Chapter 3 Flashcards
A markov chain (X_n) started in a particular fixed state i
Returns to i
Returns to i form a renewal process
Markov property and time homogeneity the future behaviour will be as if process started at i again
Renewal process and markov chains:
u_n = p_ii ^(n)
Where p_ii ^(n) denoted the (i,i) element of the n-step transition matrix P^(n) = P^n
Although the matrices equal we don’t say that the elements to the power of n are equal.
Renewal process and markov chains:
f_n of this renewal process will be the probability starting in i of the FIRST return to the state i of the first return to state i being at time n.
P( X₁≉ i, X₂≉ i,…, X_n-1 ≉i, X_n =i | X₀ = i )
Also denoted as f_ii ^(n).
f_ii = sum from n=1 to infinity of f_ii ^(n)
The probability ,, starting in state i, of ever returning to state i.
Renewal process and markov chains:
When is it recurrent transient
f_ii = sum from n=1 to infinity of f_ii ^(n)
The renewal process is recurrent this will be 1 and the process will keep returning to i
The renewal process is transient then it will be less than 1 (strictly) and eventually with probability 1 the process will visit state i for the last time and never return .
Renewal process and markov chains
Transient or recurrent STATES
Period of STATE
Any state i of a markov chain is transient or recurrent if it’s corresponding renewal process is
The PERIOD of that state i as the same as the period of the corresponding renewal process
Aperiodic if state with period 1
Chapter 3- simple random walk on the integers
+1 -1 etc
Returns to 0 form a renewal process. Shown as transient so renewals got any a in the integers are transient.
We have shown each state is null recurrent if p=0.5. (And symmetric)
If p not 0.5 the random walk is transient and we at some point leave and never come back.
Example 17 : c3 mean recurrence time. For the wet dry example
For the wet dry example
[ 1-α α]
[β 1-β]
If chain starts in state 1 wet then with prob 1-α the first return to state 1 happens at time 1:
f₁₁ (¹) = 1-α
And for the first return to state 1 to happen at time n we need to move to state 2 at time t=1 remain until they move back to state 1 at t=n (only 2 states)
f_n ^ (n) = α•(1-β)^n-2 •β
For n bigger than or equal to 2
Follow through
Hence GF of this sequence is
F(s) = (1-α)s + Σ from n=2 to infinity of ( α(1-β)βs^n)
= (1-α)s + (αβs²)/(1-(1-β)^s)
We can check that state is recurrent
And by finding the mean
F’(1) = (α+β)/β which is finite so the state is POSITIVE RECURRENT and we keep returning
Chapter 3:
Delayed renewal process
For two different states i and j we consider visits state j having started in state i and the DELAY for this DELAYED renewal process is the time until the first visit to j.
Chapter 3:
Delayed renewal process
b_n and v_n
Of this renewal process
b_n = f_ij ^(n)
P( X₁≉ j, X₂≉ j,…, X_n-1 ≉j, X_n =j | X₀ = i )
(The probability that the first visit to state j happens at time n starting from state i)
v_n = p_ij ^(n)
The (I,j) the element of the Mateo transition matrix.
Chapter 3:
Delayed renewal process
Defective delay distribution
First passage probabilities
When starting in state i to never visit state j m, the delay distribution is then defective.
In fact
f_ij = sum from n=1 to infinity
Of f_ij ^(n)
The probability of starting in state i of ever visiting state j.
The probabilities f_ij ^(n) are called first passage probabilities
Theorem 8 chapter 3 finite state spaces
If the state space is finite then some of the states must be positive recurrent and the rest, if any, transient.
First the finite state spaces cannot all be transient because after process had left each states once nowhere to go. If a state is recurrent….
Two states I and j of a markov chain communicate with each other if it is possible starting in i to get to j (not necessarily next step)
There exist positive integers m and n
Such that
p_ij ^(m) bigger than 0 and p_ij^(n) is bigger than 0
- Symmetric and if I and j communicate j and I do etc
- transitivity: by the chapman kolmogorov we can find m and r st RH is posible then LH is positive. p_ik ^(m+r) ≥ p_ij ^(m) • p_jk ^(r)
- reflexive: states communicate with themselves
Communication: equivalence relation
Communicating classes
If a class t is reflexive symmetric and transitive then we have an equivalence class
Communicating classes
A markov chain is irreducible if all it’s states communicate with each other
Ie form a single large class
Example 18: irreducible markov chains
Ehrenfest model for diffusion all states communicate or a simple random walk on the integers or a CONNECTED graph all vertices allow to get to each other
Not irreducible: gamblers ruin: {0} and {N} don’t communicate so three equivalence classes
Solidarity theorem:9
All states within a communicating class share the same recurrence properties
Ie recurrence transience and period
Proof: long
Corollary 10: irreducible chain with a finite state space
An irreducible chain with finite state space has all its states positive recurrent.
Closed classes
A class is CLOSED if once entered the probability of leaving is 0
Absorbing class
C is classed if p_ij =0 for all i in C and j not in C.
Hence in the irreducible case there is a single class C=S which is automatically closed.
If a class is NOT closed
Then once it has been left there is no possibility of returning to it :
If there were such a possibility then there would be at least once state outside the class which communicates with it, a contradiction.
Finite state space recurrent class and closed class
If the state spaceS is finite then the concept of a closed class is equivalent to that of a recurrent class and that of a class which is not closed is equivalent of a transient class.
Because if a class is recurrent then impossible to leave it, if it were possible returns wouldn’t happen and contradicts recurrence.
If a class is transient then each state of the class is only visited finitely many times and so the class must eventually be left.?
If state space infinite there are more possibilities. For example in the simple random walk with p not equal to 0.5 all states are transient but they form a single closed class.
Example 20?finding classes and recurrence properties
Markov chain has state space {1,2,..,7}
Transition matrix P = [ 0 1/2 1/2 0 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 1/2 0 1/6 1/3 0] [ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0] [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 1] [1/7 0 0 6/7 0 0 0] [1/3 0 0. 0 0 0 2/3 ] [ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0]
We can sketch how the states communicate to find that: •3 can't be left once reached so doesn't communicate with any others and is closed absorbing and aperiodic {3} • we can check paths (1 -2-6-1 and 1-2-5-1) and so these communicate {1,2,5,6} closed and period ( 3 moves for both so hcf =3 ) is 3 by solidarity theorem. •{4,7} don't communicate with others, closed class and can't be left. Even returns only so period 2 by solidarity theorem.
Theorem 11: irreducible markov chains and stationary distribution
We have a Markov chain (X_n) which is irreducible and transient (which means state space S is infinite)
then for each state i in S,
P(X_n =i) tends to 0 as n tends to infinity.
furthermore there is no stationary distribution
Theorem 12/. Markov chain irreducible and aperiodic and has a stat dist then
If a Markov chain (X_n) is irreducible and aperiodic and has a stationary distribution pi,
then the distribution of the state of the Markov chain at time n converges to pi
Vector(π) ^(n) converges to vector(π) as n tends to infinity
Proof: coupling arguement
Corollary 13:
Markov chain irreducible and aperiodic with stationary distribution
F a Markov chain is irreducible and a periodic and has a stationary distribution pi than that stationary distribution is unique
Proof: contradiction
Theorem 14: with an irreducible and positive recurrent mark off chain we can construct a stationary distribution
For each state j let μ_j be the expected time until the first return to state j given the gain starts there . Vecror(π) is row vector with entry j 1/μ_j for j in the sample space.
Assume The markov Chain is irreducible aperiodic and positive recurrent then
a) The distribution is a stationary distribution and is unique
b) The distribution of the state of the Markov chain at time and converges to pi
Ie Vector(π) ^(n) converges to vector(π) as n tends to infinity
Theorem 12 and corollary 13)
Because pi is unique we can find it by solving equilibrium equations and apply the above results
Example 21: modelling a game of monopoly.
To summarise: 3 pages left