Chapter 4: Laws, Regulations and Guidelines Flashcards


What is purpose of Uniform Securities Act


1) Prohibit fraudulent activities,
2) register broker dealers, agents, investment advisors and securities,
3) make uniform (enforce) the law relating to above

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In whose authority does the act give powers to enforce


State [ Administrator ] has power to enforce by issuing orders to suspend, or revoke license and to sell or stop a security or cease and desist investment advisory in anticipation of and upon violation;

They do not have power to issue injunctions, impose criminal penalties, fines or make arrests - This must be done thru Attorney General of state and court ruling

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What is contumacy


Failure or refusal to recognize authority of Administrator or cooperate with with any administrative investigation or hearing

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What are non - punitive orders

  • Withdrawal: no longer practicing in state
  • Cancellation; death, out of business, mentally incompetent, missing

initiated by individual or firm, except to escape disciplinary action, up to 1yr following

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What are criminal penalties for willful violations, statute of limitations and parameters for being liable for a willful violation


3 yrs in prison, $5,000 fine or both per violation

Statute of limitations is 5 years from date of alleged violation

Liability is “attached” when individual or firm knew what they were doing and did it anyway, not that they had to know it was against the law

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What are civil penalties for willful violations, statute of limitations and parameters for being liable for a willful violation


Sue for recovery (Order of discorgement) of (1) price paid for investment or advice, (2) plus interest, (3) plus court/attorney fees, (4) Minus any income received on the security and for advisor, any losses incurred as a result of advice

Statute of limitations is 2 years from discovery of violation (as well as if buyer knows about issue less than 24 mo) or 3 years from date of alleged violation whichever comes first

Liability can pass to estate if defendant passes or to plaintiff estate to file suit if either occurs before statute of limitations

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What are exceptions to penalties for ignorance of the law


If successfully can prove actions were not intended or expected to violate law, then may avoid imprisonment, but ignorance of law still will be fined

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What is offer of rescission


In case of unregistered security, offer by issuer/seller to buy back the security with interest from the buyer, who has 30 days to accept ,otherwise they forgo right to sue and recover costs

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How is a security defined under Uniform Securities Act and Howey Decision


It is not a fixed annuity or whole/term/universal life or forward or endowment policy

It is notes, stocks, bonds treasury stock, warrants, rights, options, commodity futures (not forwards), variable annuity or life insurance..or any other vehicle such as investment contract (Howey Decision) which is an
- investment of money
- with expectation of profits from
- a common enterprise
- which depends solely on efforts of a 3rd party

(ie…selling partnership rights is security, but giving share of LLC to a managing member is not)

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What are the different ways of registering securities under Securities Act of 1933


Registration by Coordination - first register securities with SEC and then coordinate process with states where they will be offered for sale; Primarily used for small company: Effective date will be set by SEC once the following are met: (1) no stop order in effect, (2) registration on file for at least 10 days (3) Max and min offering price and max underwriters commissions/discount on file for 2 bus days

Registration by Filing - first register securities with SEC and then if meet qualifications, becomes effective at 3pm EST of the second day after filing the registration statement with Administrator; To qualify,
1) If issuer in business for 5 yrs: no default of P/I or Preferred Dividend within 3 preceding fiscal yrs AND during same time had average net earnings of 5% of max offering price or market price, within last 30 days of filing, whichever is higher
2) If not in business for 5 yrs, 2 fiscal years of balance sheet and summary of earnings with as of date within 4 mo of filing,
3) will require documentation supporting this method, info on issuer, seller, security

Registration by Qualification - first register securities with SEC and then must contain a number of requirements as noted under Registration by Filing plus many more covering owners, directors and 10%+ shareholders and copies of all offering literature.

Anyone can file under Qualification but it is the most arduous as it is only one that requires a specific response from Administrator as the others become effective following release time/effective date set by SEC

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Under what primary situations can an Administrator issue stop order on a security?

  • Incomplete, false, misleading or in-eligible registration
  • Violation of Uniform Securities Act
  • Active Federal or State stop order
  • Illegal business practices, including fraud
  • Unreasonable underwriter compensation or promoter profits
  • Failure to comply with registration by coordination requirements
  • Filing fees not paid
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What are Exempt Securities


Federal or agency securities governed by other Federal laws and jurisdictions outside of state that are not required to be registered with Administrator such as
- Treasuries
- Munis
- Foreign securities
- Banks, S/L, Trusts, Credit Union, Insurance company securities
- Common carrier, railroad, telecom, public utility securities
- Federal covered security:
- Non profit securities
- Promisory notes above $50k, rated in top 3 credit tiers and maturing 9 mo(270 days) or less
- Pension/employee benefit investment contracts

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What is a Federal Covered Security


Security exempt from registering with States, since covered at Federal level only by National Security Improvement Act of 1996 (NSMIA) and includes:
- Securities on NYSE, ASE, NASDAQ or any other national securities exchange with like standards
- Senior or equal securities of same issuer on national securities exchange (ie…preferred stock, bonds of common stock)
- Investment company securities under Investment Act of 1940-open/closed end funds, UITs, ETFs, Variable Contracts
- Sales to Qualified Purchasers as determined by SEC

Note: Exemptions apply only to registration, not fraudulent activities; If investment is security then can be liable for securities fraud, but NOT securities fraud if non security (ie..fixed income annuity would be State Insurance Commissioner)

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List out common exempt transactions and why exempt


Exempt from filing under the Uniform Securities act since transactions are covered by other regulations or no registration is required:
- Any sale or offer to investment company, bank, S&L, trust, insurance, pension, profit sharing, broker dealer, institutional buyer
- Private placement (max 10 non institutions buyers offered in state per 12 mo period, held for investment purposes only and no commissions paid
- Transactions between:
-Issuers and underwriters
-Fiduciaries: executors, admins, marshalls, .
- Unsolicited non issuers by broker dealers
- Pledges and offerings of pre-org certificates
- Pre registration offers and mortgage/real estate secured bonds of a security registered or filed under Uniform Securities Act
- Claims by early stage start up to offer shares to specific VC investors

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For purposes of committing fraud, what is an offer and sale


Every attempt or offer to dispose, or solicitation to buy or contract to sell or dispose a security or interest in a security of value

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Name common transactions not considered an offer of security

  • Pledge or loan of a security (since not offered for sale)
  • Stock dividend (not a sale event since just diluting market price with equivalent shares)
  • Merger, consolidation, reclassification of stock, or sale of corporate assets (to just create 1 entity)
  • Reorganization, bankruptcy actions (to address creditors, not sell to acquire new investment capital)
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How long must records of client purchase and sales history as well as client securities positions be maintained for Investment Advisors actively managing client assets


5 years from end of fiscal year during which the last entry was made and for first two years in advisors principal office. Accurate recordkeeping is critical requirement and oversight focus of state administrators and NASAA, which includes
- All business operations transactions
- All written communication with clients on investment advice and trades
- All trades and journals of client account activity and balances
- All client agreements and any POA
- All info and investment policies for employees
- Copies of all regulatory filings and disclosure documentation
-Physical and Cyber Security policies & procedures

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How is it determined which states have jurisdiction over offer or sale?


DOA - based on state where security was Directed or communicated to client, where the sale or offer Originated and state where it was Accepted; all other factors such as payment are irrelevant

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What is primary focus of Securities Act of 1933


1) Require investors receive financial and other significant info on initial public sale offer via preliminary prospectus - “red herring” and “tombstone ad” requiring min 20 day cooling off period (no selling or general advertising by underwriters) before offer to allow SEC to ensure…

2) Prohibit deceit, misrepresentation and other fraud in sale of securities

After which time SEC grants effective date following review of registration statement

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What is primary focus of Securities Act of 1934


1) Creation of SEC with broad powers over secondary securities market including registration, regulation, oversee broker dealers, transfer agents, clearing agencies and self regulating organizations (SROs) - NYSE,NASDAQ,CBO,FINRA

2) Prohibit deceit, misrepresentation, fraud and other inappropriate conduct in trading securities with disciplinary power

3) Empowers SEC to require periodic reporting from companies

After which time SEC grants effective date following review of registration statement

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What are primary objectives of Investment Company Act of 1940


1) Regulate the organization of companies that engage primarily in investing, reinvesting and trading in securities and whose own securities are offered to public

2) Requires disclosure of financial condition and investment policies as well as information about the fund, investment objectives, company structure and operations

3) Does not permit SEC to directly supervise investment decisions or activities of these companies

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What types of offering and regulations (Reg?) is exempt from Act of 1933?


Reg A offering of just small number of securities, sale to residents in only 1 state, and buyers must wait 9 mo to sell to other state residents. This would be regulated by state only and registered by qualification

Reg D private placement to accredited investors ($1M+ individuals and institutional investors in non public offering

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What are factors for registration to consider with crowd funding


Anyone can invest in crowdfunding, but investors are limited by their net worth and annual income then investment is limited to
- lesser of $2k or 5% of net worth, IF Net Worth
- lesser of $100k or 10% of net worth, IF Net
Worth <$100k

Companies must use broker dealer or funding portal via SEC/FINRA, vs individual direct crowd funding efforts

Investors have up to 48hr prior to end of offer period to cancel commitment, otherwise locked in unless material error made in offering then additional 5 days to reconfirm commitment

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Contrast Broker-Dealer and agent with Registered Investment Advisor and IAR


Broker dealer is anyone in business of effecting transactions in securities for the account of others or his own. An agent is someone works for Broker Dealer and is compensation is based on executing securities

Investment Advisor is any person or entity such as corp or UIT ( “person”) whose compensation is based on giving investment advice related to securities or managing securities portfolios and can include financial planners, consultants to pension plans, advisors on hiring advisors, writers of market timing newsletter, Investment Mgmt Co portfolio managers or Internet Advisor Can not be someone dead, mentally incompetent or minor under age 21

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What are 3 key factors in determining if meet definition of Investment Advisor
1) Do they provide investment advice by helping someone to decide where and how to invest their portfolio of assets 2) Are they in the business of providing advise as part of organization objectives/mandate 3) Do they receive compensation, either directly or indirectly, hard or allowable soft dollars (research reports, custodial service, special software or any service that helps client as opposed to furniture, overhead, vacations, cell phones...)
What authorizes the Administrator to receive legal papers on the applicants behalf in any non-criminal legal complaint as part of initial Investment Advisor application
Consent to Service of Process
What are the different uses of ADV form
- Initial application via Investment Advisor Registry Depository (IARD) with SEC - Initial application via Investment Advisor Registry Depository (IARD) with State Administrators - Annual updating amendment - Other than annual amendment to registration
How are the 2 parts of ADV used
Part 1 is for regulators (SEC and State) and requires key organizational data to be reported upon initial and renewal registration Part 2 is for advisors to document brochures and supplements with: - 2A including disclosure brochure and an appendix covering wrap fees, while - 2B provides disclosure on all advisory personnel/IARs who provide client advice which includes educational and industry background, to be reported at initial registration and updated whenever any change in disciplinary info or personnel change; ADV Part 2 available annually to new and existing clients ADV Part 3 is the Form CRS relationship summary disclosing how the firm and its employees are compensated, fees charged and any conflicts of interest from type of account or investment vehicles chosen
What are key questions to assess competence of advisor who has custody of client funds and securities via direct or indirect access (per NASAA)
- Compliance with rules related to safeguarding assets - Form ADV reflect advisor has custody - Assets maintained in segregated accounts -Are required records maintained - Itemized statement of account balance and activity given to client min every 3 mo - Surprise audit of client assets conducted at least annually by independent accountant - Any evidence of excessive or unauthorized trading, self dealing, preferential treatment or unsuitable recommendations or disclosures
What is a solicitor and registration requirements
Solicitors are Individuals or small firms that solicit business on behalf of Investment Advisor They do not need to be registered with SEC or many states as long as advisor is and conditions are in place: - Agreement between IA and solicitor spells out activities and comp - Client is given advisors disclosure brochure and separate solicitor agreement Advisor receives signed acknowledgement form from client noting receipt of both disclosures
How are Notice Filings used and what qualifies IA for using them
For investment advisors not required to register with state but just with SEC, such as - +100M AUM (over $110M must register) - Advisor to Registered Investment Company - Mid size ($25-100M AUM) to bus dev company - Pension consultants to plans +$200M - Required to register in 15+ states - Internet IAs -Affiliates if in same business location as SEC registered - Advisors located in US Virgin Islands or outside US they can file notice with states they have a place of business (for fee), as dictated under NSMIA
How and what are conditions to withdraw registration with SEC
Use form ADV-W 6o day review period before effective so SEC can ensure no regulatory action for misleading or fraudulent reporting, felony or securities related misdemeanor in past 10 yrs, court order, violation of securities law, subject of SEC barring or suspending
Who are exempt reporting advisors
IAs that under Dodd-Franklin with min of $100M AUM (or still above $90M if dropped below $100m from previous yr) that are exempt from registration but subject to filing certain reports and info with SEC as well as with some States
What is wrap account
Account where all transaction costs are included in a fee based on assets under mgmt (AUM); Works better for actively traded portfolios where higher trading fees vs passively traded accounts with minimum trades and fees
What are the 5 main items addressed in CRS Relationship Summary and key components of each (pg 366-369)
1) Introduction: Date, distinction of firm as BD, IA or both 2) Relationship and Services: listing of all brokerage and investment advisory services offered and any material limitations, addressing monitoring, investment authority, limited offerings and account minimum/other requirements 3) Fees, Costs, Conflicts and Standard of Conduct: detailing how fees are determined, any conflicts / legal obligations (as noted under Reg BI) 4) Disciplinary History: Directing client to online search tool on advisors/firms plus any criminal, civil securities related charges 5) Additional information: Location of more information on firm, services or individual and to request additional information
Describe Regulation BI (pg 368)
Regulation Best Interest is SEC adopted guidance which outlines disclosure requirements and allowed parameters for - dual registrants: firms which both execute trades as BD and provide advice as IA (employing both agents and IARs) -dually licensed financial professionals: employee who is both an agent of BD and IAR of an affiliated investment advisor (ie..Series 6&65) BDs and federal covered IAs serving retail investors must provide prospects and customers Form CRS relationship summary - ADV Part 3, to disclose how firm and employees are compensated, fees charges and any conflicts of interest that may arise based on type of account and investment vehicle
What does eligible adults refer to related to BDs, IAs and IARs (pg 369
Adults vulnerable to financial exploitation such as individuals age 65+, and anyone coverd by state statutes (ie...mentally incompetent, illiterate)
What is the role of NASAA (pg 373)
North American Securities Administrators Association - is org of US state and Canada provincial securities Administrators that keep the regulators on top of key issues and aligned when writing rules for their jurisdictions such as Rule 102(a) (4) -1 covering Unethical Business Practices of Investment Advisers, IARs and Federal Covered Advisors
What is relationship of NASAA model rule and federal covered advisors (pg 379)
While IA, IA and FCR are all considered fiduciaries under rule, Federal Covered Advisors are covered only to extent conduct is fraudulent (allowing State Admins to sue FCR) as states have no other power over them, since NOT investment advisors under state law (but are under Federal law)
What special compensation rules apply to qualified client (define) (pg 382-383)
A qualified client includes certain institutional clients and individuals with either $2M of net worth (excluding primary residence) or at least $1M of assets under adviser management. For these clients in addition to AUM or hourly based comp, can also provide performance based compensation based on min 1 yr capital gains or asset appreciation against a specified benchmark - known as Fulcrum Fee - that are increased for over-performance and reduced for under-performance Details and potential conflicts of interest must be detailed in disclosure agreement
What is acting as a principal and requirements associated with it, including trades between client and seller (pg 385)
The adviser trades client securities with a related broker-dealer, which is allowed if the potential conflict of interest is disclosed and the clients written consent is given before the deal is completed
What are common conflicts of interest that must be disclosed
- Acting as Principal: trading with related broker dealer - Agency Cross Transactions: when advisor runs trade thru related broker dealer - Additional Brokerage Comp: Soft dollar benefits that assist IA with client, NOT furniture, vacations, cell phones, salaries/overhead - 12b-1 fees: commission to IA for selling and retaining investment co - mutual fund securities - Personal Investment Holdings: IA owns same stock, expecially if thinly traded - Trade Allocations (allocating specific cost basis to select clients on bunched trades or IPO allocations - cherry picking)
What are special rules governing political contributions and conflicts of interest (pg 388-389)
No advisory services can be provided, coordinated or solicited to government official or PAC in exchange for contract to provide advisory services to government entity or for votes in areas where the firm or IAR/Agent is not eligible to vote. For BDs who write muni securities, they are called Municipal Finance Professionals and can contribute up to $250 per elected official where eligible to vote for them, without triggering penalty of disallowing firm to do business with issuer for 2 yrs. For covered associates, if eligible to vote for official can contribute up to $350 to campaign of the issuer candidate or $150 for candidate if covered associate is not entitled to vote
When can guarantees be used and not used in disclosures to investors (pg 390)
Guarantees can not used, especially to imply IARs will cover losses ever, and can only be used when speaking about repayment of P&I on US Treasuries (but still must disclose interest rate and purchasing power risk) or any corp bonds or debt instruments where 3rd party promises to pay in case of default
What are key rules around custody and how to avoid if receive unsolicited funds (pg 392)
Money held for customer or if advisor has access to funds or can directly deduct fees from funds must ensure the funds are - maintained in separate accounts with regular account statements of funds or use qualified custodians (Banks, Registered Custodial BDs) - Administrator is notified and required net worth, auditing and record keeping requirements are met - Registration information with state/fed is updated - Written authorization from customer If want to avoid custody requirements, any money received should be forwarded to independent 3rd party or returned to sender within 3 business days and records are kept of actions
Define Access Persons (pg 393)
Any individual able to easily see detailed portfolio activity and what portfolio managers are doing, requiring adherence to a written code of ethics
What are the 5 functions covered under NASAA model of Investment Advisor Information Security and Privacy Rule (pg 397)
Identify - develop org capabilities to manage security risk to assets and systems Protect - implement safeguards for critical infrastructure Detect - develop and implement activities fo capture occurrences of security events Respond - take appropriate action when a detected event occurs Recover - establish and maintain plans for resilience and restoring services
What is function of broker dealers and regulatory form requirements (pg 398)
BDs are in business of making transactions in securities for the account of others or for their own account They must register and file with Form BD, providing similar firm overview of operations and details of associated persons via form U4 outlining any criminal or investment related illegal activity or charges
How are net capital requirements for Broker Dealers set (pg 399)
Set by the SEC subject to limitations of Securities Exchange Act of 1934 which could over-ride the level established by state Administrators if not in alignment and are enforced by FINRA
When is churning occuring vs inappropriate recommendations (pg 404)
Churning is excessive size and frequency of trading; If agent discusses ahead of time with client who agrees to all the trades this is still churning and can also be construed as unsuitable or in appropriate if does not fit client trade profile
Distinguish written confirmation from time/price orders (pg 404) for Broker Dealers (as opposed to IAs)
Broker-Dealer/Agents must have name of security - company and quantity in written format from customer to initiate trade, or have written discretionary consent to avoid un-authorized transactions, whereas IA /IAR with written consent for account discretion can make individual trades without specific instructions For BD, written consent and instructions must be signed and on file before actions can be taken relative to asset, action and quantity. Time and price are not major considerations such that "market not held" order is held until BD can get best price
What is Money Laundering and associated 3 phases (pg 408)
Money laundering is process of taking illegal profits and transacting them thru legitimate means to avoid detection or proof of criminal activity. 3 phases are 1) Placement - funds placed into financial system or smuggled out of country 2) Layering - passing funds through multiple, complex (offshore shell company) transactions to disassociate dirty money 3) Integration - funds are processed thru the legitimate financial system undetected Bank Secrecy Act - US Treasury requires and financial institution - BDs/IAs to report Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) to Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
What is required of broker dealers (along with other financial institutions) for any cash transactions over $10k (pg 409)
Currency Transaction Report must be filed with FinCEN; or report min $5k if BD knows, suspects of has reason to suspect activity is illegal
When must a Suspicious Activity Report need to be filed by a broker dealer (pg 409)
A transaction that falls within one of four classes: - funds derived from illegal activity or is conducted to hide assets from illegal activity - is designed to evade requirements of Bank Secrecy Act - appears to serve no business or lawful purpose - involves use of BD to facilitate criminal activity
Who are corporate insiders and what are trading restrictions (pg 410)
Corporate officers, members of board of directors and anyone who owns 10% or more of common stock; Are restricted under SEA of 1933 from: - selling any shares held less than 1 yr - trading without first filing Form 144 for proposed sale no later than time of sale - sell max of 1% outstanding shares or most recent 4 week average trading volume over next 90 days
What is regulation S-P and it purpose (pg 411)
To address abusive sharing of customer information SEC created Reg S-P that requires financial institution to provide notice of privacy policies and procedure as well as non disclosure of nonpublic personal information to nonaffiliated 3rd parties unless consumer has not elected to opt out of the disclosure, where consumer is prospect and customer is consumer with ongoing relationship with firm
What are 4 elements of Identity Theft Protection Programs - ITPP (pg 413)
Identify relevant red flags for possible data breaches Detect red flags and risks Respond appropriately to red flags detected to prevent and mitigate identity theft Update ITPP and red flags periodically to reflect changes in identify risks
What is FACT Act and key provisions (pg 412)
Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act which allows consumers access to see and monitor their credit reports annually, requires Credit Agencies to identify and report possible existence of identity theft using FTC defied red flags rule and to require financial institutions such as BDs to properly maintain and dispose of personal financial information
The Administrator must provide prior notice, an opportunity for a hearing, and written findings of fact and conclusions of law to the respondent before issuing which of the following? cease & desist suspension
suspension orders to deny, suspend, or revoke only happen after what the question lists. These are AKA "stop orders."
The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 is NOT associated with which of the following- name each? SEC SRO SIPC
SIPC SIPC is securities insurance protection corp, protecting brokerage customers against missing assets due to broker-dealer failure. The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 created the SEC (securities exchange commission) and requires SROs (self regulating orgs) such as FINRA and NYSE to register.
Investment advisers may not charge any client compensation based on a % of capital gains or appreciation. True False
False advisers can only do this for qualified clients, including individuals with at least $1M under the adviser's management.
Based on the Howey Decision, which of the following meets the definition of an investment contract and, therefore, is a security? a certificate granting the owner the right to breed one mare with a particular stud once per year a certificate granting the owner a share of winnings from a racehorse
A certificate granting the owner a share of winnings from a racehorse there has to be an expectation of profits to make it an investment contract. the other certificate is basically a rental contract.
The National Securities Markets Improvement Act is rightly associated with which of the following? notice filings balance sheets
notice filings NSMIA allows for exclusive SEC registration, but federal covered advisers and issuers of some federal covered securities are still required to notice file with the state securities Administrators.
An additional offer of securities would be registered under which of the following? Securities Act of 1933 Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Securities Act of 1933 offers of any new securities are registered under the Securities Act of 1933.
A broker-dealer with a place of business in State A only would like to act as sole underwriter for an offer of common stock by a company located in State B. Therefore, the broker-dealer must register in State B the broker-dealer is exempt from State B's registration requirements
the broker-dealer is exempt from State B's registration requirements broker-dealers who are not located in State B can execute transactions with the issuers of the securities involved without registration.
In a primary offering when must an investor receive either a final prospectus or a preliminary prospectus and an additional document, which together include all information set forth in the final prospectus? no later than the due date for confirmation of the transaction as soon as the customer expresses interest in subscribing to any part of the offering
no later than the due date for confirmation of the transaction when the customer gives an indication of interest, the preliminary prospectus is sent.
Under the Uniform Securities Act, the Administrator can issue which of the following? injunctions subpoenas
subpoenas only a court can issue an injunction.
Which of the following investment advisers will register with the Administrator of the state in which it maintains a place of business? a portfolio manager with assets under management of $89 million a sub-adviser to a registered investment company
a portfolio manager with assets under management of $89 million the sub-adviser (or adviser) to a registered investment company is a federal covered adviser. (know list of Federal Covered Advisors)
Which of the following is designed to protect corporate bondholders? Trust Indenture Act of 1939 Investment Company Act of 1940
Trust Indenture Act of 1939 the Trust Indenture Act of 1939 is all about protecting bondholders. If a corporation wants to sell $5,000,000 or more worth of bonds that mature outside of one year, they have to do it under a contract or indenture with a trustee, who will enforce the terms of the indenture to the benefit of the bondholders.
What are registration requirements of no longer employed agent of broker-dealer
Agent must be registered under similar rules as Broker-Dealer and is NOT in effect during any period the agent is not employed - associated with the broker dealer; Both BD and agent must notify Administrator, and if agent moving to new BD, Form U5 completed by prior BD and U4 on new firm, with agent filling out same and unable to practice until Administrator grants registration no later than noon of 30th day after filing
What must be in place to cover potential losses when a firm(BD or IA) has custody over client assets
- Increase in Required minimum net worth/capital requirements as set by SEC (Administrator can require) - Client signed documents authorizing custody - Surety Bond up to $10k maintained per account
What are requirements for registration of a successor firm
Application for successor firm my be filed, whether or not successor is yet in existence for the unexpired portion of the year without incurring additional filing fee
What are dual registrants and determinants of registration
Individuals and orgs registering as both Broker Dealer and Investment Advisor; Administrator determines merit of firm operating as both and can block from operating as one or the other as needed
Name some common financial institution exclusions to definition of Broker-Dealer under Uniform Securities Act
Agent Issuer Bank, Savings / Loan, Trust company
Name common Broker Dealers that are BDs but are exempt from state registration requirements
BDs with no place of business in the state, can operate without registering in the state if involved in following securities transactions within state with: - Issuers of securities - other broker dealers - banks, savings/loans, trust, insurance co. - investment companies as defined in ICA-1940 - pension or profit sharing - other financial institutions or institutional buyers OR no Non Institutional (human) customers residing in the state.
How is agent defined and what are registration requirements
Individual other than BD who represents BD or issuer in offering or trading in the purchase or sale of securities. Registration is required if (1)individual and/or BD have place of business in the state (2) investors are individuals (vs institutions) unless the security or the transaction is exempt (ie..represent US Treasury selling T-Bond or represent issuer of commercial paper in direct sale to pension fund) Agents must be engaged in selling /buying (ie...Board Member or officer not trading is not agent) and need not register separately if included on U4 of registered BD
How is IAR defined and what are registration requirements
Employees of IAs involved directly or indirectly with investing client assets or selling services of firm registered as IA Registration is required if (1)individual and/or BD have place of business in the state (2) investors are individuals (vs institutions) and IAR has more than 5 clients in a state Unless role is clerical or ministerial work for IA (ie..bookkeeper, receptionist)
When must professionals in financially related functions (lawyers, accountants, teachers, newsletter or blog editors, broker dealer agents, ) register as investment advisor
When specific investment selection advice is being provided to client based on client situation that is not within scope of existing professional role (ie....BD agents only execute directed trades - security name and quantity), and not compensated for advice Can also apply to financial publications and communications based on irregular communication triggered from market movements or signals as well as specific buy and sell positions to take For electronic media or websites, if specific recommendations are made based on client specific input, then authors of report/website must register as IA Federal Covered Advisors as defined under Investor Advisor Act of 1940 as IA therefore not defined under state securities law Administrator has authority to name other individuals/entities outside scope of IA regs
When must ADV Part 2 disclosure brochure be delivered to client
For state registered adviser, within 48 hrs of signing service contract or at time of signing IF customer has 5 days to cancel without penalty Federal covered advisor (non state registered-Fed only) must provide brochure before or at time client signs advisory agreement Brochure is not required if advice is impersonal (not specific to client) and costs less than $500 For existing clients, disclosure brochure must be delivered annually
Distinguish registration from certification
Securities regulators only register professionals but do not certify to their competency whereas other independent orgs- CFP, CFA, CPA..) "certify" competency of professionals
How is custody defined
When advisor has direct or indirect control of assets and when advisor can deduct mgmt fees direct from client account unless clients written permission is given and a billing statement explaining how fees determined is provided every time fees taken
What are supervisory services
Ongoing relationship with client where advisor is monitoring account, oversees the investments and trades on account with discretion
What are 3 main concerns for advisory contracts under Uniform Securities Act
Change in Assignment - advisor can not sell or transfer customer contract to 3rd party without consent Change in Partnership Structure - Any change in partners must be communicated to all clients within reasonable time of occurrence; If in this change there is a change in primary or majority owner then change in Assignment would occur and client written agreement required Compensation - advisors can not be compensated on basis of share of capital gain for appreciation performance unless agreed to in writing and basis specified, otherwise should be compensated hourly or by % AUM
What are key requirements for IA advertising
- Factual, not contain misleading or inaccurate info - Can not claim past performances are guarantee - Can not extrapolate gains from less than 1 yr performance or apply not reflect portfolio gains against related benchmarks - Software provided online that helps DIY, must disclose limitations, assumptions and difficulties with respect to use - Free services must be free
What are key requirements for IA use of social media
- Develop and implement written policies and procedures reviewed annually - All communication must comply with securities law covering advertising, communication with clients, compliance, record-keeping and antifraud - Monitor and provide guidelines for IAR activity in social media - Solicited or directly written commentary or testimonials as well as direct compensation are not allowed for independent reviews....must be unsolicited, and no control over which comments are shown, including use of "likes" or noting who are clients
What agreements must also be in place for Margin, 3rd Party and After Hours trading
Margin: - Hypothecation: gives BDs authority to pledge customer margin securities as collateral to secure margin loan -Credit: client gives loan consent that allows client's securities to be used as part of lending program to short sellers - Margin disclosure statement: outlining risks, firm rights and client responsibilities when trading on margin - Options Disclosure: details specifics of trading in options with signed agreement initiating contract 3rd Party: Requires signed agreement for anyone (POA) acting on behalf of client After Hours: Disclosure that must be provided to outline risks of: - Lower liquidity - Higher volatility - Changing prices - Unlinked markets - Exaggerated effects of news announcements - Wider spreads
A broker-dealer needs written discretionary authorization over an account before accepting which of the following orally given orders from the customer? purchase 100 shares of IBM this afternoon purchase 155 shares of a technology stock today purchase 300 shares of IBM today purchase 100 shares of IBM at a good price today
purchase 155 shares of a technology stock today if the firm/agent choose the stock or bond on behalf of the customer, they are using their discretion. On the other hand, if the customer tells them to buy or sell a certain number of shares, and only leaves time/price discretion with the firm, that does not require written discretionary authority.
True or False: the CFA and CFP allow for an exemption from registration as an IAR
False the CFA and CFP lead to a waiver of the Series 65 exam, but not an exemption from registration as an IAR
How long must IAs keep client records?
Advisers have to keep records not just up to the point when they retire or go out of business; they keep records "in an easily accessible place for a period of five years from the end of the fiscal year during which the last entry was made and, for the first two years, the records must be maintained in the adviser’s principal office."
True of False: It is prohibited for a broker-dealer to effect an opening transaction in a margin account before receiving a signed margin agreement from the customer
False: for a broker-dealer (not an RIA) the discretion must be in writing and received BEFORE the first trade--the margin agreement must be signed promptly AFTER the first trade.
Which of the following is an investment adviser representative (IAR) subject to registration in state A? - a financial planner organized as a sole proprietorship with a place of business in State A - an individual who uses the offices of a federal covered adviser in State A to merely sell the advisory services of the firm for compensation - an IAR with a place of business in State B only but who now has 5 advisory clients resident in State A - a securities agent who opens up a total financial planning business outside the scope of his employment with his broker-dealer
An individual who uses the offices of a federal covered adviser in State A to merely sell the advisory services of the firm for compensation (place of business is State A, is an IAR even though Federal Covered Advisor is not an Investment Advisor - pg 328) An RIA is not an IAR, and vice versa. (Financial Planner and securities agent setting up FP business is RIA) The IAR in State B can have up to 5 clients who reside in State A without having to register, provided he is not soliciting in State A or holding himself out as if he were an adviser in State A.
Under what circumstances and requirements would offer of rescission occur
Selling security into location where not registered An offer of rescission will be sent to the investor on the issuer's letterhead informing him that if he agrees, to sign the form and return it with any certificate or ownership evidence of the security and he'll receive the purchase price plus the rate of interest used by the courts.
Which TWO of the following would likely raise regulatory concerns in respect to an investment adviser's performance claims in advertising pieces? I. an adviser does not deduct advisory fees from performance figures without disclosure II. an adviser does not disclose that the CFA Level 1 or higher has not been attained III. an adviser publishes returns on a back-tested portfolio without labeling it as such IV. the adviser is not registered with FINRA II, III I, III II, IV I, IV
I, III An adviser does not deduct advisory fees from performance figures without disclosure (of how determined and impact on portfolio results - pg 351) FINRA might administer the IARD system, but advisers don't register with FINRA; advisers register with the SEC or the states. There is no legal requirement to earn the CFA or CFP distinction. Back-tested portfolios are little pretend investment portfolios containing what the adviser woulda/coulda/shoulda purchased in the past.
Slippery Rock Advisers are deemed to have custody of client assets. When filing their balance sheet, the firm should include in its assets which of the following items? - loans to a silent partner - marketing rights - loans to a senior partner - marketable securities
marketable securities the NASAA model rule on minimum financial requirements for advisers specifically tells advisers not to include prepaid expenses or loans to partners--if the firm is a partnership--or to officers or stockholders--if the firm is a corporation. Seems like a good idea to me. If the advisory business is doing poorly, what are the chances that the partners are doing well enough to repay the loan they took out? Talk about some shaky assets. Marketable securities have a value--they are an asset. Marketing rights, goodwill and other intangible assets should not be included, either.
Name common exempt transactions which allow securities to be sold without registration.
private placement common stock on NYSE, Nasdaq (see pg 308)
Name common exempt securities which allow securities to be sold without state registration.
US Treasuries or Government Municipals Any foreign government Bank, S/L, Credit Union, Trust company Debt issued by insurance co Railroad-Common Carrier Federal Covered Security
Which of the following is required to register as an agent under the Uniform Securities Act? - an individual representing the issuer in an exempt transaction - an individual selling U.S. Treasury bonds on behalf of the U.S. Treasury - the CFO of an issuer negotiating the sale of commercial paper to a pension fund - an individual selling exempt securities on behalf of a broker-dealer
An individual selling exempt securities on behalf of a broker-dealer Many people with their Series 7 license sell exempt securities, such as municipal and Government bonds. The fact that they sell securities for compensation on behalf of a broker-dealer is why they must register as an agent of the broker-dealer. Individual representing issuer is not agent, nor is selling US Treasury bonds for US Treasury (pg 338) CFO is not agent selling and commercial paper to pension is exempt
Barry Berry is a financial planner with a place of business in State A. Recently, three of his clients moved to State B. Barry has recently placed a billboard in State B offering a "total financial check-up, free of charge" with an 800-number and a link to a website. Therefore Barry is exempt from registration requirements in State B because the number of clients there is 3 Barry must register in State B because he is holding himself out to the public as an investment adviser in State B Barry is eligible for federal covered status due to the multi-state adviser exemption Barry must register in State B because the clients who moved there were existing clients
Barry must register in State B because he is holding himself out to the public as an investment adviser in State B The "de minimis" exemption is for advisers who are not "holding themselves out as advisers" in the state and who have no more than 5 non-institutional clients. If he didn't have the billboard, he could serve the three clients without registering in State B.
Which of the following represents a true statement concerning licensing and registration requirements for securities professionals? 1) agents register with the SEC; investment adviser representatives register with FINRA 2) upon passing a license exam a candidate is licensed subject to being granted a registration by the state 3) passing a license exam constitutes the attainment of a license to sell securities or investment advice 4) conviction of misdemeanor theft does not need to be disclosed on Form ADV after 10 years
4) conviction of misdemeanor theft does not need to be disclosed on Form ADV after 10 years Some states call it a "license," others call it a "registration." either way, passing an exam only allows you to APPLY for a license. Will you get one? Probably not if you have misdemeanor theft convictions in the previous 10 years. Believe it or not, Form ADV only goes back 10 years, while U-4 asks if you have EVER been convicted of securities-related misdemeanors or any felonies. Agents register with FINRA; IARs register with the state Administrator(s).
What is true of ex culpability clauses for investment advisory client contracts? Provided the clause is clearly explained and the client acknowledges his understanding with a signature, such clauses may be inserted They are prohibited, as they improperly guarantee clients against investment loss They are unethical and considered null and void in an administrative or civil proceeding against the adviser They are standard, boilerplate language for most advisory client contracts
They are unethical and considered null and void in an administrative or civil proceeding against the adviser ex (without) culpability (fault). An advisory contract can not ask the client to hold the adviser blameless, no matter what.
Brianna is an investment adviser representative working for a federal covered investment adviser with an office in State A. Once a week she meets with clients at the adviser’s office in State B, therefore - Brianna must register as an investment adviser representative in State B because she has a place of business in State B - Brianna must register as an investment adviser representative in State B because she has clients there - Brianna must register as an investment adviser in State B - Brianna must register as an investment adviser representative in State B only if soliciting clients there
Brianna must register as an investment adviser representative in State B because she has a place of business in State B She has a place of business in State B, so she must register there. The question doesn't necessarily indicate that the clients live in State B. She is an IAR, not an RIA.(3rd bullet) WOrking for Federal Covered Investment advisor does not exempt IAR from registering in state where have place of business (pg 324)
true or false: An investment advisor could lose his license over fraudulent activities even if no criminal charges are ever filed.
In an Administrative proceeding against a registrant an investor claims that a registered representative indicated that the ABC corporation was profitable when, in fact, the company had already filed for bankruptcy protection. If the customer loses money on ABC, which of the following is the most important fact to determine in this situation? - Did the registered representative know that ABC had already filed for bankruptcy protection? - Did the customer lose $10,000 or more on the investment? - Did the representative in fact tell the customer that ABC was profitable? - Was ABC profitable in the financial quarter previous to filing? Incorrect
Did the representative in fact tell the customer that ABC was profitable? in a criminal case it would be important to know the registered rep's "mens rea, " or awareness, but the Administrator only needs to know if the registered representative actually told the client something completely wrong and dangerous. There is no minimum amount that must be lost on an investment before the Administrator will proceed against a registrant or applicant.
An example of a self-regulatory organization (SRO) registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 is which of the following? Chicago Board Options Exchange The Commodity Futures Trading Commission The Securities and Exchange Commission All choices listed
Chicago Board Options Exchange SROs registered with the SEC include FINRA, NYSE, NASDAQ and CBOE. The SEC is not a mere SRO--they are the federal government. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) regulates commodities markets the way the SEC regulates securities markets.
According to NASAA's Statement of Policy "Dishonest or Unethical Business Practices by Broker-Dealers and Agents in Connection with Investment Company Shares, " capital gains distributions may be combined with income distributions when calculating yield for an investment company share - for a period not to exceed 3 years - under no circumstances - for a period not to exceed 5 years - only with supporting documentation from an independent third party
- under no circumstances capital gains are not part of "yield." Yield only includes income payments (dividends, interest). Capital gains is/are part of "total return, " a different calculation. Capital gains are sporadic and do not represent a consistent "yield" to an investor.
Which of the following represents a true statement in connection with investment advisory custodial practices? - If the adviser uses the services of a qualified custodian, client account statements must be sent monthly - If clients do not receive quarterly account statements directly from the qualified custodian, the adviser is not subject to annual surprise inspections - If the adviser uses the services of a qualified custodian, account statements must be routed through the adviser, who, as a fiduciary, must check for any unauthorized trades in the account - If the adviser uses the services of a qualified custodian, the advisory firm must have a reasonable belief that the qualified custodian holding the assets provides periodic account statements to those clients
If the adviser uses the services of a qualified custodian, the advisory firm must have a reasonable belief that the qualified custodian holding the assets provides periodic account statements to those clients So, if the custodian is sending account statements to clients, the IA does not have to. But, the IA has to have a reasonable belief that the statements are, in fact, being sent. Account statements are to be sent at least quarterly, not monthly.
What are different types of "load" funds
1) a "no-load fund" can have no front- or back-end sales charge and must keep the 12b-1 to no > .25%. 2) A "100% no-load fund, " like what T Rowe Price offers, would have no 12b-1 either--of any kind. 3) A "B-share" has a back-end load, also called a Contingent Deferred Sales Charge (CDSC). 4) A shares have front end sales loads but limited fees 5) C Shares or level load funds have higher 12b-1 fees and best for short term investors
True or False: A deposit of cash--but not of securities--may be made instead of a bond if a firm's net capital/net worth is not met by the firm's balance sheet
False Administrators can decide which securities are acceptable, but they must take a deposit of securities and not just cash.
An Investment Adviser Representative is obligated to provide the firm's disclosure brochure to which of the following prospective clients? - a registered investment company - a client receiving impersonal advisory services only - a qualified client with $1.5 million under management - all choices listed
A qualified client with $1.5 million under management The other two clients are the exceptions to the disclosure brochure rule (pg 343-344).
When three individuals form an investment adviser organized as an LLC, all three intend to either sell the firm's services or provide portfolio management for client accounts. Therefore, - each must also register as an IAR by submitting a completed U4 - each is automatically registered as an IAR when the firm's license is granted - only two of the owners can also act as IARs - only one of the owners can also act as an IAR
Each is automatically registered as an IAR when the firm's license is granted if there is a problem with the 3 owners, the firm won't get registered. If they pass inspection and want to be IARs, they are automatically registered as such. The other individuals they hire will register as IARs through a Form U4.
An investment adviser is about to purchase 1,000 shares of common stock held by their affiliated broker-dealer's proprietary account for a client's account. In order to execute this transaction, the adviser must - disclose the potential conflict of interest for this agency cross transaction - disclose the potential confict of interest and obtain the client's consent before settlement of the trade - disclose the potential confict of interest and obtain the client's consent before executing the trade - secure the lowest market price for the client
Disclose the potential conflict of interest and obtain the client's consent before settlement of the trade For a principal transaction, the IA must disclose the potential conflict of interest before executing the trade and receive the client's signed acknowledgement/consent by settlement. (pg 384, last para)
On Tuesday a customer tells her registered representative to purchase 300 shares of AMZN at a good price today. The registered representative waits to enter the order and, unfortunately, AMZN rises by 85 cents per share, closing up by that amount. If the registered representative purchases AMZN on Wednesday morning at a price lower than the market price at the time of Tueday's order - the representative has acted properly in executing this market not held order - the representative acted properly so long as the stock was purchased at a better price than the customer would have received on Tuesday - the representative acted improperly by accepting this order from a non-discretionary customer - the representative acted improperly by using time and price discretion that had expired
The representative acted improperly by using time and price discretion that had expired Time/price "discretion" don't require written authorization. But the time/price discretion also evaporates if the order isn't executed on that day (Tuesday in our example).
What is a a gift of assessable stock
Assessable stock can charge fees to the owner in the future, so it isn't a "gift," but, rather, is considered to have been offered and sold--subject to full disclosure just like an offer of securities.
What are agent or IAR responsibilities when using social media
any content related to the individual's investment practice must be approved by the employing firm what the agent or IAR does through any social media outlet that involves securities/investing/his practice must be monitored and approved by the BD or RIA. And, if the agent or IAR is going to promote his securities practice, he must be clear about his affiliation with the BD or RIA.
An investment adviser with its principal office in State X is also registered in State Y, where it maintains a large office. State Y has certain additional books and records requirements that State X does not have. Therefore - if the adviser is not required to register in State X, it does not need to meet State Y's requirements - the adviser must meet the more stringent record keeping requirements - the adviser must meet State X's record keeping requirements only - the adviser must meet both state's record keeping requirements
The adviser must meet State X's record keeping requirements only if the adviser is properly registered in State X and is, in fact, meeting their record keeping (and net capital) requirements, the adviser only has to meet State X's requirements.
If an IAR represents a federal covered adviser in State A, in which case would he have to also register in State B? If he has more than 5 clients in State B if he has more than 5 non-institutional clients in State B if he has a place of business in State B if he manages portfolios for 6 large pension funds in State B
If he has a place of business in State B There aren't many differences for IARs based on whether the employer is federal covered or state registered, but this is one. The IAR of a federal covered adviser only registers in those states where he has a place of business. IARs for state-registered RIAs use the de minimis rule.
A broker-dealer's customer deposits shares of a thinly traded stock and within a few weeks calls his registered representative requesting to liquidate the securities in order to purchase a mutual fund. When the trading department proceeds to execute the sale, they are unable to find current pricing for the stock. If the firm purchases the stock directly from the customer, they - must disclose that no ready market currently exists for the security - must offer a higher bid than the last bid previously published for the security - may describe the sale as 'at the market' - may describe the sale as 'near the market'
Must disclose that no ready market currently exists for the security there does not appear to be a liquid market or an accurate "market" price, so if the firm buys the stock from the customer, they can not pretend that he sold it "at the market." (pg ??)
Which of the following accurately describes the organization FINRA? - a government-sponsored enterprise empowered and funded by tax dollars - an industry-funded trade association advocating for the rights of member broker-dealers - a regulatory body with authority over broker-dealers, agents, investment advisers and IARs - a regulatory body with authority to enforce rules and impose fines and sanctions of members and associated persons
A regulatory body with authority to enforce rules and impose fines and sanctions of members and associated persons FINRA is not a trade association like the Investment Company Institute--they are also not a government regulator. They might enforce SEC rules, but they are not a government enterprise or regulatory body. Rather they are an "SRO, " or self-regulatory organization with power over their member firms and the firms' principals, agents, and employees. FINRA does not regulate the advisory business.
Which of the following is an example of the violation known as front running? - a registsered representative purchases shares for his son's UTMA account before placing a large customer buy order - a registered representative fails to disclose a breakpoint to a mutual fund investor -a registered representative sells a mutual fund investment based on an upcoming dividend - a registered representative asks his firm's investment bankers for stock tips based on upcoming unannounced mergers
a registered representative purchases shares for his son's UTMA account before placing a large customer buy order taking advantage of a customer order you're about to place is called front-running. The other three choices are all violations, as well: insider trading, selling dividends, and breakpoint selling.
One of your friends has an office at a local strip mall. On the front door, the following words are stenciled: Jason Smith, Wealth Management Services. Although he has made no outgoing calls, his assistant does answer phone inquiries using the same business name. Therefore - Jason would be considered an investment adviser upon obtaining his 6th non-institutional client -Jason likely meets the definition of "investment adviser" - Jason would be considered an investment adviser by the SEC only - Jason would not be considered an investment adviser
Jason likely meets the definition of "investment adviser" Even if you just hold yourself out to the public as being in the business of providing investment advice, you're an investment adviser. He would likely register at the state level, starting at least with the state where this strip mall resides.
Which of the following is not a violation according to NASAA's policy statement "Dishonest or Unethical Business Practices of Broker-Dealers and Agents"? - holding customer and firm securities in the same account - executing a discretionary transaction when notified by the customer that discretionary authorization has been mailed - choosing the time to enter a market order without signed discretionary authorization - charging a nominal fee to offset the expense of forwarding proxy materials
Choosing the time to enter a market order without signed discretionary authorization Broker-dealers can't use discretion until they have it in writing, unless the 'discretion' relates only to time/price to enter a trade that day. Called a "market not held" order, btw.
A firm with a place of business in the state charges corporations to advise on mergers & acquisitions and to help structure and sell initial equity offerings. The firm must register as: an investment adviser a matching agent a broker-dealer a broker-dealer and an investment adviser
a broker-dealer the firm is acting as an investment banker, which is a broker-dealer. Although the word "advise" was used, we see that the firm is not advising people on how to invest in securities. They are, therefore, not an investment adviser.
An agent's supervisor would be required to review and approve which of the following communications before they were sent to customers? - any email discussing securities investments - a brochure introducing the agent to 500 retail investors - any email discussing retirement planning strategies - all choices listed
A brochure introducing the agent to 500 retail investors agent emails must be monitored, but the communications subject to principal approval are delivered to more than 25 retail investors--called retail communications. FINRA Rule 2210 defines three categories of communications: Retail communication consists of any written (including electronic) communication that is distributed or made available to more than 25 retail investors within any 30 calendar-day period. Correspondence consists of any written (including electronic) communication distributed or made available to 25 or fewer retail investors within any 30 calendar-day period. Institutional communication means any written (including electronic) communication that is distributed or made available only to institutional investors as defined but does not include a firm's internal communications. Institutional investors include banks, savings and loan associations, insurance companies, registered investment companies, registered investment advisors, a person or entity with assets of at least $50 million, government entities, employee benefit plans and qualified plans with at least 100 participants, FINRA member firms and registered persons, and a person acting solely on behalf of an institutional investor.
According to NASAA's Statement of Policy on "Using the Internet for General Dissemination of Information on Products and Services," which of the following statements is FALSE? a legend must appear on a website stating that the agent, broker-dealer, RIA or IAR may only transact business in this state if first registered, excluded or exempted from registration requirements if the agent is not registered in all 50 states, a filter must be applied to make the site un-viewable to visitors outside his state of registration and principal office follow-up responses to persons in this state that involve either the effecting or attempting to effect transactions in securities, or the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation, will comply with registration requirements all of these statements are false
If the agent is not registered in all 50 states, a filter must be applied to make the site un-viewable to visitors outside his state of registration and principal office The agent, IAR, BD, or RIA's website must be clear that they are not attempting to do business in any state where they are not registered or exempt from registration requirements. And, if not registered in a website visitor's state, no followups will be made in which securities investments or investment advice are offered.
ABC Industries has contracted with J J Kale, who will attempt to sell up to 40% of ABC Industries' common stock to broker-dealers and insurance companies within the state. JJ will receive 7% of the proceeds, which are estimated at $5 million total. Therefore, which statement is accurate? J J is considered an agent of the issuer and is required to register as such J J does not meet the definition of "agent" due to the nature of the transaction J J represents the issuer of the securities and, therefore, would not have to register regardless of the nature of the transaction J J is considered an agent because the transaction is exempt
J J does not meet the definition of "agent" due to the nature of the transaction if the individual represents the BD, he is an agent. If he represents the issuer of the securities, he is not an agent if the transaction is exempt, as this one is (offer to certain institutional investors only).
Steve E. Nix is an IAR working for a federal covered adviser in State A. If Steve has 7 non-institutional clients in State B--but no place of business there--which of the following statements is true? because of the number of clients, Steve must also register in State B because he does not have a place of business there, Steve is exempt from registration in State B Steve is exempt from registration if he is a CFP or CFA Steve is exempt from registration in State B, while the RIA must register there
Because he does not have a place of business there, Steve is exempt from registration in State B for IARs of federal covered advisers, the only thing that matters to the other states is having a place of business in the state. It's only the state-registered IARs and RIAs who use the "de minimis" exemption.
A broker-dealer operating on the premises of a retail bank is known as which of the following? interpositioning, a violation of securities regulations a networking arrangement a joint-back-office arrangement investment banking
a networking arrangement the question provides the definition of a "networking arrangement," a situation requiring much disclosure to the BD customers.
A registered investment adviser must deliver a disclosure brochure (ADV 2) to which of the following? a client receiving impersonal advisory services a client enrolling in a wrap-fee program sponsored by the adviser a registered investment company all choices listed
A client enrolling in a wrap-fee program sponsored by the adviser The only two clients not required to receive the disclosure brochure are clients receiving impersonal advisory services and clients that are registered investment companies. The adviser to a registered investment company is typically affiliated with the investment company and the distributor, while most advisory clients are outside entities who need full disclosure.
What financial institutions are excluded from ever being an investment advisor
Banks, S&L Security Issuer Credit Unions.. (pg
If it is in the public interest and provides necessary protection to investors, the Administrator may deny, suspend, or revoke an investment adviser representative's license for all the following reasons EXCEPT the applicant filed for personal bankruptcy 5 years earlier the registrant or applicant is insolvent the applicant failed to disclose her suspension from FINRA in all capacities four years ago the applicant has filed a false or misleading application
the applicant filed for personal bankruptcy 5 years earlier personal bankruptcies in the past are not cited as a reason for Administrative action in the Uniform Securities Act. (pg 296)
Sue Ellyn is an IAR properly registered in State A and working for a federally registered investment adviser. Once a month Sue Ellyn meets with clients in State B at the federal covered adviser’s office. What is true about Sue Ellyn’s registration requirements? because she has clients in State B, she must register there because she has a place of business in State B, she must register there because she represents a federal covered adviser, her registration in State B is automatic because she represents a federal covered adviser, she does not register in any state
because she has a place of business in State B, she must register there a firm can be federal covered, but the IARs of the firm still register in the state(s) where they maintain a place of business.
As noted by Uniform Securities Act, what is Breakpoint Selling Selling Away Churning
Breakpoint Selling - Failure to disclose and offer quantity discounts Selling Away - Offering investments without knowledge or supervision of agent's employer Suitability Sells - Making sell recommendations to customers without determining suitability; ie..recommending certain investment to all of clients Churning - excessive quantity and frequency of sales within portfolio inconsistent with portfolio /investor makeup
Name common disclosures that IAs must provide in ADV Part 2
Types of securities and analysis performed Services provided/fees charged Education and business background of all officers and employees determining advice Any compensation incentives Balance sheet if retain custody for $500+ or 6mo+ Criminal and regulatory violations over past 10 years
Who determines Minimum Net Worth requirements and under what conditions
If a Federal Covered Advisor (know conditions such as size of AUM at $100M+), then SEC determines If IA registered in state , then Administrator of state where principal main office is located (if have multiple offices and registered in multiple states??) That rule provides that advisors registered and in compliance with the minimum net worth and bonding requirements of the state where the advisor has its principal office do not need to meet the (higher) requirements of any other states where the advisor does business. 15 U.S.C. § 80b-18a(c).
What does Rule and Form 144 restrict
Regulates "control stock" whereby large shareholders, Officers, Board Members to report sales of corp stock adhering to volume limit and frequency of trade, reported quarterly but no later than with sale
What are some reasons an Administrator would issue a stop order / cease and desist against an applicant
- False or Misleading application - Willfully violated or failed to comply (consumancy) -Convicted within last 10 yrs of any securities related misdemeanor and of any felony - Is insolvent - Enjoined by court from engaging in securities business - Subject of Admin order within past 5 yrs for suspension, revocation or denial or previous Admin denial or from a national securities exchange under SEC of 1933 - not qualified based on training , experience and knowledge - failed to pay fees
Which of the following statements is permissible for an investment adviser to make on its website? the firm has been certified by the state securities Administrator to render investment advice fees charged by the firm are non-negotiable the firm is an RIA unlike many competitors, the firm is a REGISTERED Investment Adviser
Fees charged by the firm are non-negotiable registration is just a statement of fact--either the firm is registered or isn't required to be. The "RIA" looks like a certification, when it's just an abbreviation. Advisers must be clear whether fees are negotiable or not.
What constitutes front running and selling away
Front running - Selling or buying securities before receiving authorization from investor Selling Away - offering securities not offered by the firm
If a client of yours regularly reinvests dividend and capital gains distributions from the mutual funds that you sell him, which of the following best measures his performance over the long-term? Risk-free Return Average Return Total Return Sharpe Ratio
Total Return total return would be the compounded returns an investor makes by reinvesting all dividends and capital gains distributions into more shares earning more dividends and capital gains to be reinvested into more shares, and so on, and so on. The Sharpe Ratio, remember, measures risk-adjusted returns.
Can you create a waiver of compliance at federal level for an unregistered, non exempt security
No. Would only be exempt if subject to an exempt transaction
An investment adviser representative receives a letter from a client, who is unhappy with the performance of her portfolio over the past several financial quarters. The client calls and asks for the letter back. The IAR should, therefore, return the letter to the client return the letter to the client after making a photocopy of it make a photocopy of the letter and send that copy to the client forward the matter to the firm's legal counsel
Make a photocopy of the letter and send that copy to the client Advisers keep the originals of correspondence received from clients, so the IAR should keep the original and send a photocopy to the client.
Under NASAA’s Statement of Policy, “Dishonest or Unethical Business Practices for Broker-Dealers and Agents,” who has authority over Broker Dealers and Investment Advisors?
SEC and FINRA have oversight of Broker Dealers and agents as well as member firms SEC- Federal Covered and Administrators - State RIAs and IARs
John would like to share commissions with Jim. John is a licensed agent of XYZ Broker-Dealers. Jim is a licensed representative of ABC Broker-Dealers. According to NASAA’s Statement of Policy “Dishonest or Unethical Business Practices for Broker-Dealers and Agents,” which of the following best addresses this situation? The agents must get permission from their respective firms, and the firms must be under direct or indirect common control. The agents must get permission from their respective firms. Provided both licenses are in good standing, John and Jim may commence with this sharing arrangement. Sharing commissions is a prohibited and unethical business practice.
The agents must get permission from their respective firms, and the firms must be under direct or indirect common control. This is an item from NASAA'S Policy Statement “Dishonest or Unethical Business Practices for Broker-Dealers and Agents.” The agents must not only get permission, but the firms must be affiliated in some way.
The investment manager of a pension fund shifted the fund's assets so that the portfolio represented an allocation of 65% equities. The investment policy statement stated that no more than 50% of the assets would be invested in equities; however, the portfolio appreciated due to a bull market in stocks. Which of the following best addresses this situation? Modern Portfolio Theory stipulates that such overweighting of asset classes is actually a prudent way to invest the investment manager violated the fiduciary responsibilities under ERISA by not following the investment policy statement as a fiduciary, the investment manager is free to alter the allocation of the portfolio pension funds are not allowed to invest more than 33% of their assets in equities, so the investment policy statement violated ERISA
The investment manager violated the fiduciary responsibilities under ERISA by not following the investment policy statement follow the investment policy statement.
One of your investing clients has a trust with a trustee. As the investment adviser you make decisions for the client and the trust and if the client approves, execute the transactions. At the end of each financial quarter the client tells you to contact the trustee and to take your fees from the trust. You call and direct the trustee to reimburse your fees or commissions, and the trustee then sends you a check. Which of the following is true? This is an example of exercising discretion This is prohibited under FINRA rules This is allowable This is a fraudulent activity
This is allowable This is allowed. If the adviser receives advisory fees from the trustee, certain safeguards need to be followed in order to have the usual requirements waived (CPA surprise audit, e.g.) See Custody page???
If a registered securities agent has to make a compromise with a credit card issuer involving a debt of $24,975, what is the agent required to do? voluntarily resign for a period of not less than two years from his current position voluntarily resign from the securities industry entirely for a period of not less than two years promptly update his U4 information and remain in his current position promptly update his U4 information and await notice from the Administrator as to his impending suspension or revocation pursuant to this matter
promptly update his U4 information and remain in his current position all he has to do is promptly disclose this information. Unlilke regulatory or criminal disclosures, this will have no direct effect on his career. It might cause him to lose a few clients or prospects, but that is a different matter.
What is Interpositioning in finance?
Interpositioning is a financial term that refers to the act of a broker placing themselves between a buyer and a seller in order to facilitate a transaction.
Jenny bought 500 shares of ABC two years ago for $44 per share. The stock has since traded between $50 and $57 per share. With the stock trading currently at $56, Jenny is convinced the stock will trade sideways in the near-term. If she would like to increase her return on the stock and receive a partial hedge, she should purchase five ABC call options sell five ABC put options purchase five ABC put options sell five ABC call options
sell five ABC call options if she sells five call options, they are "covered calls," which generate premium income. If the stock does trade sideways (goes nowhere), the options will expire worthless. Rather than getting nothing when the stock goes nowhere, she will pocket the premiums collected.
An investment adviser who does not wish to be deemed to have custody of client assets inadvertently receives a client's stock certificates mailed by a third party. What should the adviser do in this situation? send the certificates to the custodian return the certificates to the sender within 3 days and keep special records amend form ADV and notify the Administrator hold the securities in safe-keeping for 3 business days before forwarding them to the proper custodian
Return the certificates to the sender within 3 days and keep special records To avoid being deemed to have custody--and the burdens of maintaining minimum financial net worth plus annual audits of the books--the adviser must return the securities to the sender within 3 days and keep records of what was received, what was sent, and when.
An agent may offer or sell a security in a state if the security is under what 4 conditions?
exempt from registration registered federal covered sold in an exempt transaction.”
Partners, officers, or directors--or those holding similar positions--of an investment adviser are automatically registered as which of the following when Form ADV is accepted by the Administrator? agents principals investment adviser representatives investment advisers
investment adviser representatives similarly, partners, officers, directors, etc. of a broker-dealer are automatically registered as agents of the firm when the firm's registration is accepted. This means that no separate registration is required from ADV for Advisors and BD for Broker Dealers IA or Broker Dealer is entity and can be person if sole proprietor, but if multiple employees then registered auto as IAR/Agent. Additional employees would need to be added under Form U4 Principals are hired by BD to supervise operations and registered reps
Under the Uniform Securities Act, all of the following are true concerning an agent's registration EXCEPT An agent can only sell securities that have been properly registered in a state or qualify for an exemption from registration. An agent can only solicit business in a state if both the agent and broker-dealer are registered in that state. An agent's registration to sell securities expires at the end of the broker-dealer's fiscal year. If an agent leaves a broker-dealer to go to another broker-dealer, the agent and both broker-dealers must notify the Administrator of the change.
TRUE: An agent can only sell securities that have been properly registered in a state or qualify for an exemption from registration. TRUE: An agent can only solicit business in a state if both the agent and broker-dealer are registered in that state. FALSE: An agent's registration to sell securities expires at the end of the broker-dealer's fiscal year. Registrations of persons (agents, broker-dealers, IA's, IAR's) all expire on December 31st unless properly renewed. For securities registrations it's different—there, the security is effective for one year going forward. So, if an agent gets registered on July 10th, her license will expire on December 31st. If a security is declared effective on July 10th, it's effective for a year going forward. TRUE: If an agent leaves a broker-dealer to go to another broker-dealer, the agent and both broker-dealers must notify the Administrator of the change.
Which of the following is a "federally registered investment adviser"? a financial services firm executing transactions in securities on behalf of clients an investment adviser acting as a sub-adviser to an open-end fund a financial planning firm operating in at least 5 states or regions an investment adviser providing portfolio management services
An investment adviser acting as a sub-adviser to an open-end fund Other Federally Registered Investment Advisors (Federal Covered Advisor) - Operating in 15 or more states - $100M of assets - Advisor to registered investment company ( end fund) - Pension consultants with clients of $200M - Mid size advisors to business development co - Affiliate of federally registered advisor is if principle office and place of business is same as that of SEC registered advisor - Newly formed, eligible in 120 days to be federal registered - Principle business in US Virgin or outside US
TLC Broker-Dealers is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Electric. According to NASAA's Policy Statement, "Dishonest or Unethical Business Practices of Broker-Dealers and Agents," if TLC would like to sell shares in a private placement of GE stock Full disclosure must be provided to non-institutional buyers. This is a fraudulent, unethical practice. The Administrator must grant prior approval. Full disclosure must be provided to all buyers.
Full disclosure must be provided to all buyers. if the underwriter is actually owned by the issuer, or affiliated in any way, that must be disclosed to all investors.
What does the term " investment counsel" refer to?
"Investment counsel" is a term that requires that the adviser's primary activity is providing investment advice and that advice is deemed "continuous, supervisory management" Pg 347
Under what authority does a broker-dealer operate
A registered broker-dealer with state or federal member of FINRA and SIPC
Under the "safe harbor provisions" of ERISA 404(c) the trustees of the plan can pass off which of the following to participants? risk of investment loss duty to select cost-efficient investment options both choices listed neither choice listed
risk of investment loss if the plan is set up corectly, the investment risk is passed off to participants in, for example, a 401k plan. But the trustees (CEO, CFO, etc.) still have to oversee the plan to make sure that cost-efficient investment options are available, that enough different choices are available, etc.
Under the Uniform Securities Act, when a security is exempt, this implies that The security does not need to be registered with the state to be sold there Transactions involving the security are not subject to the antifraud provisions of the Act A broker-dealer that underwrites a new issue of the securities does not need to be registered with the state An agent who sells the security does not have to be registered with the state
The security does not need to be registered with the state to be sold there that is all that the word "exempt" means. Excused from registration. Question does not reference exempt transaction which would be broker dealers underwriting new issue of securities, nor agents exempt from registering in state as well as exempt securities are still subject to anti fraud
What are the three things to know about the code of ethics for advisers, Rule 204A-1 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 relative to activity of access persons?
An access person is anyone who has unsupervised to non public information about clients and their trading activities 1) Access persons must report securities holdings within 10 days of becoming access persons 2) Treasury securities and open-end funds that the adviser and access person do not manage are not considered reportable securities 3) access persons must typically have copies of account statements and trade confirmations sent to the chief compliance officer of the adviser
Under what conditions can an agent share in the gains and losses of a client's account,
When both the customer and broker-dealer provide their written consent. (pg ??)
If a broker-dealer earns a "markup" when selling securities, the firm acted in which capacity in the transaction? agency advisory principal fiduciary
principal is when broker dealer is when a brokerage completes a customer's trade using their own inventory. Principal trading allows brokers to also profit from the bid-ask spread. Agency trading involves a brokerage finding a counter-party to the customer's trade, which can include customers at other brokerages. With agency trading, the broker must find someone willing to buy or sell the security for the same price as the counter-party. Therefore, when acting as a principal, firms make markups and markdowns with customers. when acting in an agency/broker capacity, commissions are charged. Question is related to broker-dealer comp NOT IAR acting as principal.
Which of the following must register as an investment adviser in the state? A lawyer occasionally discusses the value of her clients' securities when putting together trusts Jennifer Williamson is an investment adviser representative for a federal covered adviser located in the state An accountant regularly advises clients to make IRA and 401K contributions while preparing their taxes Joe Williams, an agent for XYZ Securities, has an active financial planning business that he conducts outside the scope of his employment at XYZ
Joe Williams, an agent for XYZ Securities, has an active financial planning business that he conducts outside the scope of his employment at XYZ the lawyer and accountant are simply doing their jobs in this particular question. And an investment adviser rep is not an investment adviser.
Which of the following best describes interest rate risk to a holder of preferred stock? as interest rates rise, prices fall as interest rates fall, prices rise as interest rates rise, credit quality deteriorates bond interest must be paid first
as interest rates rise, prices fall; Preferred acts like bonds with converse interest rates and yields to prices there is no risk concerning falling rates, since rising market prices on an investment is a good thing. bond interest is not relevant, bond repayments are senior to preferred stock in bankruptcy
An investment adviser's disclosure brochure is typically a copy of ADV 2. ADV 2 is associated with all of the following EXCEPT a narrative format a Plain English style a table of contents presenting all items in order a check-box format
a check-box format ADV 2 used to be in a check-box format. To make it easier for prospects and clients to read, advisers now use a narrative format, in Plain English.
Jolie Jackson has launched an electronic newsletter entitled “How to Make Money in Small Cap Stocks.” The newsletter is blasted out to some 700 recipients in various states on the 15th of each month, and the recipients are all paid subscribers. Therefor Jolie meets the definition of “investment adviser” if the subscription costs more than $200 Jolie does not meet the definition of “investment adviser” but must register Jolie meets the definition of “investment adviser” due to the title of the newsletter Jolie does not meet the definition of “investment adviser” and is not required to register
Jolie does not meet the definition of “investment adviser” and is not required to register; She's not giving advice based on the needs and situations of clients. She is not an adviser--she's a writer.
If a broker-dealer places large buy orders on a stock above the current market price in order to support the stock in which it makes a market, this practice is known as hypothecation matched purchases front running pegging
Hypothecation is allowing securities to be used as collateral in margin loan Matched purchases or matched sale-purchase agreement (MSPA), is when the Federal Reserve sells government securities such as U.S. Treasury bonds to an institutional dealer or the central bank of another country with the contractual agreement to purchase the security back within a short period of time, usually less than two weeks. Front running is buying or selling securities in firms account before placing customer order Pegging is when 2 or more parties agree to buy and sell a security at a specific time and price in order to move the market in the desired direction, they are engaging in a form of market manipulation known as "matched purchases."
For an investment adviser to enter into or renew a contract that provides for performance-based compensation, what conditions must be met
Period covered must be 1 year Capital depreciation must offset capital appreciation, ie fees must reflect performance results in either direction (ie,,lower fees if lower results) The adviser reasonably believes the client understands the terms. The client must meet net worth or assets-under-management requirements as a qualified client Full disclosure of any prepaid fees and comp model (even if includes paper profits)
Your firm’s research department is about to issue a positive report on ABC common stock. If applicable, your firm would disclose all of the following in the research report except your firm makes a market in ABC common stock your firm participated in the selling group for a recent subsequent primary distribution of ABC common stock your firm was managing underwriter for a recent offering of ABC common stock partners of the firm hold warrants on ABC common stock
Your firm participated in the selling group for a recent subsequent primary distribution of ABC common stock if the firm makes a market in the stock, or is/was part of an underwriting syndicate . . . or if partners will benefit by pushing up the stock price, that all needs to be disclosed in order to avoid “conflicts of interest” that make the “research” less than objective.
Modern Portfolio Theory states that investors should only expect to be compensated for which type of risk? interest rate non-systematic systematic massive
systematic the theory espouses that investors can easily diversify to reduce non-systematic risk, so they should only expect to be compensated for the risk they can't diversify away: systematic/systemic.
All of the following represent true statements concerning investment advisers and custodial practices except If the custodian sends account statements directly to an adviser's clients, the adviser is relieved from sending its own account statements Advisers with custody no longer need to include an audited balance sheet in their disclosure brochure to clients. If the custodian sends account statements directly to an adviser's clients, the adviser is still required to send its own statements to clients If the custodian sends account statements directly to an adviser's clients, the adviser is relieved from undergoing an annual surprise examination by a CPA
If the custodian sends account statements directly to an adviser's clients, the adviser is still required to send its own statements to clients. This is not true This is different from billing statements which do require advisor to also send in order to avoid additional audits etc..
For purposes of offering or selling securities, from which state(s) is the offer considered made
DOA - all states where offer was Discussed, Offered and Accepted
A broker-dealer with its principal place of business in State A executes transactions for large pension funds in State B. Provided the broker-dealer also has only 4 non-institutional customers, which statement below correctly states the firm's registration requirements in State B? the broker-dealer is exempt from State B's registration requirements, even if it also maintains a place of business there the broker-dealer is exempt from State B's registration requirements, provided it has no place of business there the broker-dealer is subject to State B's registration requirements the broker-dealer is subject to State B's registration requirements unless the transactions with non-institutional customers are all unsolicited
The broker-dealer is subject to State B's registration requirements There is no de minimis rule for broker-dealers. If they have a place of business in State B, the broker-dealer must register there. Or, if they have even one non-institutional customer there, same thing.
Which of the following is an accurate statement of advisory contracts? assignment of contract is allowed only if the practice is disclosed in the contract a sample client contract must be filed with the Administrator assignment of contract is allowed only if the practice is disclosed in ADV Part 2 performance-based compensation is prohibited for all clients
a sample client contract must be filed with the Administrator assignment of contract without client consent is simply NOT ALLOWED. Clients with $1 million+ under management, for example, can be charged performance-based compensation.
Under the new SEC Marketing Rule for investment advisers, which of the following statements is true of either the use of testimonials or performance figures in advertisements for an investment adviser? Gross performance may be cited only if the advertisement also presents net performance. Performance figures may be presented on either a gross or net basis, at the investment adviser's discretion. Testimonials of any kind are prohibited in advertisements for investment advisory services. Any performance figures must be accompanied by a clear statement that the Commission has reviewed and approved any calculation or presentation of performance results.
Gross performance may be cited only if the advertisement also presents net performance. Gross performance does not factor in the deduction of advisory fees; therefore, if the advertisement quotes gross performance, it must also quote performance net of fees. Testimonials are now considered a form of advertisement, subject to new SEC rules. The SEC does not allow advisers to claim that the SEC has "approved" of anything connected to the firm.
Which of the following securities may have to be registered under Blue Sky laws? FNMA securities Treasury Bonds REITs GNMA securities
REITs Treasury's and GNMA/FNMA/FHLMC . . . are ALL EXEMPT SECURITIES. A REIT would only be exempt if it were a federal covered security--on NYSE, NASDAQ, or NYSE AMEX.
The investment policy statement for a qualified retirement plan requires the investment manager to purchase several securities that are clearly not consistent with prudent investor standards. Therefore, the investment manager must follow the policy statement, regardless of its consistency with ERISA must follow the policy statement and purchase the securities may over-ride the policy statement if it is inconsistent with ERISA may purchase the securities as long as a like amount is sold short
May over-ride the policy statement if it is inconsistent with ERISA Follow the policy statement, unless the statement itself VIOLATES ERISA. The only time to override policy statement is if it is in violation of ERISA rules
what are rules for use of solicitors
If solicator agreements are met and advisor is registered then not all states consider solicitors to be IARs, and do not need to be registered
One of your investment advisory clients has lived in his current residence 4 years and is convinced he could sell for a large capital gain. But, he favors renting the house for a few years to see if real estate prices will continue to rise. Which is the best response to give? consult with a qualified tax professional sell the residence and claim up to a $250,000 tax-free capital gain rent the house for two years and then sell, claiming a tax-free capital gain up to $250,000 rent the house for two years on a cash basis without any formal rental documents, and then sell for a tax-free capital gain up to $250,000
consult with a qualified tax professional Rationale if he rents the house for two years, it is no longer a residence, so the tax-free capital gain is not available. Renting the house allows him to depreciate for tax purposes and write off improvements and repairs. Either way, an RIA or IAR needs to know about tax issues, but needs to know when to pass them off to a qualified tax professional.
A securities agent is having lunch with a long-time customer. The customer informs the agent that she is not happy with the recent losses in her mutual funds and has a letter in a sealed envelope expressing her displeasure addressed to the branch office supervisor in the office where the agent works. What should the agent do? attempt to resolve the situation himself accept the letter and, after reading it himself, decide if it should be escalated to the branch supervisor deliver the letter unopened to the branch supervisor check for any supplemental SIPC coverage available to the customer
Deliver the letter unopened to the branch supervisor agents must forward all written complaints to their principal/supervisor.
If a broker-dealer is registered with 11 state securities Administrators, with its headquarters in State A, what is true when the states have different net capital requirements for broker-dealers? the firm must meet the average of the aggregate requirements for net capital the firm must meet the SEC net capital requirements under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 the firm must meet the requirements of the state with the most stringent requirements the firm must meet the requirements established by State A
the firm must meet the SEC net capital requirements under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Rationale the SEC establishes net capital requirements for broker-dealers under the "exchange Act." For advisers registered with the state securities Administrator . . . the adviser just has to meet the requirements of its "home state."
Which of the following most likely is subject to registration as an Investment Adviser Representative? an independent solicitor for an investment adviser who provides no advice himself a financial planner who owns her business as a single-member LLC an individual who sells open-end funds and variable contracts on behalf of a broker-dealer with a place of business in the state an individual working for a state-registered investment adviser, whose job functions are limited to answering inbound calls and performing the role of an office manager
an independent solicitor for an investment adviser who provides no advice himself not all states require solicitors to register, but most do. The financial planner is an RIA. We also see a securities agent, and an employee of an RIA who does seem to be involved with investments.
An investment adviser does not hold custody of client funds and securities, and does not wish to be deemed to be holding custody. However, last week a client inadvertently sent securities to the investment adviser and also a check made out to a third-party. All of the following statements are true of this situation except: The adviser must forward the third-party check to the appropriate party within 3 business days The adviser must return the securities to the client within 3 business days to avoid being deemed to have had custody Even though the check is forwarded and the securities returned within specified time frames, additional records must be maintained by the adviser To avoid being deemed to have had custody of the securities, the investment adviser may forward the securities to the qualified custodian
To avoid being deemed to have had custody of the securities, the investment adviser may forward the securities to the qualified custodian securities are returned to the sender; third-party checks are forwarded to the payee ... . both within 3 business days.
Under state securities law, which of the following does the Administrator determine for investment advisory client contracts? the maximum term of such contracts the maximum compensation charged via such contracts the allowed methodology to be used in managing accounts pursuant to such contracts none of these choices
none of these choices if the fees are considered excessive, that could lead to disciplinary action. But, the Administrator does not set the items listed. Primarily, the Administrator is interested in full disclosure, to their office and to clients.
Which of the following represent accurate statements of the Uniform Securities Act’s registration requirements for persons? I. an agent is not a broker-dealer II. registrations expire on December 31st unless properly renewed III. registration fees are pro-rated so that registering in the second fiscal quarter would reduce the fee proportionally IV. an individual representing the issuer of the securities in a transaction is exempt I, II II, IV I, II, IV III
I, II often the individual representing the issuer is exempt or excluded from the definition of "agent," but that is only if the security or the transaction qualifies for an exemption.
A securities agent meets with a customer in the early evening and sells her two mutual funds from the ABC Funds Family for a total investment of $52,000. Therefore, the agent may collect a check paid to any of his bona bide business checking accounts, with payment then transferred to the mutual fund company within 3 business days the agent may collect a check paid to any of his bona bide business checking accounts, but may not accept cash or cashiers checks from customers the agent should collect payment made out to the mutual fund company the agent should collect no payment at this time because the markets are closed
The agent should collect payment made out to the mutual fund company payment should be made to the mutual fund company, NEVER to the agent.
what are rules concerning political contributions and municipal securities underwriting firms?
municipal finance professionals--but not their employing firms--may make contributions to any candidate for whom they are eligible to vote up to $250 only the municipal finance professionals can donate to officials for whom they are eligible to vote, up to $250, without causing the firm to take a 2-year break from doing business with the entity related to that governor, mayor, etc.
What is true of "exempt reporting advisers" under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940? they are exempt from SEC registration and registration with any state securities Administrator they are exempt from SEC registration but may be subject to registration with state securities Administrators they are registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 but exempt from filing any reports with either the SEC or the state securities Administrators they are exempt from registration with any securities regulatory authority
They are exempt from SEC registration but may be subject to registration with state securities Administrators they don't have to register with the SEC; they may have to register with the state securities Administrators. Either way, they must file reports with the SEC, even though they are exempt from registration with the SEC.
A business owner meets a few friends at a local restaurant and over dinner borrows $10,000 from all three friends, issuing them each a promissory note in exchange for their personal checks. Therefore, this constitutes an offer and sale of a security this type of business financing is outside the scope of securities law this type of private business financing does not involve the offer or sale of an actual "security" provided a reasonable rate of interest was offered on the notes, no fraud has occurred
This constitutes an offer and sale of a security (pg 299) a NOTE is the first example of a security named in the Uniform Securities Act. If the business owner defaults, the Adminstrator could take action for making unregistered offers of securities, for not being a registered agent himself, and for engaging in fraud. In fact, this is a very common occurrence in most states.
According to the Uniform Prudent Investor Act, when can an investment adviser representative acting as a fiduciary decide not to diversify a portfolio? when so doing would best serve the objectives of the beneficiaries when the portfolio is comprised entirely of FDIC insured products at any time, provided the decision is consistent with prevailing standards of investment professionals serving in similar capacities when the decision would impact only the fixed-income portion of the portfolio
REVISIT ACT: When so doing would best serve the objectives of the beneficiaries the Uniform Prudent Investor Act definitely stresses the importance of diversification in managing the risk/reward characteristics of the portfolio, but Section 3 also states that, “A trustee shall diversify the investments of the trust unless the trustee reasonably determines that, because of special circumstances, the purposes of the trust are better served without diversifying.”
Tom and Tina Thompson are a married couple trying to decide whether they should set up a joint account in their name or an account for the beneficial ownership of their daughter, under the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act. If you are their registered representative, what advice should you provide concerning the tax and financial ramifications of their decision? if you and your immediate supervisor both agree that an UTMA account is best, an UTMA account should be opened based on your experience, you should provide the paperwork for the account you determine best meets their needs you should advise the Thompsons to consult with a tax attorney on this legal issue as a fiduciary, you must determine which account best meets their needs
REVIEW MATERIAL FOR WHEN NEED TO REFER TO ATTORNEY You should advise the Thompsons to consult with a tax attorney on this legal issue Rationale you need to understand the basics when it comes to taxation of bond interest, dividends, etc., but when the issue is complex, it often makes sense to consult with an attorney, CPA, or other specialist.
While golfing with you the other day, a business acquaintance informs you that he would like to become a client of your financial planning firm. You have a contract in your golf bag but do not have a copy of the firm's disclosure brochure. What is true of this situation? as long as the brochure is delivered within 5 business days, you may obtain the client's signature on the contract you may not accept the client's signature at this time as long as you provide the disclosure brochure 48 hours after the client signs, you may accept the signature at this time if the acquaintance has either $1.5 million liquid net worth or $750,000 of assets for the firm to manage, the brochure need not be delivered
REVIEW DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS You may not accept the client's signature at this time you shouldn't get the customer to sign the contract without providing the disclosure document (which can be a copy of ADV Part 2). You either provide it 48 hours before taking their signature, or you give it to them at the time of signing if they have 5 days to cancel.
According to the Uniform Securities Act, who must notify the Administrator if an IAR leaves his employment at a federal covered adviser with a place of business in the state and is then hired by a financial planning firm registered with the Administrator both advisory firms and the IAR must notify the Administrator only the state-registered firm must provide notification to the Administrator in this situation only the two advisory firms must provide notification to the Administrator the IAR must notify the Administrator of his termination with the federal covered adviser, while the investment adviser who hires the IAR must notify the Administrator
REVIEW RULES FOR IAR VS AGENT NOTIFYING UNDER FEDERAL COVERED ADVISOR: the IAR must notify the Administrator of his termination with the federal covered adviser, while the investment adviser who hires the IAR must notify the Administrator it's an either-or situation for the advisory business. If the firm is federal covered, only the IAR provides notification. If the firm is state-registered, only the firm provides notification.
An investment adviser in the course of its business relies partially on statistical reports and analyses prepared by others when determining strategies and recommendations for client accounts. According to NASAA's model rule on unethical business practices for investment advisers, which of the following is accurate? advisers may not rely on the work of outside third parties when rendering advice to their clients the adviser must disclose the source of all such reports and analyses connected to each subsequent client recommendation as long as the adviser discloses this practice in ADV 1 and ADV 2, no further disclosure is required this practice is considered highly unethical but neither prohibited nor fraudulent
REVISIT DISCLOSURE OF 3RD PARTY E REQUIREMENTS As long as the adviser discloses this practice in ADV 1 and ADV 2, no further disclosure is required investment advisers frequently order reports and analyses that assist in making recommendations or trading portfolios. They disclose this practice in the disclosure brochure to prospects and clients, as well as in ADV 1 when registering and renewing.
Which of the following present potential conflicts of interest that a compliance officer at an advisory firm should pay special attention to? Many IARs lack either the CFP or CFA designation. IARs often invest in the same securities recommended to clients. IARs are also licensed as securities agents. A high percentage of customers invest in equity securities and options.
REVIEW ETHICAL PRACTICES IARs often invest in the same securities recommended to clients. investment advisory firms are responsible for supervising the personal trading of their IARs to make sure no one is engaging in frontrunning.
The CFO of an issuer represents the company in selling short-term debt securities to banks and S&L's. If he receives no special compensation for the sales, he must register as a broker-dealer is an agent but need not register must register as an investment adviser is not an agent and need not register
is not an agent and need not register Rationale he represents an issuer in an exempt transaction. He’s not being hired to sell securities in exchange for commissions—he is clearly not an agent.
Which of the following statements is true of various shareholder voting methods? large shareholders prefer statutory voting large shareholders prefer cumulative voting small/minority shareholders prefer statutory voting neither term is currently in use since the passage of Dodd Frank
REVIEW VOTING METHODS - PG 119 large shareholders prefer statutory voting Rationale cumulative voting benefits minority shareholders, while statutory benefits the large/majority owners, including the officers and directors of the company.
Which of the following must register as an investment adviser in the state? an adviser with an office in the state whose only clients are banks and large pension funds an IAR with no place of business in the state serving 6 married couples in the state an IAR with an office in the state working for a federal covered adviser an SEC-registered adviser with no place of business in the state but who services 7 non-institutional clients in the state
PLACE OF BUSINESS MUST REGISTER Correct Answer: an adviser with an office in the state whose only clients are banks and large pension funds Rationale an IAR is not an adviser. The SEC-registered adviser would only notice file--which is not a registration--in those jurisdictions where it maintains a place of business. Even though the adviser who has to register only serves institutional accounts, more importantly, it has a place of business in the state.
Under the Uniform Securities Act when do registrations of securities offerings that have been declared effective expire? on December 31st, unless properly renewed when the underwriters file a statement of completion with the Administrator one year from the effective date upon the last sale of the securities so registered
one year from the effective date 1 year from the effective date. Registrations for persons in the industry expire based on the calendar each year. A securities offering is not an ongoing thing, unlike an agent's registration, for example.
What is the main difference between an investment adviser representative and a registered representative? Registered representatives are fiduciaries. Investment adviser representatives are compensated both for selling securities and managing customer accounts. Investment adviser representatives have a fiduciary duty to their clients. Registered representatives are compensated both for selling securities and managing customer accounts.
RR IS AN AGENT FOR BD Correct Answer: Investment adviser representatives have a fiduciary duty to their clients. Rationale Registered representatives sell securities. IARs manage accounts, sell advisory services, or provide financial planning services on behalf of an IA. Only the RIA and IARs are defined as fiduciaries to all clients.
All of the following would violate an investment adviser's duty to obtain the best execution of client trades EXCEPT directing transactions to a full-service broker-dealer that charges higher commissions than other firms but also has superior execution capability and superior research services directing the transaction to a firm that does not make a market in the security, thereby raising execution costs all of the choices given violate the adviser's duty to clients directing the transactions to a broker-dealer that charges high commissions but shares a percentage of the commissions with the adviser
directing transactions to a full-service broker-dealer that charges higher commissions than other firms but also has superior execution capability and superior research services "best execution" involves more than just "lowest price."
When completing the U-4 form an applicant is asked if she has ever been convicted of a securities-related misdemeanor. Although convicted 13 years earlier of misdemeanor embezzlement from a credit union ($450), the applicant responds "no" to this question. Therefore the applicant has answered correctly, as the embezzlement did not take place in the securities business the applicant has answered correctly, as the conviction occured more than 10 years earlier the applicant has answered untruthfully and is subject to denial of licensure the applicant has answered untruthfully but is not subject to Administrative action
the applicant has answered untruthfully and is subject to denial of licensure U-4 doesn't mention anything about "in the past 10 years." Only Form ADV asks the question that way. This is "securities-related" because it's a "money crime" and people handle money in the securities industry.
A newly registered investment adviser will maintain custody over some client assets. The Administrator determines that the adviser's minimum financial requirements are deficient by $15,000. The adviser would like to deposit securities in lieu of a bond. Therefore, the Administrator may stipulate which securities are acceptable as a deposit the Administrator may insist that the adviser deposit cash in lieu of securities the securities deposited must be issued in the state the Administrator must accept the deposit regardless of the securities' issuer or issuers
the Administrator may stipulate which securities are acceptable as a deposit the Administrator can stipulate which securities are acceptable, but the Administrator can not force the adviser to post cash instead of securities to satisfy the bonding requirement.
Marvin McVicker makes computer models for an investment adviser that help the IARs determine and make recommendations to their high-net-worth clients, and explains their significance to the IARS at a weekly meeting. Therefore, Marvin is not an investment adviser representative. Marvin is an investment adviser representative, but is not subject to registration requirements if the firm is a federal covered adviser. Marvin is most likely an investment adviser representative, whether the employer is state- or federally-registered. Marvin is an investment adviser.
Marvin is most likely an investment adviser representative, whether the employer is state- or federally-registered. if the individual employed by an investment adviser helps to determine recommendations made to clients, he is most likely an IAR.
What is a "networking arrangement"
A "networking arrangement" occurs when a broker-dealer operates on the premises of a traditional bank.
An investing client is in her early 50's. She participates in her employer's 401(k) plan, maximizing her annual contributions. For her taxable account, she is seeking income that is tax-efficient primarily. Which of the following might you recommend to this investor? municipal bonds, if she is in a lower- or middle- marginal tax bracket preferred stock, if she is in a lower- or middle- marginal tax bracket small cap growth stocks or funds money market mutual funds
preferred stock, if she is in a lower- or middle- marginal tax bracket Municipal bonds are correctly associated with tax-efficient income, but if the investor is not in the top marginal bracket, her tax-equivalent yield on the municipal bonds would not be especially high. However, paying qualified-dividend rates on preferred stock dividends would be efficient.
Which of the following require disclosure on the part of a broker-dealer? the broker-dealer operates on the same premises where retail bank deposits are taken a transaction for or with a customer involves a security issued by an entity that controls the broker-dealer, is controlled by the broker-dealer, or is under common control the broker-dealer is a member of SIPC
All choices listed Rationale a BD operating at a bank is known as a "networking arrangement," requiring many different types of disclosure to customers.
All of the following statements are true of open-end funds except the ex-dividend date is set by the board of directors they are called mutual funds their shares trade over-the-counter they are priced by a formula
Their shares trade over-the-counter Rationale mutual fund shares ARE NOT TRADED—they are redeemed to the fund for NAV. The closed-end fund shares trade, either on an exchange or OTC.
For an investment adviser to enter into or renew a contract that provides for performance-based compensation, all the following conditions must be met EXCEPT The adviser holds custody of client funds in excess of $35,000. Capital depreciation must offset capital appreciation. The adviser reasonably believes the client understands the terms. The client must meet net worth or assets-under-management requirements.
The adviser holds custody of client funds in excess of $35,000. there is no requirement that an IA hold custody; in fact, some Administrators do not allow custody by investment advisers., ALL other factors must be met
According to the NASAA model rule, "Unethical Business Practices Of Investment Advisers, Investment Adviser Representatives, And Federal Covered Advisers," an investment adviser may borrow money from all of the following EXCEPT an affiliate of the investment adviser an unaffiliated federal covered adviser a client that is a commercial bank a client that is a savings & loan
An unaffiliated federal covered adviser Rationale an IA may borrow from a client that happens to be a lending institution. IAs may also borrow from individuals and firms affiliated with the adviser.
What are Blue Sky Laws
State Securities registration rules
If a registered investment adviser uses third-party solicitors, what does the SEC require of the adviser in terms of record keeping?
A copy of the solicitor disclosure document as well as the RIA must keep a list of all parties compensated for soliciting clients including the total cash and non-cash compensation paid and a summary of the business relationship with that entity (e.g., consulting, prime brokerage, securities lending, etc.). And, all agreements, correspondence and the separate disclosure documents for third-party solicitors.
When would an investment advisory need to disclose to clients that "assignment" has occurred?
"assignment of contract" occurs when a partner with a majority stake is admitted, leaves, or dies. Assignment can happen when a controlling block of the adviser's securities are transferred or "hypothecated," too. If the firm is a partnership, no assignment occurs based on partners with minority stakes, although the fact that the change occurred must be disclosed to clients. It's just not considered "assignment."
For a properly licensed securities agent, under what types of events would require disclosure by promptly (no later than within 30 days) updating U4 information? Conviction of misdemeanor assault Agent accepts a plan to repay a credit card issuer a % of the debt owed Arrested for misdemeanor DUI
the agent accepts a plan to repay a credit card issuer a % of the debt owed. Any activity involving credit, bankruptcy, short home sale must be reported An arrest is not the same as a "charge." Any charge or conviction of any felony must be disclosed. Any charge or conviction of a misdemeanor involving crimes of a financial or fraudulent nature must be disclosed--not misdemeanor DUI or misdemeanor assault.
An accountant provides portfolio allocation strategies for some of her tax preparation clients. What policy accurately addresses this practice?
Unless she charges clients nothing for services--including tax preparation services--she most likely is an adviser and subject to registration requirements. If she receives compensation of any kind, and part of her services involve providing investment advice, she is an investment adviser. It does not matter how she itemizes her bills--if she provides investment advice for compensation, she is an investment adviser.
How does the executor or administrator determine the fair market value (FMV) of inherited stock,
Takes the average of the stock’s high and low trading prices on the date of death. A question like this seems somewhat unlikely given the extreme level of detail.
What does it mean to be a qualified custodian
A qualified custodian is a type of institution that is approved by regulators to hold assets on behalf of clients. For example, a bank is a qualified custodian.
An investment adviser is the trustee of a testamentary trust. What is true of the adviser's ability or inability to receive payment for advisory fees directly from the qualified custodian of the trust?
The custodian may pay the adviser directly if attorneys for the trust have authorized the qualified custodian in writing to pay those fees The qualified custodian has to be authorized to make this payment of advisory fees directly to the adviser.
An investment adviser who does not wish to be deemed to have custody of client assets is able to send a bill to the custodian for payment of the clients advisory fee. Under what condition is this allowed?
As long as the adviser follows certain safeguards, the minimum financial requirements and CPA audit are waived The adviser would be deemed to have custody, but if he follows the safeguards (client authorization, billing statements to custodian and client) the minimum net worth and CPA surprise audit are waived.
If an investment adviser is the GP of a pooled investment vehicle, what is true of its duty to report to the LPs?
The adviser must deliver account statements to each LP or deliver audited financial statements annually and notify Administrator The adviser does have custody and either sends account statements or audited financial statements annually. If the latter, must notify the Administrator.
When Karen, an Investment Adviser Representative for a federal covered adviser with an office in the state, leaves that firm and joins a financial planning firm registered in the state, what is the appropriate notification requirements under the Uniform Securities Act?
Karen must notify the Administrator of the termination; the state-registered adviser must notify the Administrator of the new association Unlike the brokerage side--where both the agent and the employer must notify--on the advisory side either the state-registered IA or the IAR notifies the Administrator.