Chapter 1: An introduction to group account Flashcards
An investor controls an investee if and only if the investor has all of the following:
3 things
- Power over the investee ie ability to direct the relevant activities (decision making)
- Exposure, or rights, to variable returns from its involvements with the investee
- The ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of the investor’s returns
Basic rules when preparing group statements of financial position
-investment in the sub
-share capital
-assets and liabilities
-Retained earnings
investment in the sub never appears in the consolidated accounts
share capital - parent only
assets and liabilities - add together
goodwill - needs to be calculated and shown as an intangible asset
Retained earnings - need to be calculated
Goodwill def
difference between price paid to acquire a business and the fair value of the net assets of that business
Group retained earnings
parents RE + share of sub RE post acq
NCI - Proportionate or partial method
Goodwill working:
Cost of combination (investment)
Add back: NCI
Less: Sub net assets at acq
Add back the NCI after working out the net assets at acq of the sub
3 choices of a parent recording investment in sub
-Cost initially and then ‘revalued’ each year end to fair value
-Equity method
Exemption from preparing group accounts
A parent need not to prepare group accounts if:
3 parts
-if the parent is a wholly-owned subsidiary, or it is partially owned and the other owners (NCI) do not object AND
-its debts and equity instruments are not publicly traded AND
-The ultimate or any intermediate parent produces group accounts that comply with IFRS standards
Exclusion of a subsidiary from the group accounts
No grounds for exclusion
however, a sub that has been acquired exclusively with the view to resale is not consolidated
Gain on a bargain purchase
pay less for a sub than the net assets
- Reassess
- If excess remains, credit Pnl
Sub has other reserves ex. share premium, revaluation surplus
Treat same way as RE
if reserves move after acq date, need to do additional reserves working which looks similar to RE working
Group only entitled to share of post acq changes
impairment of goodwill is only shown in RE working