Chapter 4 - Relations Flashcards
Define: Suppose X and Y are sets. The cartesian product of X with Y, denoted X x Y, is…
the set of all ordered pairs (a,b) where a is in X and b is in Y
Define: A binary relation R on a set X is…
a subset of the cartesian product X x X, that is, a set of ordered pairs (a_1, a_2) where a_1 and a_2 are in X.
A binary relation (X, R) is REFLEXIVE provided that…
aRa, ∀a∈X
its diagraph has a loop at every vertex
A binary relation (X, R) is NONREFLEXIVE provided that…
it is not reflexive (i.e. ∃a s.t. ~aRa)
its diagraph has at least one loop missing
A binary relation (X, R) is IRREFLEXIVE provided that…
~aRa, ∀a∈X
its diagraph has no loops
A binary relation (X, R) is SYMMETRIC provided that…
aRb ⇒ bRa, ∀a,b∈X
in a diagraph, if there is an arc from u to v whenever there is an arc from v to u, we can replace the arcs with a single non-directed line called an edge
A binary relation (X, R) is NONSYMMETRIC provided that…
it is not symmetric (i.e. ∃a,b∈X s.t. aRb ⇏ bRa)
A binary relation (X, R) is ASYMMETRIC provided that…
aRb ⇒ ~bRa, ∀a,b∈X
its diagraph has no loops and that for all vertices u and v, d(u,v) + d(v,u) ≠ 2
A binary relation (X, R) is ANTISYMMETRIC provided that…
aRb & bRa ⇒ a = b, ∀a,b∈X
its diagraph may have loops, but for vertices u≠v, d(u,v) + d(v,u) ≠ 2
A binary relation (X, R) is TRANSITIVE provided that…
aRb & bRc ⇒ aRc, ∀a,b,c∈X
in a diagraph, if there is an arc from vertex u to v and an arc from vertex v to w, then there will be an arc from vertex u to w
A binary relation (X, R) is NONTRANSITIVE provided that…
it is not transitive (i.e. ∃a,b,c∈X s.t. aRb & bRc ⇏ aRc)
A binary relation (X, R) is NEGATIVELY TRANSITIVE provided that…
~aRb & ~bRc ⇒ ~aRc, ∀a,b,c∈X
aRc ⇒ aRb OR bRc, ∀a,b,c∈X
In other words, the relation “not in R” is defined on the set X, is transitive (ex. “greater than” on a set of real numbers is negatively transitive because “not in R” = “not greater than” or “less than or equal to,” which are both transitive)
A binary relation (X, R) is STRONGLY COMPLETE provided that…
aRb OR bRa, ∀a,b∈X
A binary relation (X, R) is COMPLETE provided that…
aRb OR bRa, ∀a≠b∈X
Being antisymmetric versus asymmetric means that…
“equality of elements” is allowed, hence the fact that antisymmetric diagraphs may have loops
every asymmetric binary relation is antisymmetric but the converse is false
Define: A relation R is called an equivalence relation iff…
R is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive
Let R be an equivalence relation on a set A. Then for every a∈A, define the equivalence class by [a] = {x∈A | xRa}
Theorem: let R be an equivalence relation on a set A, then…
for every a,b∈A, either [a] = [b] or [a] ∩ [b] = ∅
using an equivalence relation on a set, we can always partition the set into the corresponding equivalent classes
Define: A relation R on A is called partial order iff…
R is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive
The pair (A,R) is called a “partially ordered set” or “POSET”
in a relation R on A, we say that a,b∈A are comparable iff…
either aRb or bRa
in a relation R on A, we say that a,b∈A are incomparable iff…
~aRb & ~bRa
Theorem: the diagraph of a partial order has ____ cycles
The diagraph of a partial order has NO cycles (except for loops)
cycles are NOT partial order because they are NOT antisymmetric