Chapter 4: halls marriage theorem Flashcards
EXAMPLE: in a group of 7 men and 6 women
woman 1 knows men 1',2',3' woman 2 knows men 2',3' woman 3 knows men3',5',7' woman 4 knows men1',2' woman 5 knows men1',2',3' woman 6 knows men 4',5',6'
can each find a husband from the man she knows?
this is impossible
e.g women 1,2,4 and 5 only know 3 Men between them (1’,2’,3’) so they can’t get married to different men they know
relates to LEMMA: for plausibility and full matching
ie iff for each subset of r women they know at least r men between them
consider a job allocation problem
finite set of jobs and finite set of people
corresponds to counting rook polynomials
Finite set j of jobs
Finite set P of people
For each j ∈J, a subset C[j]⊆P of candidates = those qualified for job
corresponds to board with rows labelled J and columns labelled P with (j,p) is unblocked iff p∈C[j]
Given subset U ⊆J: a partial matching on U gives injective map m:U→ P with m(j)∈C[j] for all j
- m(j)∈C[j] means we assign j to person m(j) who is qualified to do j
- injective means we do not assign 2 different jobs to the same person
*rook polynomials to see if there is at least a full matching
a full matching is one such that map m with U=all J
C[U] in job allocation
C[U]= ∪_{j∈U} C[j]
e.g. C[ {i,j,l}] = C[j] ∪C[k] ∪C[l]
C[U]={people qualified to do at least one of the jobs in U}
A full matching for u, set of jobs PLAUSIBILITY definition
u is
*implausible if |C[u]| is LESS THAN |u|
barely plausible if |C[u]| = |u|
Very plausible if |C[u]| is MORE THAN |u|
*plausible if |C[u]| ≥ |u|
(so plausible if barely plausible or very plausible)
LEMMA: for plausibility and full matching
if there is a full matching m: U→ P then every subset U ⊆J is plausible
proof: Suppose U={j_1,…,j_r}. Then m(j_i) ∈C[j_i] ⊆C[u] for all i, and m(j_1),..,m(j_r) are all different as m is injective, thus |C[u]| ≥ |u|
COROLLARY:for plausibility and full matching
if there are any impossible/implausible sets, then the problem is not solvable
EXAMPLE: is the problem solvable Pa Qui Ru Ste Tess \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Artist |x x Baker | x x x Courrier |x x Dentist |x x x x x Electr'' |x x
x means qualified
C[{A}]={P,Q} so {A} is very plausible
C[{B,D}]={P,Q,R,S,T} so {A} is very plausible
(candidates able to do at least one of the jobs)
C[{A,C}]={P,Q} so {A,C} is barely plausible
C[{A,C,E}]={P,Q} so {A,C,E} is implausible
thus the problem is not solvable
we only need to find one example such that it’s implausible (try out different jobs)
halls marriage theorem
is every set of jobs is plausible then there exists a full matching
(converse of lemma)
if there is a full matching m: U→ P then every subset U ⊆J is plausible
- marriage version iff for every set of size r must have at least r men known
- proof by induction for number of jobs
4 jobs and 4 people assigned
j_0 has not been assigned (to a person)
p_0 is qualified for j_0 but has already been assigned to j_1
p_1 is qualified for j_1 but has already been assigned to j_2
p_2 is qualified for j_2 but has already been assigned to j_3
p_3 is qualified for j_3 AND has NOT been given a job
by forming open zigzag
we have already j_0-----------p_0 / j_1------------p_1 / j_2-----------p_2 / j_3-----------p_3
(/ mark arrows of solid line: person is assigned and qualified)
dotted line:person is qualified
new assignment:
a sequence like prev example (j_0,..,j_n; p_0,..,p_n) where p_n has not been assigned a job is called an open zigzag. changing the assignment (as before) is called flipping
if we can find an open zig zag then we can flip it,which modifies and extends m (So It covers j as well as j)
if we have a possible job allocation problem, a partial solution
m_1: J_1 → P
and an extra job
j_0 ∈ J\J_1
then we can always find an open zig zag and flip it to get a partial solution
m: J_1∪{j_0} → P
we can use this repeatedly for a full matching
For ABC make A→p, B→q,C→r but then D cannot be assigned without reassignment
p q r s
: \ : \ : \ :
we can find open zig zag as plausible C[D] and flip for complete matching
A→q, B→r,C→s, D→p
could use rook polynomial board to visualise but this gave us a required solution
job allocation with
|P| bigger than |J|
some people won’t be assigned a job
*we consider a subset T⊆P of people who are poor and really need to be assigned a job
addition for plausibility
suppose that every subset U⊆J is plausible
ie |C[u]| ≥ |u|.
suppose also that every u has
|C[u]∩T| ≥ |u| + |T| - |J|
then there is a full matching in which every person in T is assigned
(what we are looking for)
proof: by choosing a set not available to T..
DEF Q[p]
in a job allocation problem as before for each person p put
Q[p]={jobs p can do}
={j∈J: p∈C[j] }
Example: what are C[j]s and Q[p]s?
p q r s A [ ][ ][ ][ ] B [x][ ][ ][ ] C [x][x][ ][ ] D [ ][x][x][x]
x means unshaded
C[A]={p,q,r,s} C[B]={q,r,s} C[C]={r,s} C[D]={p} candidates able to do job_A_
Q[p]= {A,D} Q[q]= {A,B} Q[r]= {A,B,C} Q[s]= {A,B,C}
jobs doable by candidate_p_