background
the tendency to be influenced by the way an issue is presented
mental shortcuts that are often used to form judgments and make decisions