chapter 4 Cerebral Specialization and Aging Flashcards
what is Lateralization
refers to functions assifned to one hemisphere or the other
what are the functions of lateralization
localization- specific functions in different lobes of each hemisphere
-Dominance-a hemisphere having dominance for certain functions (priority)
comparison of the left to right hemisphere
the left
- weighs more
- longer in adults
- lateral fissure is longer and better defined
- temporal pole is more distinguished
- parietal operculum is larger and deeper
- ventricle is larger
- visual cortex vells are larger
- pyramidal tract is larger/thicker
common functions of both hemispheres (equal)
- Olfaction
- Vision (17, primary visual cortex; 18/19, visual association areas)
- Audition (41, primary audiroty cortex; 42/37 and 22, auditory association areas)
- Somesthesia(3/1/2 primary sensory cortex; 5/7 sensory association areas)
- Stereogenesis/ability to name via touch(5/7)
- Voluntary motor movement (4 primary motor cortex-gross motor movement)
- Executive functions (prefrontal cortex, 38% of brain is in the frontal cortex)
- 96% of descending fibers decussate at brain stem, resulting in contralateral innervations
special functions of the right hemisphere
-spatial itegration/discrimination (disorder= visual agnosia)
-nonverbal ideation (creativity;disorder affects artistic skills)
-facial discrimination (disorder is propagnosia-can recognize by voice not face)
-tonal discrimination (disorder is dysmusia)
metalinguistic ability (disorder -maks like faces-affects humor, body language, and cues difficulty interpretting others faces)
-language comprehension/ production (only 2-5% have right language center- very little language on right side of the brain)
special functions of the left hemisphere
- eye/ hand coordination, especially for writing with the right hand(exners area 8/9)
- language comprehension (disorder-wernickes aphasia, area 22)
- language production (disorder- Broca’s aphasia, area 44/45)
- speech programming (disorder-apraxia of speech, area 44/45)
- wernicke’s area connects to broca’s area via arcuate fasciculus (damage - conduction aphasia)
- angular gyrus(39) and supramarginal gyrus (40) damage-learning disability
- word recall disorder-anomia
- writing disorder- dysgraphia
- reading disorder-dyslexia
- math disorder- dyscalculia
evidence for left hemisphere dominance
- even the vast majority of left handers have left hemisphere dominance for language
- 92% of fetuses tend to use right thumb when sucking supporting genetic predisposition
- most perple are right ear, hand, arm,leg dominant.
gender differences
- males tend to have more white matter and csf -than females( move faster, have a faster impulse sending)
- males tend to have larger parietal lobes and a larger amygdala
- males appear better at spatial tasks
- serotonin levels are 52% higher im men-makes them calm
- females tend to have more gray matter, larger frontal cortex and limbic lobe-smarter more decision making and more emotional
- females and homosexual men tend to have smaller hypothalamic cells
- females appear better at verbal tasks
- emotional memories stimulate the right amygdala in men and the left in women.
ARC- after the age of 30
brain mass shrinks by .25%
ARC- by age 80
7% of brain mass has been lost
ARC-neocortex (outer 1/2-1 inch of the brain)
- does not fully function till 3-4 years of age
- results in poor memories prior to this
ARC- cell loss
- occurs with age
- primarily in frontal, temporal, and occipital lobes
ARC-telomeres (tips of chromosomes)
help with cell repair- up to a certai npoint
ARC- arterial plaque, neuritic plaque, and neurofibrillary tangles
increase with age, and the last two are seen in parkinson patients
apears to damage younger brains more than older brains, affects the frontal cortex and the hippocampus
ARC-male brains shrink…
faster than female brains
ARC-most neurotransmitters
decrease with age, toxic materials tend to accumiulate with age (mercury)
also tend to increase with age (mitochondria get deformed)
ARC- Myelin
tends to degenerate starting around age 60 (things become slower)
ARC- Blood flow
tends to decrease with age; blood pressure may increase (over 50)
ARC-sensory input
begins to diminish (hearing, vision)
ARC-word retrieval/memory problems
slowly increase with age
ARC-motor coordination
tends to diminish with age
ARC- Neurogenesis
appears to help the brain (hippocampus), as well as active use of brain
ARC- Exercise
is beneficial to the brain
ARC-speed of processing
tends to be a matter of insufficient storing, (incomplete storage of details) rather than in retrieving that information