Chapter 4-Skull Flashcards
anterior nasal aperture/piriform aperture
hole between and below orbits
external acoustic meati (single: meatus)
ear holes
There are___bones in the complete adult human skull.
inca bone
an extra large, triangular bone occasionally found at the rear of the human cranium
sutural bones/Wormian bones/extrasutural bones
irregular ossicles occurring along some sutures
The modern human skeleton is evolved from two kinds of bone: ___bone and ______-________ bone.
dermal; cartilage-replacement
metopic/frontal suture
passes between unfused frontal halves, only rarely persists into adulthood
coronal suture
lies between frontal and parietals
lambdoid/lambdoidal suture
passes between the two parietals and the occipital
squamous sutures
unusual, scale-like, beveled sutures between temporal and parietal bones
basiliar suture
between sphenoid and occipital
sphenooccipital synchondrosis
name of basiliar suture before fusion
parietomastoid sutures
pass between parietals and temporals, making up posterior extensions of the squamous suture
occipitomastoid sutures
pass between occipital and temporals on either side of vault
semi-rigid joints made with hyaline cartilage, often preforming sutures
rigid ligamentous joings
sphenopetrosal synchondrosis
precedes sphenotemporal suture
petrooccipital synchondrosis
precedes occipitomastoid suture
posterior intraoccipital synchondrosis
marks the site of fusion of the squamous and lateral portions of the occipital bone
anterior intraoccipital synchondrosis
marks the site of future fusion of the basilar and lateral portions of the occipital bone
sphenoethmoidal synchondrosis
precedes sphenoethmoidal suture
cartilaginous membranes that will eventually harden into bone
anterior fontanelle
single, along the midline at the anterior end of the sagittal suture
posterior fontanelle
single, along the midline at the posterior end of the sagittal suture
The ___ and ____ fontanelles are paired, with one of each on the right and left sides of the cranium
mastoid; sphenoidal
void chamber in cranial bone that enlarge with the growth of the face
There are __ basic sets of sinuses
Frankfurt/Frankfort Horizontal, or FH
the convention used in orienting the skull; a plane defined by 3 points, the right and left porion points and the left orbitale
porion points
located at the top of each external acoustic meatus
located at the bottom of the orbit
norma verticalis
the skull viewed from above in Frankfurt Horizontal
norma lateralis
the skull viewed from either side in Frankfort Horizontal
norma occipitalis
posterior view of the skull in FH
norma frontalis
skull viewed from the front in FH
norma basilaris
skull viewed from the base in FH
cranial capacity
measurement describing volume of the neurocranium
name for a linear measurement between two points
curvilinear measurement
craniometric landmark: inc.
incision: the point at the occlusal surface where the upper central incisors meet
craniometric landmark: ids.
alveolare/infradentale superius: the midline point at the inferior tip of the bony septum between the upper central incisors
craniometric landmark: pr.
prosthion: midline point at the most anterior point on the alveoloar process of the maxillae
craniometric landmark: ns.
nasospinale: the point where a line tangent to the inferiormost points of the two inferior curves of the anterior nasal aperture margin crosses the midline
craniometric landmark: rhi
rhinion: the midline point at the inferior free end of the internasal suture
craniometric landmark: n
midline point where two nasal bones and the frontal intersect
craniometric landmark: g
glabella: most anterior midline point on the frontal bone, usually above the frontonasal suture
craniometric landmark: b.
bregma: ectocranial point where the coronal and sagittal sutures intersect
craniometric landmark: ob.
obelion: ectocranial midline point where a line connecting the parietal foramina (when present) intersects the midline
craniometric landmark: l.
lambda: ectocranial midline point where the sagittal and lambdoid sutures intersect. note: when in doubt, choose the point where the lateral halves of the lambdoid suture and the lower end of the sagittal suture would be projected to meet.
craniometric landmark: i.
inion: ectocranial midline point at the base of the external occipital protuberance; the point at which the superior nuchal lines merge in the external occipital protuberance.
craniometric landmark: o.
opisthion: midline point at posterior margin of foramen magnum
craniometric landmark: ba.
basion: midline point on anterior margin of foramen magnum.
craniometric landmark: endobasion
for some measurements, the basion point is located on the most posterior point of the foramen’s anterior rim. this is distinguished as endobasion.
craniometric landmark: sphba.
sphenobasion: point where the midsagittal plane intersects the basiliar suture
craniometric landmark: ho.
hormion: most posterior midline point on the vomer
craniometric landmark: alv
alveolon: point on the median palatine (intermaxillary) suture where a line drawn between the posterior ends of the alveolar ridges crosses the midline.
craniometric landmark: sta.
staphylion: the point on the median palatine (intermaxillary) suture where a line drawn between the deepest parts of the notches (free edges) at the rear of the palate crosses the midline
craniometric landmark: ol.
orale: midline point on the hard palate where a line drawn tangent to the posterior margins of the central incisor alveoli crosses the midline
craniometric landmark: gn.
gnathion: most inferior midline point on the mandible.
craniometric landmark: pg.
pogonion: most anterior midline point on chin of mandible
craniometric landmark: id.
infradentale: midline point at superior tip of septum between mandibular central incisors
paired craniometric landmark: zm.
zygomaxillare: most inferior point on the zygomaticomaxillary suture
paired craniometric landmark: or.
orbitale: lowest point on orbital margin
paired craniometric landmark: ju.
jugale: point in the depth of the notch between the temporal and frontal processes of the zygomatic
paired craniometric landmark: mf.
maxillofrontale: point where the anterior lacrimal crest of the maxilla meets the frontomaxillary suture
paired craniometric landmark: la.
lacrimale: the point where the posterior lacrimal crest meets the frontolacrimal suture
paired craniometric landmark: d.
dacryon: the point where maxillolacrimal suture meets the frontal bone
paired craniometric landmark: zyo.
zygoorbitale: the point where the orbital rim intersects the zygomaticomaxillary suture.
paired craniometric landmark: fmo.
frontomalare orbitale: the point where the frontozygomatic suture crosses the inner orbital rim.
paired craniometric landmark: fmt.
frontomalare temporale: the point where the frontozygomatic suture crosses the temporal line (or outer orbital rim).
paired craniometric landmark: ft.
frontotemporale: the point where the temporal line reaches its most ateromedial position on the frontal.
paired craniometric landmark: st.
stephanion: the point where the coronal suture crosses the temporal line.
paired craniometric landmark: pt.
pterion: a region, rather than a point, where the frontal, temporal, parietal, and sphenoid meet on the other side of the vault; sutural contact pattern in this area is highly variable
paired craniometric landmark: co.
coronale: the point on the coronal suture where the breadth of the frontal bone is greatest
paired craniometric landmark: po.
porion: uppermost point on the margin of the external acoustic meatus
paired craniometric landmark: au.
auriculare: point vertically above center of the external acoustic meatus of the zygomatic process
paired craniometric landmark: ast.
the point where the lambdoid, parietomastoid, and occipitomastoid sutures meet
paired craniometric landmark: ms.
mastoidale: most inferior point on the mastoid process
paired craniometric landmark: ekm.
most lateral point on the outer surface of the alveolar margins of the maxilla, often at the second molar position
paired craniometric landmark: enm.
endomolare: most medial point on inner surface of the alveolar margin opposite the center of the M^2 crown
paired craniometric landmark: cdl.
condylion laterale: most lateral point on mandibular condyle.
paired craniometric landmark: cs.
condylion superior: most superior point on mandibular condyle.
paired craniometric landmark: cdm.
condylion mediale: most medial point on mandibular condyle.
paired craniometric landmark: cr.
coronion: point at the tip of the coronoid process of the mandible
paired craniometric landmark: go.
gonion: point along rounded posteroinferior corner of the mandible between the ramus and the body
paired craniometric landmark: ml.
mentale: most inferior point on margin of mandibular mental foramen
frontal squama
part of the frontal bone forming the forehead
horizontal portion
part of the frontal bone that acts to roof the orbits and floor the frontal lobes of the brain
frontal eminences/tubers/bosses
dominate the ectocranial surface; mark the location of the original centers of ossification in this bone
temporal lines
on the lateral ectocranial surface, mark the attachment of the temporalis muscle, defines superior edge of temporal surface, often divides into superior and inferior lines as it sweeps posteriorly
zygomatic processes
form most lateral and anterior corners of the frontal
superciliary arches
upper orbital edges
supraorbital notches/foramina (if notches are bridged)
set along medial half of superior orbital rim
metopic/frontal suture
vertical suture between right and left frontal halves; sometimes lasts into adulthood
meningeal grooves
present on both sides of the concave endocranial surface of the frontal squama for the middle meningeal arteries
sagittal sulcus
vertical groove running down midline of endocranial surface
frontal crest
midline crest confluent with anterior end of sagittal sulcus
foramen cecum
foramen of varying size, found at base of the frontal crest
arachnoid/granular foveae
especially apparent near coronal suture along endocranial midline
pars orbitalis/orbital plate
horizontal portion of the frontal, bumpy endocranial surface, smooth and concave inferior surface
lacrimal fossae
found at lateral, inferior parts of inferior surfaces of frontal
ethmoidal notch
gap separating the two orbital plates of the frontal
frontal sinuses
generally anterior to ethmoidal notch, extend for variable distance between outer and inner bone tables on frontal and sometimes benetrate orbital plates.