Chapter 4: Hemodynamic Disorders, Thromboembolic Disease, and Shock Flashcards
Disorders that perturb cardiovascular, renal, or hepatic function are often marked by the accumulation of fluid in the tissues or body cavities. What is this called?
Edema: accumulation of fluid in tissues
Effusion: accumulation of tissues in body cavities
What two pressure changes in vessels disrupt the vascular fluid balance, resulting in movement of fluid out of vessels (i.e. edema, effusion)?
- Elevated hydrostatic pressure
- Diminished colloid osmotic pressure
Factors influencing fluid movement across capillary walls. Normally, hydrostatic and osmotic forces are nearly balanced so that there is little net movement of fluid out of vessels. Many different pathologic disorders (Table 4-1) are associated with increases in capillary hydrostatic pressure or decreases in plasma osmotic pressure that lead to the extravasation of fluid into tissues. Lymphatic vessels remove much of the excess fluid, but if the capacity for lymphatic drainage is exceeded, tissue edema results.
Edema fluids and effusions can be inflammatory or noninflammatory. What are some differences?
Inflammatory exudates:
- accumulate due to increased vascular permeability
- protein-rich
- higher cellularity
Noninflammatory transudates:
- accumulate due to changes in pressures (e.g. heart failure, liver failure)
- lower protein
- lower cellularity
Pathophysiologic mechanisms of edema/effusions
1. Increases in hydrostatic pressure (usually due to impaired venous return) (e.g. congestive heart failure - systemic, DVT - localized)
2. Reduced plasma oncotic pressure: Under normal circumstances, albumin accounts for almost half of the total plasma protein; inadequate synthesis or increased loss of albumin are common causes of reduced PCOP (e.g. liver failure, protein malnutrition, nephrotic syndrome)
3. Salt and water retention: Increased salt retention - with obligate retention of associated water - causes both increased CHP (due to intravascular fluid volume expansion) and decreased PCOP (dilutional). Salt retention occurs with renal failure (intrinsic or 2ndary to CV disease and dec. perfusion). CHF results in activation of RAAS (beneficial early in CHF to increase vascular tone and improve CO to restore renal perfusion, but harmful as CO diminishes with progressive CHF - retained fluid just increases hydrostatic pressure)
4. Lymphatic obstruction: Trauma, fibrosis, invasive tumors, and infectious agents can all disrupt lymphatic vessels and impair interstital fluid clearance, resulting in lymphedema.
TABLE: Pathophysiologic categories of edema
Mechanisms of systemic edema in heart failure, renal failure, malnutrition, hepatic failure, and nephrotic syndrome.
Edema morphology
Hyperemia and congestion
Hyperemia and congestion both stem from increased blood volumes within tissues, but have different underlying mechanisms and consequences.
- Hyperemia*: an active process; arteriolar dilation leads to increased blood flow - affected tissues turn red due to increased delivery of oxygenated blood
- Congestion*: passive process resulting from reduced outflow of blood from a tissue. (e.g. systemic - cardiac failure, localized - isolated venous obstruction). Leads to high CHP and edema. Long-standing congestion can lead to chronic hypoxia and ischemic injury / scarring.
Congestion morphology
Liver with chronic passive congestion and hemorrhagic necrosis.
A, Central areas are red and slightly depressed compared with the surrounding tan viable parenchyma, forming a “nutmeg liver” pattern (so-called because it resembles the cut surface of a nutmeg).
B, Centrilobular necrosis with degenerating hepatocytes and hemorrhage.
Hemostasis, hemorrhagic disorders, thrombosis - definitions
- Hemostasis*: Process by which blood clots form at sites of vascular injury
- Hemorrhagic disorders:* Excessive bleeding, due to either blunted or insufficient hemostatic mechanisms
- Thrombotic disorders:* Blood clots forming within intact vessels or in the heart
- Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)*: generalized activation of clotting, leading to consumption of coagulation factors and an often fatal clinical bleeding syndrome
Detailed definition, basic steps involved
Hemostasis is a precisely orchestrated process involving platelets, clotting factors and endothelium that occurs at the site of vascular injury and culminates in the formation of a blood clot, which serves to prevent or limit the extent of bleeding.
- Arteriolar vasoconstriction:* Occurs immediately and transiently, markedly reducing blood flow to the area. Mediated by reflex neurogenic mechanisms and augmented by local secretion of factors (e.g. endothelin).
- Primary hemostasis: formation of a platelet plug:* Disruption of endothelium exposes subendothelial vWF and collagen, which promote platelet adherence and activation.
- Secondary hemostasis:* deposition of fibrin: Tissue factor is also exposed at injury site, which stimulates extrinsic pathway via activation of factor VII. This and the intrinsic pathway converge on the common pathway, which leads to activation of thrombin and fibrinogen cleavage
- Clot stabilization and resorption*: Polymerized fibrin and platelet aggregates are broken down and clotting is limited by counterregulatory mechanisms (e.g. t-PA)
Role in hemostasis and morphology
Platelets play a critical role in hemostasis by forming the primary plug that initially seals vascular defects and by providing a surface that binds and concentrates activated coagulation factors.
disc-shaped, anucleate cell fragments with alpha- and dense- cytoplasmic granules
Contents of alpha- and dense- granules of platelets
Alpha granules:
- P-selectin on their membranes
Coagulation proteins
- fibrinogen
- factor V
- factor VIII
- vWF
Wound healing factors
- fibronectin
- platelet factor 4 (heparin-binding chemokine)
- TGF-b
- *Dense granules:**
- iCa
- Serotonin
- Epinephrine
Steps of platelet plug formation (i.e. primary hemostasis)
- *1. Platelet adhesion**
- Mediated via vWF, which is exposed by subendothelial collagen when there is an endothelial defect
- vWF binds GpIb on paltelet membrane
- *2. Platelet shape change**
- Following adhesion, platelets go from somoth discs to spiky ‘sea urchins’ with greater surface area
- GP IIb/IIIa undergoes changes, which increase it’s affinity for fibrinogen
- phosphatidylserine translocates to the outer leaflet of plasma membrane which provides a negative surface for coagulation
- *3. Secretion of granule contents**
- Shape change + granule secretion = platelet activation
- Triggered by thrombin, ADP, and others
- Thrombin activates platelets via a protease-activated receptor (PAR), a G-protein coupled receptor
- Activated platelets produce TxA2, which induces platelet aggregation. Aspirin inhibits COX, decreasing TxA2 synthesis, and inhibiting platelet aggregation
- *4. Platelet aggregation**
- Conformational change in gp IIb/IIIa makes it bind fibrinogen more, which is the platelet-platelet bridge
- initial wave of aggregation is reversible, but concurrent activation of thrombin stabilizes the plug by causing further platelet activation and aggregation, promoting irreversible platelet contraction
Platelet adhesion and aggregation. Von Willebrand factor functions as an adhesion bridge between subendothelial collagen and the glycoprotein Ib (GpIb) platelet receptor. Aggregation is accomplished by fibrinogen bridging GpIIb-IIIa receptors on different platelets. Congenital deficiencies in the various receptors or bridging molecules lead to the diseases indicated in the colored boxes. ADP, adenosine diphosphate.
Coagulation cascade:
Definition, Different pathways and how they’re tested
The coagulation cascade is a series of amplifying enzymatic reactions that leads to the deposition of an insoluble fibrin clot.
Intrinsic and common pathways are tested with aPTT: negatively-charged particles (e.g. ground glass) are added with phospholipids and calcium, and time to clot formation is recorded (tests factors XII, XI, IX, VIII, X, V, II, fibrinogen)
Extrinsic and common pathways are tested with PT: tissue factor, phospholipids, and calcium are added to plasma and time to clot formation is recorded (tests factors VII, X, V, II, fibrinogen
The coagulation cascade in the laboratory and in vivo.
A, Clotting is initiated in the laboratory by adding phospholipids, calcium, and either a negative charged substance such as glass beads (intrinsic pathway) or a source of tissue factor (extrinsic pathway).
B, In vivo, tissue factor is the major initiator of coagulation, which is amplified by feedback loops involving thrombin (dotted lines). The red polypeptides are inactive factors, the dark green polypeptides are active factors, while the light green polypeptides correspond to cofactors..
Schematic illustration of the conversion of factor X to factor Xa via the extrinsic pathway, which in turn converts factor II (prothrombin) to factor IIa (thrombin). The initial reaction complex consists of a proteolytic enzyme (factor VIIa), a substrate (factor X), and a reaction accelerator (tissue factor), all assembled on a platelet phospholipid surface. Calcium ions hold the assembled components together and are essential for the reaction. Activated factor Xa becomes the protease for the second adjacent complex in the coagulation cascade, converting prothrombin substrate (II) to thrombin (IIa) using factor Va as the reaction accelerator.
Deficiencies of which factors are associated with moderate to severe bleeding disorders
Which factor deficiency only leads to only mild bleeding, if any?
Which coagulation factor is most important?
What are some of its most important functions?
Among the coagulation factors, thrombin is the most important, in that its various enzymatic activities control diverse aspects of hemostasis and link clotting to inflammation and repair.
- Conversion of fibrinogen to crosslinked fibrin: Thrombin directly converts fibrinogen into fibrin, and also does so by amplifying the coagulation cascade (activating factors XI, V, VIII). It also activates factor XIII which covalently cross-links fibrin
- Platelet activation: Thrombin is a potent inducer of platelet activation and aggregation through its activity with PARs
- Pro-inflammatory effects: PARs are expressed on inflammatory cells and endothelium; activation by thrombin mediates pro-inflammatory effects
- Anticoagulant effects: When it encounters normal endothelium, thrombin changes from pro- to anti-coagulant, preventing excessive clotting
Role of thrombin in hemostasis and cellular activation. Thrombin plays a critical role in generating cross-linked fibrin (by cleaving fibrinogen to fibrin and by activating factor XIII), as well as activating several other coagulation factors (see Fig. 4-6B). Through protease-activated receptors (PARs, see text), thrombin also modulates several cellular activities. It directly induces platelet aggregation and TxA2 production, and activates endothelial cells, which respond by expressing adhesion molecules and a variety of fibrinolytic (t-PA), vasoactive (NO, PGI2), and cytokine mediators (e.g., PDGF). Thrombin also directly activates leukocytes. ECM, extracellular matrix; NO, nitric oxide; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; PGI2, prostacyclin; TxA2, thromboxane A2; t-PA, tissue plasminogen activator. See Figure 4-10 for additional anticoagulant activities mediated by thrombin.
Factors that limit coagulation
- Simple dilution: blood flowing past injury site washes out coag factors, which are then removed by the liver
- Requirement for negatively charged phospholipids, provided by platelets that are activated by contact with subendothelial matrix
- Factors expressed by intact endothelium adjacent to the site of injury
Activation of coagulation cascade also sets into motion a fibrinolytic cascade which limits the size of the clot and contributes to its dissolution.
Plasmin, the activated form of plasminogen is a key enzyme which breaks down fibrin. Plasminogen is activated by a factor XII-dependent pathway or by plasminogen activators (e.g. t-PA, produced by endothelium)
Fibrin breakdown products (e.g. D-dimers) are useful markers of thrombotic states.
The fibrinolytic system, illustrating various plasminogen activators and inhibitors (see text).
Anticoagulant effects of endothelium
The balance between anticoagulant and procoagulant activities of endothelium often determines whether clot formation, propagation, or dissolution occurs.
Platelet inhibitory effects:
- Barrier shielding platelets from subendothelial vWF and colalgen
- Releases prostacyclin (PGI2), NO, adenosine diphosphatase (degrades ADP, a potent activator of plt aggregation)
- Endothelial cells bind and later thrombin’s activity, which is a potent platelet activator -
Anticoagulant effects:
- Shields coagulation factors from tissue factor in vessel walls
- Expresses thombomodulin and protein C receptor: These bind thrombin, and protein C, respectively. Thrombin loses coag/platelet activation and instead activates protein C, which, with protein S and vit. K, inhibits factor Va and VIIIa
- Expresses Heparin-like molecules that activate antithrombin III, which inhibits thrombin and factors IXa, Xa, XIIa
- Expresses Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), which requires protein S as a cofactor and binds and inhibits tissue factor/factor VIIa complexes. - Fibrinolytic effects: Normal endothelial cells syntehsize t-PA
Anticoagulant activities of normal endothelium. NO, nitric oxide; PGI2, prostacyclin; t-PA, tissue plasminogen activator; vWF, von Willebrand factor. The thrombin receptor is also called a protease-activated receptor (PAR).
Normal hemostasis.
A, After vascular injury, local neurohumoral factors induce a transient vasoconstriction.
B, Platelets bind via glycoprotein Ib (GpIb) receptors to von Willebrand factor (vWF) on exposed extracellular matrix (ECM) and are activated, undergoing a shape change and granule release. Released adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and thromboxane A2 (TxA2) induce additional platelet aggregation through platelet GpIIb-IIIa receptor binding to fibrinogen, and form the primary hemostatic plug.
C, Local activation of the coagulation cascade (involving tissue factor and platelet phospholipids) results in fibrin polymerization, “cementing” the platelets into a definitive secondary hemostatic plug.
D, Counterregulatory mechanisms, mediated by tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA, a fibrinolytic product) and thrombomodulin, confine the hemostatic process to the site of injury.
Hemorrhagic disorders:
Tissues involved, Three general principles relating to abnormal bleeding (primary, secondary hemostasis, and small vessel defects)
Disorders associated with abnormal bleeding inevitably stem from primary or secondary defects in vessel walls, platelets, or coagulation factors, all of which must function properly to ensure hemostasis.
Defects of primary hemostasis:
- Present with petechiae, ecchymoses, mucosal bleeds (e.g. gingival bleeds, hematuria, melena, epistaxis)
- Caused by low platelet numbers, platelet function defects, or vWF deficiency/defects
- Severe thrombocytopenia can cause fatal intracerebral hemorrhage -
Defects of secondary hemostasis
- Present with bleeds into body cavities (e.g. hemothorax, hemoabdomen, hemarthrosis) or large hematomas
- Associated with coag factor deficiencies (e.g. Vit. K deficiency, inherited factor deficiencies, liver failure) -
Generalized defects involving small vessels
- Presents with “palpable purpura” (i.e. hematoma) and ecchymoses
- Seen with vasculitis, amyloidosis, scurvy)
A, Punctate petechial hemorrhages of the colonic mucosa, a consequence of thrombocytopenia.
B, Fatal intracerebral bleed.
What are the primary abnormalities that lead to thrombosis?
1. endothelial injury
2. stasis or turbulent blood flow
3. hypercoagulability of the blood
This is Virchow’s triad.
The Virchow triad in thrombosis. Endothelial integrity is the most important factor. Injury to endothelial cells can alter local blood flow and affect coagulability. Abnormal blood flow (stasis or turbulence), in turn, can cause endothelial injury. These factors may promote thrombosis independently or in combination.
Virchow’s Triad: Endothelial injury
Procoagulant effects
Endothelial injury leading to platelet activation almost inevitably underlies thrombus formation in the heart and in the arterial circulation, where the high rates of blood flow impede clot formation.
Severe endothelial injury exposes vWF and TF, promoting thrombosis.
Inflammation and other stimuli (physical injury, infectious agents, abnormal blood flow, metabolic abnormalities, toxins) can also promote thrombosis by shifting endothelial gene expression to ‘pro-thrombotic’ (i.e. endothelial activation or dysfunction).
Procoagulant effects: Endothelial cells activated by cytokines downregulate thrombomodulin, protein C, TFPI
Antifibrinolytic effects: Activated endothelial cells secrete plasminogen activator inhibitors (PAIs), which limit fibrinolysis
Virchow’s Triad: Alterations in normal blood flow
- Turbulence* contributes to arterial/cardiac thrombosis by causing endothelial activation and forming countercurrents that cause stasis.
- Stasis* is a major contributer to venous thrombi
Normal blood flow is laminar (platelets and other cellular elements flow centrally, separated from endothelium by a slower moving layer of plasma
Stasis and turbulence both:
(1) Promote endothelial activation, promoting coagulation and leukocyte adhesion
(2) Disrupt laminar flow and bring platelets in contact with endothelium
(3) Prevent washout and dilution of activated coag factors and the inflow of clotting factor inhibitors
- Aneurysms* (aortic/arterial dilations) –> stasis –> thrombosis
- Hyperviscosity* (e.g. with polycythemia vera) increases resistance to flow and causes small vessel stasis, impeding blood flow, predisposing to clots
Virchow’s Triad: Hypercoagulability
Hypercoagulability (a.k.a. thrombophilia) can be loosely defined as any disorder of the blood that predisposes to thrombosis.
Separated into primary (genetic) and secondary (acquired) disorders
Important primary causes: point mutations in prothrombin and factor V genes
TABLE: Hypercoagulable states
Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) syndrome
Administration of unfracitonated heparin –> antibodies against heparin and platelet factor 4 on platelet surfaces –> activation, aggregation, consumption of platelets + endothelial activation –> prothrombotic state
Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome
Primary form: only manifestations of hypercoagulable state
Secondary form: Patients have a well-defined auto-immune disease (e.g. SLE)
Recurrent thromboses, repeated miscarriages, cardiac valve vegetations, thrombocytopenia
Pulmonary embolism, pulmonary hypertension, stroke, bowel infarction, renovascular hypertension can occur
Fate of the thrombus:
Four possible sequelae
- Propagation: Thrombi accumulate additional platelets and fibrin
- Embolization: Thrombi dislodge and travel to other sites
- Dissolution: Dissolution is the result of fibrinolysis which can lead to shrinkage or total disappearance of thrombi
- Organization and recanalization: Older thrombi organize by having ingrowth of endothelial, smooth muscle cells, and fibroblasts. This leads to reestablishment of a lumen, which eventually converts the thrombus into a small mass of CT incorporated in vessel wall. Eventually, only a fibrous lump may remain.
Clinical features of thrombosis
Thrombi come to clinical attention when they obstruct arteries or veins, or give rise to emboli.
Venous thrombi can cause painful congestion and edema distal to an obstruction, but worstly can embolize to lungs.
Arterial thrombi can embolize and cause downstream infarctions, worstly can occlude a critical vessel.
- *Venous thrombosis** (phlebothrombosis):
- can lead to varicose ulcers
- DVT more serious if in a large leg vein. Venous collateral channels open, so only about 50% of these are clinical.
- *Arterial and cardiac thrombosis**:
- Atherosclerosis is a major cause of arterial thromboses due to loss of endothelial integrity and abnormal blood flow
KEY CONCEPTS: Thrombosis
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
DIC is not a specific disease but rather a complication of a large number of conditions associated with systemic activation of thrombin.
Some causes: obstetric complications, advanced malignancy, pancreatitis, IMHA, many others
Microvascular thrombi form everywhere, using up platelets and coag factors, and eventually leading to a bleeding catastrophe
Embolism - definition
An embolus is a detached intravascular solid, liquid, or gaseous mass that is carried by the blood from its point of origin to a distant site, where it often causes tissue dysfunction or infarction.
Pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary emboli originate from deep venous thromboses and are the most common form of thromboembolic disease.
Patient who has had one PE is at a high risk for more.
Major functional consequences of PEs
(1) Most PEs are clinically silent because they’re small.
(2) Sudden death, right heart failure, CV collapse occurs when 60% of pulmonary circulation is obstructed
(3) Embolic obstruction of medium-sized arteries with vascular rupture can result in pulmonary hemorrhage, but not infarction
(4) Embolic obstruction of small end-arteriolar pulmonary branches often produces hemorrhage or infarction
(5) Multiple emboli over time –> pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular failure
Systemic thromboembolism
Most arise from intracardiac mural thrombi. Remainder from aortic aneurysms, atherosclerotic plaques, valvular vegetations, or venous thrombi.
Point of arrest of the embolus depends on source and relative amount of blood flow tissues receive. Most go to lower extremeties or brain, but others can be involved.
Fat and marrow embolism
About 90% of patients with severe skeletal injuries get fat embolisms from the marrow space (only 10% of these are clinical)
Fat embolism syndrome refers to the 10% that become symptomatic (pulmonary insufficiency, neuro symptoms, anemia, thrombocytopenia, fatal in 5-15% of cases)
Air embolism
Gas bubbles within the circulation can coalesce to form frothy masses that obstruct vascular flow and cause distal ischemic injury.
About 100 ml of air is necessary to produce clinical effects.
Decompression sickness: Sudden decreases in atmospheric pressure cause nitrogen to come out of solution into tissues and blood
Amniotic fluid embolism
Amniotic fluid embolism is the fifth most common cause of maternal mortality worldwide; it accounts for roughly 10% of maternal deaths in US and results in permanent neurologic deficit in as many as 85% of survivors.
An infarct is an area of ischemic necrosis caused by occlusion of either the arterial supply or the venous drainage.
Arterial thrombosis or arterial embolism underlies the vast majority of infarctions.
Factors that influence the development of an infarct
- Anatomy of the vascular supply: This is the most important determinant of whether vessel occlusion will cause tissue damage. Lungs and liver have dual circulation and that protects against thromboembolism-induced infarction. Renal and splenic circulations are end-arterial and vascular obstruction often causes tissue death.
- Rate of occlusion: Slowly developing occlusions are less likely to cause infarctions because there is time for collateral pathways of perfusion to develop.
- Tissue vulnerability to hypoxia: Neurons undergo irreversible damage when deprived of blood supply for 3-4 minutes! Myocardial cells have about 20-30 minutes. Fibroblasts can survive for hours.
- Hypoxemia: Low blood O2 content increases likelihood and extent of infarction
KEY CONCEPTS: Infarction
Definition and categories
Shock is a state in which diminished cardiac output or reduced effective circulating blood volume impairs tissue perfusion and leads to cellular hypoxia.
- Cardiogenic shock: low cardiac output due to myocardial pump failure. Can be intrinsic myocardial damage (infarction), ventricular arrhythmias, extrinsic compression (cardiac tamponade) or outflow obstruction
- Hypovolemic shock: Low cardiac output due to low blood volume
- Shock associated with systemic inflammation: Triggered by a variety of insults (microbial infections, burns, trauma, pancreatitis). Massive outpouring of inflammatory mediators causes vasodilation, vascular leakage, and venous blood pooling, causing hypoperfusion, cellular hypoxia, organ dysfunction, and if severe, organ failure and death.
TABLE: Three major types of shock
Pathogenesis of septic shock:
5 Factors playing a major role
Inflammatory and counter-inflammatory responses:
- PRRs recognize microbial cell walls, activating innate immune cells
- Activated innate immune cells produce TNF, IL-1, IFN-y, IL-12, IL-18, high mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1), ROS, prostaglandins, platelet activating factor (PAF)
- This leads to upregulation of adhesion molecule expression and more cytokine production
- Complement cascade also activated, resulting in anaphylotoxin production (C3a, C5a), chemotactic fragments (C5a), and opsonins (C3b)
- Coagulation also is activated; thrombin triggers PARs on leukocytes
- Counter-inflammatory mechanisms are also initiated -
Endothelial activation and injury:
- Leads to vascular leakage and edema, limiting nutrient delivery and waste removal
- Activated endothelium upregulates production of NO, other vasoactive mediators (e.g. C3a, C5a, PAF) –> systemic hypotension -
Induction of a procoagulant state:
- Enough to lead to DIC in up to half of septic patients
- Sepsis and inflammation cause TF production by monocytes and endothelial cells, and decreased endothelial expression of anti-coagulant factors (e.g. TFPI, thrombomodulin, protein C, PAI-1) -
Metabolic abnormalities
- Insulin resistance and hyperglycemia occur in septic patients
- TNF, IL-1, glucagon, GH, steroids, catecholemines all drive gluconeogenesis
- Proinflammatory cytokines suppress insulin release while promoting insulin resistance
- Hyperglycemia decreases neut function -
Organ dysfunction
- Systemic hypotention, interstitial edema, small vessel thrombosis all decrease oxygen and nutrient delivery to tissues
- ARDS from diminished myocardial contractility and increased vascular permeability and endotehlial injury
Major pathogenic pathways in septic shock. Microbial products (PAMPs, or pathogen-associated molecular patterns) activate endothelial cells and cellular and humoral elements of the innate immune system, initiating a cascade of events that lead to end-stage multiorgan failure. Additional details are given in the text. DIC, Disseminated vascular coagulation; HMGB1, high mobility group box 1 protein; NO, nitric oxide; PAF, platelet activating factor; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1; TF, tissue factor; TFPI, tissue factor pathway inhibitor.
Three general phases of shock (hypovolemic and cardiogenic)
- Nonprogressive phase - reflex compensatory mechanisms are activated and perfusion is maintained
- Progressive stage - Tissue hypoperfusion and onset of worsening circulatory and metabolic imbalances (e.g. lactic acidosis)
- Neurohumoral mechanisms (baroreceptor reflexes, catecholamine release, RAAS activation, ADH release, sympathetic stimulation) maintain CO and BP and cause tachycardia, vasoconstriction, renal conservation of fluid - Irreversible stage - body has incurred cellular and tissue injury so severe that survival is impossible