Chapter 4: Evolution of Health Care Delivery Flashcards
Father of Medicine
Father of pharmacology
Paracelsus, Philippus Aureolus
Father of Anatomy
Andreas Versalius
Father of physiology
Giovanni Battista Morgagni
Formulated the small pox vaccine
Edward Jenner
He delevoped a way to close of aneurysms
John Hunter
Major focus of medicine during the 19th century
Advances in surgery
19th century
Discovered that bacteria were often the origin of disease
Joseph Lister
Discovered that the decay of food could be forestalled by heating and destroying the bacteria
Louis Pasteur
Father of gentics in 1886
Gregor Mendel
Founder x-rays
Nov 8, 1895 Wilhelm Roentgen
Father of chemotherapy
Paul Ehrlich
First EKG or ECG
Willem Einthoven
Surgical techniques refined
20th century
Invention of electron microscopet
- Research into genetics changed knowledge about heredity and disease
- Biotechnology has opened doors in treatment that were once unimaginable
Medicine in the 21st century
A state of complete physical, mental, social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
The pattern of response of a living organism to some form of injury
Death rate
Occurence of disease
Diseases if infectious origin whose incidence in humans has either increased within the past two decades or threatens to increase in the near future
Emerging infectious disease