Chapter 2 - Basic Counting Rules Flashcards
Define: Product Rule
If something can happen in n1 ways and no matter how the first thing happens, a second thing can happen in n2 ways, and no matter how the first two things happen, a third thing can happen in n3 ways,…, then all these things can happen together in n1xn2xn3… ways
Define: Sum Rule
If one event can occur in n1 ways, a second thing can happen in n2 different ways, a third event can happen in n3 different ways, …, then there are n1 + n2 + n3… ways in which exactly one of these things can happen
Define: n-set
an n-set is a set of n distinct elements
Define: permutation of an n-set
a permutation of an n-set is an arrangement of the elements of the set IN ORDER
define: r-permutation of an n-set
picking out r elements out of n elements of an n-set then arranging them in order
P(n,r) = n!/(n-r)!
Theorem: The number of subsets of an n-set is:
2x2x…x2 (n times) = 2^n
Define: r-combination
an r-combination of an n-set is a selection of r elements from a set where the order DOES NOT matter
C(n,r) = n!/r!(n-r)!
the binomial coefficient, (n r)
C(n,r) = C(n,n-r) because the number of ways to choose r elements out of n is equivalent to choosing n-r elements to NOT be in the set
Theorem: Pascal’s Identity
C(n,r) = C(n-1, r-1) + C(n-1, r)
Theorem: Vandermonde’s Identity
C(n+m, r) = C(n,0)C(m,r)+C(n,1)C(m, r-1)+…+C(n,r)C(m,0) = ΣC(n,i)C(m, r-i)
Define: probability
The probability of an event is the number of possible outcomes whose occurrence signals the event, divided by the total number of all possible outcomes
S: set of possible outcomes (sample space)
E: event
n(S) = number of outcomes in S
n(E) = number of outcomes in E
Probability of E = P(E) = n(E)/n(S)
Define: P^R(m,r) = m^r
is the number of r-permutations of an m-set WITH REPLACEMENT/REPETITION ALLOWED
Define: C^R(m,r) = C(m+r-1,r)
is the number of r-combinations of an m-set in which REPLACEMENT/REPETITION IS ALLOWED
Occupancy problems: case 1a
distinguishable objects, distinguishable boxes, empty boxes allowed
Occupancy problems: case 1b
distinguishable objects, distinguishable boxes, empty boxes NOT allowed
Occupancy problems: case 2a
indistinguishable objects, distinguishable boxes, empty boxes allowed
same as counting n-combinations of a k-set
C^R(k,n) = C(k+n-1, n)