Chapter 3 Flashcards
The agreement among the pilgrims that established a temporary government
Mayflower compact
What year did the pilgrims arrive in america
freedom of religion is guaranteed by this
first amendment
according to secularists, all religious arguments regarding political matters should be
speeches that quote the bible, prayer among legislators, christians monuments are generally considered
civil religion
understanding the political process, seeking to persuade unbelievers, being bold yet respectful, and seeing the gospel as the ultimate solution are necessary for___ to gain influence in political manners
many persecuted ___ fled to america during europes religious wars
___ is the seventeenth-century british philosopher associated with the principle of natural law
John Locke
the term describes a society in which there is a diversity of ethnic,social,religious, and political groups all holding different views of right and wrong
its basic thesis is that religion is a private matter that should stay out of public spaces
due to christians refusing to offer sacrifices to roman gods and worship the emperor it made it difficult for them to serve in the
roman government and military
the major result of allowing rulers during the reformation to choose the religion to be practiced in their domains was these groups gathering armies and fighting eachother
protestants and catholics
during the byzantine empire, what was his role in relation to the church, was the head of the church and the defender of orthodoxy
a historical or current example of the rule of state over church is north korea or
byzantine empire
an example from history of the rule of church over state, in the middle ages is the
catholic church
abortion, cohabitation, and no-fault divorce are types of___ to which christians should apply scripture
public issues
term describing a conflict between groups with different ideals, and philosophies
culture war
identify and explain four views regarding the relationship between the state and the church
(1) Absolute separation of church and state—The classic secularist view teaches that society and government should not have any religious influence.
(2) State over church—The state rules over the church, as was practiced in the Byzantine Empire. In medieval western Europe, rulers often appointed the leaders of the church.
(3) Church over state— The church controls the state. Pope Innocent III demanded and received submission from King John of England and King Philip II of France.
(4) Distinction and influence—The church is distinct from the state but may influence it. This ideal relationship allows for the church to influence society and to inform non-Christians what God’s moral standards are without closely identifying God’s people with any specific state.
how should christians prepare to persuade unbelievers
They should develop arguments that encourage people to confront the truth they are trying to avoid, and they should understand their opponents’ perceptions. They should be bold but not naive. They must also see the gospel as the ultimate solution to the problems created by pluralism
what is necessary for christians to gain influence in political matters
understanding the political process, seeking to persuade unbelievers, being bold yet respectful, and seeing the gospel as the ultimate solution
the __ principle says government is formed by the consent of the governed in exchange for the protection of their rights
social contract