Chapter 4- Building and Fire Codes Flashcards
The National Fire Protection Association was first organized in __
In addition to building codes, the __ and __ develop fire codes.
Generally speaking, unless a building is renovated or modified, __ codes are not applied retroactively.
A __ code, in contrast, applies to all structures and conditions within them, including existing hazards that were created even before the adoption of the code.
Fire codes and building codes are updated every __ years by the NFPA and ICC.
Generally, __ codes specify where systems are to be installed and __ specify how the system is to be designed and installed
Building, Standards
Two of the most important test standards are American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) E-119, Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials, which is used for testing and assigning hourly ratings to __, __, and __.
Fire walls, Columns, Floors
The second test is ASTM E-84, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, which tests the flame spread characteristics of __ finishes.
It has been said that __% of a building code deals with fire safety.
A complex set of regulations deal with egress. The first and foremost consideration is the calculation of the __ load.
Once the occupant load has been determined the number of __ paths/doors for each room and the entire building must be established.
With the occupant load and number of exit doors/egress paths determined, designers must then provide a __ path of travel to a public way.
This translates into rated corridors (often __ hour) with rated corridor doors (often __ minutes), and rated stairwells (__ hour for stairs up to three stories and __ hours for those four or more stories).
1 hr
20 minutes
1 hr, 2 hrs
Travel distance for a building without an automatic fire sprinkler system have a maximum distance of __ feet.
Exterior emergency __ and __ windows are required for all sleeping rooms in residential occupancies, e.g., hotels, dormitories, apartments, one and two bedroom family dwellings–Group R occupancies below the fourth floor for you to rescue trapped occupants.
Escape, Rescue
These windows must be a minimum of 5.7 square feet in area, with a minimum of __ inches in width and __ inches in height.
20, 24
Under __ __ __, elevators are recalled to a specific floor lobby of the building by the activation of a smoke detector located in an elevator lobby of a floor. Upon arrival at the first floor, the doors open and allow the occupants to leave. The doors remain open for fire fighters to begin their use of the elevators.
Phase 1 Operation
Under __ __ __, a fire fighter selects one of the elevators in a bank to access the upper floors. Fire fighters can then control the elevators using a special key and set of procedures.
Phase 2 Operation
Occupant evacuation elevators are intended for the self evacuation of occupants in buildings more than __ feet in height as an alternative to an extra mandated stairwell in the building.
Fire service elevators are found in new buildings more than __ feet in height.
In fire service elevators, the lobbies are a minimum of __ square feet in area and must have a class __ hose outlet in the fire rated stairwell immediately adjacent to the lobby.
150 class 1.
The door restrictor engages when the elevator cab is located __ inches above or below the landing zone.
That portion of a means of egress that is separated from all other spaces of a building or structure by construction or equipment as required to provide a protected way of travel to the exit discharge.
That portion of a means of egress that leads to an exit.
Exit access
That portion of a means of egress between the termination of an exit and a public way.
Exit discharge
A 2 hour fire rated wall typically running from exterior wall to exterior wall on an individual floor of a building, which is used when travel distances to a fire rated stairwell or exit discharge are excessive.
Horizontal exit
A source code that is no longer supported or printed
Legacy code
Complete regulatory documents that can be adopted by cities and states as they are written.
Model code
The number of feet from any point in a building to a rated stairwell or outside.
Travel distance