Chapter 4: Market Security Flashcards
Having more assets than liabilities
Solvency Equation
Assets >= Paid claims + Unpaid claims + Operating Costs
Solvency Margin
Amount by which assets exceed liabilities
Types of unpaid claims
- Those that are known
- Those that are not
Incurred but not reported figure (IBNR)
additional amount of funds to be reserved to cover unpaid claims
Items of value/resources that a business owns or controls.
Can be both tangible (building) and intangible (value of goodwill)
Assets in insurance
Premiums and Investment income
Level of investment in the business
Working Capital
Difference between assets and liabilities in practical terms
Any situation where money is owed elsewhere
Primary insurer liabilities
Claims (paid and outstanding)
- Also includes the costs for reinsurance and the costs for running the business
Ease with which assets can be converted into cash
iliquid assets
Assets which cannot be easily converted into cash
Relationship between financial factors which can predict profitability
Loss Ratio
Relationship between premium and claims (paid and outstanding)
Loss ratio <100% indicates profit on a pure loss ratio basis
Combined Ratio
Ratio which compares operating costs as well as claims against premiums and investment income
Solvency II
pan-European solvency regime that operates in the EU
Who does Solvency II apply to
- Insurers
- Reinsurers
- Captives
- Mutuals
With their head office in the EU
Compliance does not just fall to compliance officer
Main aims of Solvency II
- Better regulation
- Deeper integration of the EU market
- Enhanced policyholder protection
- Improved competitiveness of EU insurers