Chapter 4: Sexual Anatomy Vocabulary Flashcards
What are the two categories that female sexual organs can be categorized into?
External or Internal.
What are the female external genitalia?
Consists of the clitoris, the mons pubis, the inner lips, the outer lips, and the vaginal opening.
The collective term for the external genitals of the female.
A highly sensitive sexual organ; the glans is in front of the vaginal entrance, and the rest of the clitoris extends deeper into the body.
Mons Pubis
The fatty pad of tissue under the pubic hair.
Outer Lips
Also called the labia majora. Rounded pads of fatty tissue lying on either side of the vaginal enterance.
Inner Lips
Also called labia minora. Thin folds of skin lying on either side of the vaginal entrance.
Bartholin Glands
Two tiny glands located on either side of the vaginal entrance.
The skin between the vaginal entrance and the anus.
The vaginal entrance.
The tube through which urine passes from the bladder out of the body.
A thin membrane that may partially cover the vaginal entrance.
The tube-shaped organ in the female into which to penis is inserted during coitus and through which a baby passes during birth.
Pubyococcygeus Muscle
A muscle around the vaginal entrance.
Vestibular Bulbs
Erectile tissue running under the inner lips.
Skene’s Gland
Female Prostate located on the front wall of the vagina.
The organ in which the fetus develops.
The lower part of the uterus, which opens into the vagina.
Fallopian Tubes
The tubes extending from the uterus to the ovary; also called the oviducts.
Two organs on either side of the uterus that produce eggs and sex hormones.
The male external sexual organ, which functions both in sexual activity and in urination.
Corpora Cavernosa
Two spongy bodies running the length of the top of the penis.
Corpus Spongiosum
A spongy body running the length of the underside of the penis.
A layer of skin covering the glans or tip of the penis in an uncircumcised male; also called the prepuce.
Surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis.
A form of male genital cutting in which a slit is made the length of the foreskin on top.
A form of male genetical cutting in which a slit is made on the lower side of the penis along its entire length.
The pouch of skin that contains the testes in the male.
The pair of glands in the scrotum that manufacture sperm and sex hormones.
Seminiferous Tubules
Tubes in the testes that manufacture sperm.
Interstitial Cells
Cells in the testes that manufacture testosterone.
The mature male reproductive cell, capable of fertilizing an egg.
A highly coiled tube located on the edge of the testis, where sperm mature.
Vas Deferens
The tube through which sperm pass on their way from the testes and epididymis, out of the scrotum, and to the urethra.
Seminal Vesicles
Saclike structures that lie above the prostate and produce about 60% of the seminal fluid.
The gland in the male, located below the bladder, that secretes some of the fluid in semen.
Cowper’s Glands
Glands that secrete a clear alkaline fluid into the male’s urethra.
A surgical treatment for breast cancer in which on the lump and a small bit of surrounding tissue are removed.
Radical Mastectomy
A surgical treatment for breast cancer in which the entire breast, as well as the underlying muscles and lymph nodes, is removed.
Surgical removal of the uterus.