Chapter 4 Flashcards
wrote five of the federalist papers
john jay
the first representative assembly in the new world
house of burgess
father of the constitution
james madison
an act of protest in which business is withheld or refused
primary author of the declaration of independence
thomas jefferson
wrote more than half of the federalist papers
alexander hamilton
social contract theory of government
john locke
author of the great compromise
roger sherman
England had influence on 3 parts of the colonial government
local government, legislative bodies, and limited governments
life,liberty,and pursuit of happiness are what type of rights promised in the declaration of independence
the constitutional convention was also called the ___ convention because of the city where it met
under this representation in the house of representatives would be based on population and representation in the senate would be equal for each state
Connecticut compromise or great compromise
when was the constitution signed
September 17,1787
patrick henry, george mason, and richard henry lee were all
anti federalist
george washington was sworn in as the first president , the new governments temporary capital. what city was it located in
new york city
he became king of england in 1760
king george lll
britain passed these acts as a result of the boston tea party
coercive and intolerable
the first continental congress was attended by representatives from every colony execept
tories, wanted to remain under british control for political, religious , and economic reasons, what is the other term for these citizens
he was the president of the second continental congress, was the first signer of the declaration of independence
john hancock
shortly after america declared independence in 1776, the second continental congress established this document defining the powers of the new central government
articles of confederation
he was chosen as president of the constitutional convention
george washington
the eighty-five essays compiled by advocates of the constitution are called
federalist papers
when they seized american ships, the confederation congress could not pay ransom demands or raise a navy to fight them
barbary pirates