Chapter 4 google Flashcards
Random walk on directed graph
Each path equal probability out of vertex, directed.
Transition probabilities:
p_ij = l_ij /d_i
Where l_ij is the number of links from page I to page j
d_i is the total number of links from page i
Properties of directed graph random surfer
Random page all pages have a link out of it and so this random walk forms an IRREDUCIBLE AND APERIODIC MC.
By results of chapter 3 it will have a unique stationary distribution which represents the limiting probabilities that the surfer is on each page. These values are used as rankings.
Damping in google page rank directed graph and random surfer
A modification to the random surfer MC is that , at random times, the surfer starts from a page at random . This happens at each time step with probability 1-d,
d is the probability the surfer behaves as previously defined.
Transition probabilities are now
p_ij = d( l_ij/d_i) + (1+d) 1/N where N is the total number of pages in the system.
Here the MC is irreducible and aperiodic. Hence unique stationary dist vector(pi)
Page rank of page I is the probability under that stat limit dist pi_i.