Chapter 4 / Management and Leadership Flashcards
What is leadership?
A relationship through which one person influences the behavior or actions of other people
What is traditional leadership?
Command and Control
Decision making
What is modern leadership?
Inspiring employees
Creating a vision
Shaping core values and cultures
What are the three levels of management?
Senior management ( board of directors )
Middle management ( accountable to senior )
Junior management ( accountable to middle )
Why is planning important?
1) Sets objectives
2) Analyses sales forecasts and competitors
3) Estimating resources
Why is leading important?
1) Motivates employees
2) Clear communication with employees
Why is organizing important?
1) Determines the structure of the organization
2) Establishing and maintaining organizations
Why is controlling important?
1) Reviewing and reporting on performance
2) Comparing objectives to performance
3) Reviewing targets
What is a leadership style?
The way that the functions of leadership are carried out
The way that a leader behaves
Management and leadership key terms
1) Authority - is the power or ability to carry through an action
2) Delegation - is the passing of authority down the organizational structure
3) Empowerment - a series of actions designed to give employees greater control over their working lives.
4) Decentralization - passing authority from the center of the organization to those working elsewhere in the business
Different types of leadership
Authoritarian leadership
- The focus of power is on the manager
- Communication is top-down & one-way
- Formal systems of command & control
- Use of rewards & penalties
- Very little delegation
Different types of leadership
Paternalistic Leadership
- Leader decides what is best for employees
- Links with Mayo – addressing employee needs
- Akin to a parent/child relationship
- Still little delegation
Different types of leadership
Democratic Leadership
- Focus of power is more with the group as a whole
- Leadership functions are shared within the group
- Employees have greater involvement in decision-making
- Emphasis on delegation and consultation
Different types of leadership
Laissez Faire Leadership
- Focus of power is more with the group as a whole
- Leadership functions are shared within the group
- Employees have greater involvement in decision-making
- Emphasis on delegation and consultation
What is the blake mouton managerial grid ?
Identifies five different leadership styles based on a grid
Grid has two axes, measuring:
Concern for People (y-axis)
Concern for Completing Task (x-axis)
Blake mouton, 5 leadership styles
Impoverished Management - Laissez-faire style; minimal effort on management; hoping to avoid blame for errors
Country Club Management - Focus on creating safe, comfortable working environment; minimal conflict
Task Management - Autocratic style, consistent with McGregor Theory X. Workers have to complete tasks – nothing else
Team Management - Staff closely involved in decision-making & feel valued; consistent with McGregor Theory
Middle of the Road Management - Compromises made to achieve acceptable performance; thought to be the less effective leadership style