Tyrone is a distributor sales consultant who is making a visit to Eva, a salon owner. Eva placed an order two weeks ago, but it still has not been delivered to the salon. Eva is angry because she has missed several opportunities to make retail sales and to service clients due to not having the products she needs. When Tyrone walks into the salon for his monthly sales call, Eva quickly and loudly complains about her order situation to Tyrone. Frustrated because Eva is the fourth salon owner he has called on this week with the same complaint, Tyrone slams his sales book shut and tells Eva, “I have told you already that the products are backordered from the manufacturer and there is nothing I can do about it. If you aren’t interested in seeing this new brush line, then I guess there’s nothing else I can do for you!”

Tyrone’s reaction to Eva indicates that he was:

a. aware of the problems with the delivery and had an alternative plan
b. unprepared for her complaints and took them personally.
c. not rattled by her complaints and able to offer another solution.
d. underreacting as well as responding.


b. unprepared for her complaints and took them personally.

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Tyrone is a distributor sales consultant who is making a visit to Eva, a salon owner. Eva placed an order two weeks ago, but it still has not been delivered to the salon. Eva is angry because she has missed several opportunities to make retail sales and to service clients due to not having the products she needs. When Tyrone walks into the salon for his monthly sales call, Eva quickly and loudly complains about her order situation to Tyrone. Frustrated because Eva is the fourth salon owner he has called on this week with the same complaint, Tyrone slams his sales book shut and tells Eva, “I have told you already that the products are backordered from the manufacturer and there is nothing I can do about it. If you aren’t interested in seeing this new brush line, then I guess there’s nothing else I can do for you!”

If Tyrone has a strong belief in himself, how would he have behaved with Eva?

a. Just as he did.
b. He would have patted her hand and told her whatever he could to calm her down.
c. He would have blamed his manager and had Eva call him right then.
d. He would have promised to call her with a delivery date and proposed some alternative options.


d. He would have promised to call her with a delivery date and proposed some alternative options.

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Tyrone is a distributor sales consultant who is making a visit to Eva, a salon owner. Eva placed an order two weeks ago, but it still has not been delivered to the salon. Eva is angry because she has missed several opportunities to make retail sales and to service clients due to not having the products she needs. When Tyrone walks into the salon for his monthly sales call, Eva quickly and loudly complains about her order situation to Tyrone. Frustrated because Eva is the fourth salon owner he has called on this week with the same complaint, Tyrone slams his sales book shut and tells Eva, “I have told you already that the products are backordered from the manufacturer and there is nothing I can do about it. If you aren’t interested in seeing this new brush line, then I guess there’s nothing else I can do for you!”

Had Tyrone really been listening to Eva’s complaint, what opportunity might he have been presented with?

a. The chance to sell her a new product line to try
b. The chance to call the manufacturer directly to complain
c. The chance to transfer her account to another rep
d. The chance to tell off his manager and feel justified in doing so


a. The chance to sell her a new product line to try

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