Chapter 4: Laws, Regulations and Guidelines Flashcards
What is purpose of Uniform Securities Act
1) Prohibit fraudulent activities,
2) register broker dealers, agents, investment advisors and securities,
3) make uniform (enforce) the law relating to above
In whose authority does the act give powers to enforce
State [ Administrator ] has power to enforce by issuing orders to suspend, or revoke license and to sell or stop a security or cease and desist investment advisory in anticipation of and upon violation;
They do not have power to issue injunctions, impose criminal penalties, fines or make arrests - This must be done thru Attorney General of state and court ruling
What is contumacy
Failure or refusal to recognize authority of Administrator or cooperate with with any administrative investigation or hearing
What are non - punitive orders
- Withdrawal: no longer practicing in state
- Cancellation; death, out of business, mentally incompetent, missing
initiated by individual or firm, except to escape disciplinary action, up to 1yr following
What are criminal penalties for willful violations, statute of limitations and parameters for being liable for a willful violation
3 yrs in prison, $5,000 fine or both per violation
Statute of limitations is 5 years from date of alleged violation
Liability is “attached” when individual or firm knew what they were doing and did it anyway, not that they had to know it was against the law
What are civil penalties for willful violations, statute of limitations and parameters for being liable for a willful violation
Sue for recovery (Order of discorgement) of (1) price paid for investment or advice, (2) plus interest, (3) plus court/attorney fees, (4) Minus any income received on the security and for advisor, any losses incurred as a result of advice
Statute of limitations is 2 years from discovery of violation (as well as if buyer knows about issue less than 24 mo) or 3 years from date of alleged violation whichever comes first
Liability can pass to estate if defendant passes or to plaintiff estate to file suit if either occurs before statute of limitations
What are exceptions to penalties for ignorance of the law
If successfully can prove actions were not intended or expected to violate law, then may avoid imprisonment, but ignorance of law still will be fined
What is offer of rescission
In case of unregistered security, offer by issuer/seller to buy back the security with interest from the buyer, who has 30 days to accept ,otherwise they forgo right to sue and recover costs
How is a security defined under Uniform Securities Act and Howey Decision
It is not a fixed annuity or whole/term/universal life or forward or endowment policy
It is notes, stocks, bonds treasury stock, warrants, rights, options, commodity futures (not forwards), variable annuity or life insurance..or any other vehicle such as investment contract (Howey Decision) which is an
- investment of money
- with expectation of profits from
- a common enterprise
- which depends solely on efforts of a 3rd party
(ie…selling partnership rights is security, but giving share of LLC to a managing member is not)
What are the different ways of registering securities under Securities Act of 1933
Registration by Coordination - first register securities with SEC and then coordinate process with states where they will be offered for sale; Primarily used for small company: Effective date will be set by SEC once the following are met: (1) no stop order in effect, (2) registration on file for at least 10 days (3) Max and min offering price and max underwriters commissions/discount on file for 2 bus days
Registration by Filing - first register securities with SEC and then if meet qualifications, becomes effective at 3pm EST of the second day after filing the registration statement with Administrator; To qualify,
1) If issuer in business for 5 yrs: no default of P/I or Preferred Dividend within 3 preceding fiscal yrs AND during same time had average net earnings of 5% of max offering price or market price, within last 30 days of filing, whichever is higher
2) If not in business for 5 yrs, 2 fiscal years of balance sheet and summary of earnings with as of date within 4 mo of filing,
3) will require documentation supporting this method, info on issuer, seller, security
Registration by Qualification - first register securities with SEC and then must contain a number of requirements as noted under Registration by Filing plus many more covering owners, directors and 10%+ shareholders and copies of all offering literature.
Anyone can file under Qualification but it is the most arduous as it is only one that requires a specific response from Administrator as the others become effective following release time/effective date set by SEC
Under what primary situations can an Administrator issue stop order on a security?
- Incomplete, false, misleading or in-eligible registration
- Violation of Uniform Securities Act
- Active Federal or State stop order
- Illegal business practices, including fraud
- Unreasonable underwriter compensation or promoter profits
- Failure to comply with registration by coordination requirements
- Filing fees not paid
What are Exempt Securities
Federal or agency securities governed by other Federal laws and jurisdictions outside of state that are not required to be registered with Administrator such as
- Treasuries
- Munis
- Foreign securities
- Banks, S/L, Trusts, Credit Union, Insurance company securities
- Common carrier, railroad, telecom, public utility securities
- Federal covered security:
- Non profit securities
- Promisory notes above $50k, rated in top 3 credit tiers and maturing 9 mo(270 days) or less
- Pension/employee benefit investment contracts
What is a Federal Covered Security
Security exempt from registering with States, since covered at Federal level only by National Security Improvement Act of 1996 (NSMIA) and includes:
- Securities on NYSE, ASE, NASDAQ or any other national securities exchange with like standards
- Senior or equal securities of same issuer on national securities exchange (ie…preferred stock, bonds of common stock)
- Investment company securities under Investment Act of 1940-open/closed end funds, UITs, ETFs, Variable Contracts
- Sales to Qualified Purchasers as determined by SEC
Note: Exemptions apply only to registration, not fraudulent activities; If investment is security then can be liable for securities fraud, but NOT securities fraud if non security (ie..fixed income annuity would be State Insurance Commissioner)
List out common exempt transactions and why exempt
Exempt from filing under the Uniform Securities act since transactions are covered by other regulations or no registration is required:
- Any sale or offer to investment company, bank, S&L, trust, insurance, pension, profit sharing, broker dealer, institutional buyer
- Private placement (max 10 non institutions buyers offered in state per 12 mo period, held for investment purposes only and no commissions paid
- Transactions between:
-Issuers and underwriters
-Fiduciaries: executors, admins, marshalls, .
- Unsolicited non issuers by broker dealers
- Pledges and offerings of pre-org certificates
- Pre registration offers and mortgage/real estate secured bonds of a security registered or filed under Uniform Securities Act
- Claims by early stage start up to offer shares to specific VC investors
For purposes of committing fraud, what is an offer and sale
Every attempt or offer to dispose, or solicitation to buy or contract to sell or dispose a security or interest in a security of value
Name common transactions not considered an offer of security
- Pledge or loan of a security (since not offered for sale)
- Stock dividend (not a sale event since just diluting market price with equivalent shares)
- Merger, consolidation, reclassification of stock, or sale of corporate assets (to just create 1 entity)
- Reorganization, bankruptcy actions (to address creditors, not sell to acquire new investment capital)
How long must records of client purchase and sales history as well as client securities positions be maintained for Investment Advisors actively managing client assets
5 years from end of fiscal year during which the last entry was made and for first two years in advisors principal office. Accurate recordkeeping is critical requirement and oversight focus of state administrators and NASAA, which includes
- All business operations transactions
- All written communication with clients on investment advice and trades
- All trades and journals of client account activity and balances
- All client agreements and any POA
- All info and investment policies for employees
- Copies of all regulatory filings and disclosure documentation
-Physical and Cyber Security policies & procedures
How is it determined which states have jurisdiction over offer or sale?
DOA - based on state where security was Directed or communicated to client, where the sale or offer Originated and state where it was Accepted; all other factors such as payment are irrelevant
What is primary focus of Securities Act of 1933
1) Require investors receive financial and other significant info on initial public sale offer via preliminary prospectus - “red herring” and “tombstone ad” requiring min 20 day cooling off period (no selling or general advertising by underwriters) before offer to allow SEC to ensure…
2) Prohibit deceit, misrepresentation and other fraud in sale of securities
After which time SEC grants effective date following review of registration statement
What is primary focus of Securities Act of 1934
1) Creation of SEC with broad powers over secondary securities market including registration, regulation, oversee broker dealers, transfer agents, clearing agencies and self regulating organizations (SROs) - NYSE,NASDAQ,CBO,FINRA
2) Prohibit deceit, misrepresentation, fraud and other inappropriate conduct in trading securities with disciplinary power
3) Empowers SEC to require periodic reporting from companies
After which time SEC grants effective date following review of registration statement
What are primary objectives of Investment Company Act of 1940
1) Regulate the organization of companies that engage primarily in investing, reinvesting and trading in securities and whose own securities are offered to public
2) Requires disclosure of financial condition and investment policies as well as information about the fund, investment objectives, company structure and operations
3) Does not permit SEC to directly supervise investment decisions or activities of these companies
What types of offering and regulations (Reg?) is exempt from Act of 1933?
Reg A offering of just small number of securities, sale to residents in only 1 state, and buyers must wait 9 mo to sell to other state residents. This would be regulated by state only and registered by qualification
Reg D private placement to accredited investors ($1M+ individuals and institutional investors in non public offering
What are factors for registration to consider with crowd funding
Anyone can invest in crowdfunding, but investors are limited by their net worth and annual income then investment is limited to
- lesser of $2k or 5% of net worth, IF Net Worth
- lesser of $100k or 10% of net worth, IF Net
Worth <$100k
Companies must use broker dealer or funding portal via SEC/FINRA, vs individual direct crowd funding efforts
Investors have up to 48hr prior to end of offer period to cancel commitment, otherwise locked in unless material error made in offering then additional 5 days to reconfirm commitment
Contrast Broker-Dealer and agent with Registered Investment Advisor and IAR
Broker dealer is anyone in business of effecting transactions in securities for the account of others or his own. An agent is someone works for Broker Dealer and is compensation is based on executing securities
Investment Advisor is any person or entity such as corp or UIT ( “person”) whose compensation is based on giving investment advice related to securities or managing securities portfolios and can include financial planners, consultants to pension plans, advisors on hiring advisors, writers of market timing newsletter, Investment Mgmt Co portfolio managers or Internet Advisor Can not be someone dead, mentally incompetent or minor under age 21