Chapter 4: Multicultural Considerations In Assessment Flashcards
What is a multicultural assessment?
Practices in which counselors attend to the role a multitude of intersecting cultural variables play in how client concerns are expressed, conceptualized and treated within counseling.
What are the six areas of social action for multicultural counseling competency?
intrapersonal, interpersonal, institutional, community, public policy and international levels
What four counselor development domains are there for multicultural compentency?
Counselor self awareness, counseling relationship, client worldview, and counseling and advocacy interventions.
When it comes to fairness and bias in assessments what is the definition of fairness?
Fairness refers to the efforts to created equitable experiences for test takes, free from bias.
When it comes to fairness and bias in assessments what is the definition of bias?
Bias refers to the score differences or differences in findings (artificially high or low) that lead to differential ways these data are used for various groups and subgroups.
What are the four areas of Fairness in Assessment?
Absence of Bias.
Equitable treatment of all test takers.
Those with equal standing on a particular test construct should score equally no matter the group membership.
Test takers have an equal opportunity to learn.
What are some areas counselors need to work on in discrimination?
Watch in the clinical decision making process, under diagnosis, over diagnosis
What is acculturation?
the degree to which immigrants identify with and conform to a new culture of a host society , or the degree to which they integrate new cultural values into their current value system.
What is test adaption in regards to addressing language barriers?
Changing the existing assessment tool to meet the needs of a cultural group not included in the original norm sample .
What is test translation in regards to addressing language barriers?
creating alternate language versions to accommodate the test takers
Which of the following represents components of the Multicultural and
Social Justice Counseling Competencies?
d. All of the above - CORRECT ANSWER
c. Counselor self-awareness
b. Counseling relationship
a. Client worldview
According to the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, which of the
following best defines an absence of assessment bias?
a. Lack of factors irrelevant to a particular test construct - CORRECT ANSWER
b. Differential responses to an assessment
c. The nature of test-taker and test-user interactions
d. Equitable distribution among test takers of factors irrelevant to a particular test construct
A group of diverse test takers who demonstrate similar familiarity to the
assessment process is an example of what form of test fairness?
a. Absence of bias -CORRECT ANSWER
b. Equal treatment of test takers
c. Equal standing on test construct
d. Equal opportunity to learn
The notion that what is included in an assessment—in particular, an ability test—
is that to which a group of diverse test takers would have been equally exposed is
an example of what form of test fairness?
a. Equal opportunity to learn - CORRECT ANSWER
b. Equal standing on test construct
c. Equal treatment of test takers
d. Absence of bias
The expectation that a group of diverse test takers would have equal access to a
standardized testing procedure is an example of what form of test fairness?
a. Equal treatment of test takers -CORRECT ANSWER
b. Absence of bias
c. Equal standing on test construct
d. Equal opportunity to learn
The likelihood that individuals will not score significantly different from one
another based on group membership is an example of what form of test fairness?
a. Equal standing on test construct -CORRECT ANSWER
b. Equal treatment of test takers
c. Absence of bias
d. Equal opportunity to learn
Which bias occurs when a particular test construct being measured is more familiar to a particular group?
b. Conceptual
c. Criterion
d. Connotation
Which bias occurs when a characteristic of a particular cultural group
(e.g., females, sexual minorities) is scored negatively in an assessment?
A. Connotation - CORRECT ANSWER
B. Criterion
C. Content
D. Criterion
Which bias occurs when an assessment references a scenario that may be
unfamiliar to a particular cultural group?
B. Omission
C. Examiner
D. Response
Which bias occurs when assessment scores are compared for an individual not
appropriately represented in the standardization sample?
B. Connotation
C. Content
D. Conceptual
What is a culture free test?
provide items that are equally familiar to all groups, with items and procedures that are equitable to all groups.
What is a culture fair test?
Since a culture free test is impossible, attempt to minimize cultural bias as much as possible.
What are examples of cultural fair test?
Cattell's Culture-Fair Intelligence Test Raven's Progressive Matrices Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability Draw-A-Person Test TEMAS Columbia Mental Maturity Scale
How many American’s are currently living with a disability?
19% of Americans
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 did what for the disabled?
this requires that testing be adapted for students with disabilities so that the test measures what is is designed to measure while allowing for the students’ disability.