2: 3 Rules Flashcards
3 principles
pigeon hole principle
prove impossible by parity mismatch
odd even,
black white
(can’t prove possible only disprove)
do they have sols
has even parity but no Solutions
left hand side is even but right hand side is odd so there are no Solutions
EXAMPLE: for nxn chess board Domino’s cover without overlap if
Domino’s cover without overlap if and only if n is even.
- if n is odd then parity mismatch as each covers 2 squares and reduced #uncovered by 2. Thus #uncovered is odd and never equal to 0
- if n is even integer valued nxn/2 blacks and nxn/2 whites hence covered by nxn/2 Domino’s each covering one black and one white each
EXAMPLE: for nxn chess board Domino’s cover without overlap ..
when removing squares from two opposite corners
board cannot be covered
- even: two black squares missing hence two more white squares than black squares, #uncovered never equal to 0 as 2 White’s always uncovered.
- if n is odd require odd half of domino ie parity mismatch
EXAMPLE: 7 components,each 4 squares: 4x7 grid?
1x4 rectangle
{3 across one up} x 2 L shapes
{2 across one up one across} x 2
{2x2 square}
t shape ( 3 across then one up in middle)
most tiles cover 2 • and 2W no matter how they’re rotated
T shape covers 3•1w or 3w1•.
altogether all shapes cover 15•13W or 15W13•
however colour party mismatch as 4 by 7 grid covers 14•14W
for a tour of all vertices
supposed set of nodes A_1,…,A_n with bridges such that #bridges attached to A_i is d_i. For a tour starting at A_p and ending at A_q Crossing each path exactly once.
consider node A_i st ≠ p or q (ie not end or start). Let K_i = #times tour passes through A_i. each time we arrive and leave and thus use 2 Bridges. Must use every Bridge d_i = 2K_i ie d_i is even for all i ≠ p or q.
so every node not at start / finish must have even #Bridges d_i.
the pigeonhole principle
placing more than n in n pigeon holes:
then some will contain more than one
EXAMPLE: handshaking between n ppl ST none shake own and no pair more than once
supposed A_1,…,A_n shake hands in some combo with d_i = # hands A_i shakes. d_i in {0,1,…,n-1}. assume all d_i different. as n choices i.e. size of set |{0,1,…,n-1}.|=n must completely fill up set. So there exists p,q such that d_p=0 and d_q=n-1. A_p shakes none, A_q everyone. but this must includeA_p, contradiction.
EXAMPLE: there are at least 2 people in the world with the same number of hairs
assume everyone less than 10 ^ 6.
divide people into groups H_0, H_1,…, H_10^6 where H_k is the set of those with k hairs. total #people is |H_0| +|H_1|+…+|H_10^6|=1+1+…+1 =10^6 if each set at most one.
but there are more than this in the world. so there exists a H_k st |H_k| bigger than 1
EXAMPLE: given any 10 different positive integers less than 100, there will be two disjoint subsets with the same sum
suppose U ⊆{1,2,…,100} with |U|=10. U has 2^10=1024 subsets (A_1,…,A_1024). let S_k be the sum of elements in A_k. S_k is that most the sum of the 10 terms which is at most 91+92+…+100= 10 (91+100)/2 = 955 buy standard arithmetic formula.
So the 1024 S_k are in the set S={0,1,…,955} which has |S| = 956 less than 1024. So S_i cannot all be different. We can find p≠q st S_p = S_q. ie A_p and A_q have the same sum.
Let Z= A_p ∩ A_q
Y=A_q \ A_p
X= A_p \ A_q
put x= sum of elements of X, Y= …of y, Z=… of z
S_p = x+ z, S_q = y+z. By assumption S_p=S_q, x+z = y+z implies x=y. X and Y are disjoint subsets of U with the same sum
EXAMPLE: show that given any sequence of n integers, x_1, x_2,…,x_n. some consecutive collection has a sum divisible by n
ie partial sums are ___mod n
“consecutive block whose sum is 0 mod n”
by considering partial sums in terms of mod n & by taking the difference between two equations we can find a consecutive block whose sum is 0 mod n.
consecutive subsequence x_p, x_{p+1},…,x_q (p≤q)
st x_p +…+x_q = 0 mod n.
put y_0=0 mod n, y_1= x_1 mod n, y_2 = x_1 + x_2 modn ,…, y_n = x_1 +…+x_q = 0 mod n. Giving (n+1) numbers y_0,…,y_n (mod n) lying in set {0,…,n-1} size n. hence they cannot all be different. we can thus find m less than q with y_m = y_q. now y_m = x_1+…+x_m mod n, y_q= x_1+…+x_m + … + x_q so y_q- y_m = x_{m+1}+…+x_q mod n.
thus take p=m+1 ≤q for x_p +…+x_q = 0 mod n
EXAMPLE: each day for 100 Days £1 or £2 deposited into bank. on 50 days at £1 other 50 £2. Let k in Z with 1 ≤k ≤50
show that over some consecutive period of days I will put a total of precisely k pounds into bank
*let x_i = amount deposited on day i, x_i in {1,2}. y_i=x_1+...+ x_i = total deposited up to and including i y_0=0 y_100=150 as 50 are 1 and 50 are 2, so 0 ≤ y_i ≤ 150 for all i. y_{i+1} = y_i + x_{i+1} bigger than y_i so y's are all distinct, put Y={y_0,...,y_100}. So |Y|=101 and is subset of {1,...,150}
- Fix k such that so 1 ≤ k ≤ 50 and z_i = y_i +k, z={z_0,…,z_100} so |Z|=101 and is a subset of {k,…,150+k} subset of {0,..,199}=U. |U|=200 and |Y| +|Z| = 202 bigger than |U|. it follows that Y and Z cannot be disjoint .
- thus, z_i = y_j for some i,j. this implies that y_i + k = y_j. as sequence why is increasing we must have i Less Than j. Now x_{i+1} +…+x_j = y_j - y_i = k, so we deposit a total of k for days i+1 to j.
inclusion exclusion principle
related to number of items with at least one of properties
|X∪Y| = |X| + |Y| - |X∩Y|
inclusion exclusion principle theorem
suppose we have a finite set of items and properties 1,2,…,n. Let N(i_1, i_2,…,i_r) be the #items with properties i_1,…,i_r (and maybe others). Then #items with at least one of the properties is
N(1) + N(2) + N(3) +...+N(n) - N(1,2) - N(1,3)-...-N(n-1,n) \+N(1,2,3) + N(1,2,4)+... -N(1,2,3,4)-... ... \+ (-1)^{n-1}N(1,2,3,...,N)
={for (i_1, i_2,…,i_r)} Σ (-1)^{r-1}N(i_1, i_2,…,i_r)
EXAMPLE: show that given any sequence of n integers, x_1, x_2,…,x_n. some consecutive collection has a sum divisible by n
x_1,…,x_10 = 16,4,40,22,52,30,39,90,13,9
x_1,…,x_10 = 16,4,40,22,52,30,39,90,13,9
y_0= 0 mod 10
y_1= 16= 6 mod 10
y_2= 16+4 = 0 mod 10…
(ie must have two sums the same as sums in set {0,..,9} mod 10 size 10)
y_5= 4 mod 10
y_6= 4 mod 10
y_5 to y_6 is 30 ie 0 mod 10 ie divisible by 10
EXAMPLE in a sports club 10 play tennis, 12 squash and 3 both. How many play at least one of the two?
10 play T: three of these play squash. So 7 play T only.
12 play S: 3 of these T, so 9 play S only
3+7+9 = 19 total (venn ?)
inclusion exclusion: |T∪S| = |T| + |S| - |T∩S|
EXAMPLE: 10T, 15S, 12B, 5 play Tennis and Squash, four play tennis and badminton, three play squash and badminton and 2 play tennis squash and badminton.
how many play at least one of the three?
|T∪S∪B| = |T| + |S| + |B| - |T∩S| - |T∩B| - |S∩B| + |T∩S∩B| = 10 +15 + 12 - 5 -4 -3 - 2 *tennis only: 10 - (5-2) - (4-2) - 2 = 3 *squash only: 15- (5-2)- (4-2) - 2 = 3 *badminton only: 12 - (4-2) - (3-2) - 2 = 7 *tennis and badminton only: 4-2 = 2 *squash and badminton only: 3-2 = 1 *Squash and Tennis only: 5-2 = 3
total = 27
(venn diagram helps)
EXAMPLE: a permutation of {1,..,n} is called a derangement if 1 does not go to 1, 2 does not go to 2,.., n does not go to n. ie no number map to itself,
(1) how many derangements of {1,..,n}
(2) show that the probability of a path been a derangement tends to 1/e as n tends to infinity
eg {1,2,3,4} |D|=9
{1,2,3,4,5} |D|=44
|P_I|= (5-k)!, 5Ck of these
let B= { permutations of 1,...,n}. B_i = {permutation sending i to i} So B* = B_1 U...U B_n = {permutations that have a fixed point}
B\B* = {permutations with no fixed points}= {derangements}
The I in P give #derangements= {for I subset of {1,…,n}} Σ (-1)^{| I |}|B_I|
Here B_I is the set of permutations that act as the identity on I, but permute {1,..,n}\ I (size n- |I|) arbitrarily
so |B_I| = (n- |I|)!
also if we fix k than there are nCk possible choices of x with |I| = k and for each subset I: |B_I | =(n-k)!.
so number of derangements is equal to
{from k=0 to Infinity} Σ (-1)^{k}(nCk)(n-k)! = n! Σ (-1)^{k}/(k)!
total #permutations of {1,..,n} is n! so proportion of derangements is P_n = (sum from k=0 to n) n! Σ (-1)^{k}/(k)!
so p_n tends to e^-1 as n tends to infinity
EXAMPLE: list {1,…,42} which are relatively prime to 42
42= 2 x 3 x 7 so #coprime with 42 not divisible by 2, 3 or 7.
listing all and marking off : 12 coprime with 42
ie crossing off D_2 = 42/2 = 21 divisible by 2
D_3 = 42/3 = 14, D_7= 42/7=6
eulers function
let m be a positive integer whose distinct prime factors are p_1, p_2,.., p_n. Then #integers from {1,2,..,m} which are relatively prime to m is
m(1- 1/p_1) (1- 1/p_2)…(1- 1/p_n)