Chapter 4: Accounting for associates Flashcards
Def of associate
An associate is an entity which the investor has significant influence
Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the associate but is not control or joint control over those policies.
We will assume that one company has significant influence over another if it holds between 20-50% of shares.
recording the investment in associate in the parent’s company accounts
Almost always recorded at cost
Accounting treatment in consolidated financial statements
using the equity method ie. the cost of the associate plus or minus any post-acq profits or losses less impairment
how is the ‘investment in associate’ calculated in the SFP
Cost of associate
Share of post-acq profit/loss
less: impairment losses on associate to date
Less: share of dividend received
it is a single line in the SOFP
how is the ‘investment in associate’ calculated in the pnl
Group % of Associate Profit After Tax for the year
shown before group profit before tax
An associate is not a group company, therefore there will be no cancellation of intra-group transactions, but dividends from the associate are ignored
Unrealised profits and losses on transactions between investor and associate should be eliminated in the same way as for group accounts. The calculation for the PUP is identical to the subsidiary.
If parent sells to associate:
If associate sells to parent:
Parent to ass
Dr Parent COS (Pnl) and Parent RE(SFP): A% x PUP
Cr Investment in Associate A% x PUP (if associate holds the inv)
Ass to Parent
Dr Share of A’s profits (PnL) & Parents RE: A%xPUP
Cr Group inventories: A%xPUP (if parent holds inventory)