Chapter 4-8 Concepts Flashcards
the branch of philosophy that investigates questions like: ‘what
makes an explanation scientific?’, ‘how can we justify scientific theories?’, and ‘what is a
law of nature?’.
Philosophy of science
the branch of philosophy that investigates questions like: ‘what do moral
judgments mean?’, ‘how can we tell what is right?’, and ‘when, if ever, is it right to kill
the branch of ethics that investigates questions about the nature, structure,
and status of first-order moral views.
the branch of metaethics that investigates questions about moral
justification and knowledge.
Moral epistemology
the formal study of how decisions are made in scenarios involving rational
self-interested agents.
Game theory
the branch of philosophy that investigates questions like: ‘what is a
state?’, ‘do governments have a right to be obeyed?’, and ‘what is justice?’.
Political philosophy
the branch of philosophy that investigates questions like: ‘what is a
law?’, ‘when should we obey the law?’, and ‘when is punishment morally justified?’.
Philosophy of law
the branch of philosophy that investigates foundational questions
about nature, identity, essence, causation, possibility, existence, and truth.
a view of the nature of scientific theories associated with
empiricism and logical positivism. According to the view, theories are made up of (i)
theoretical postulates, which describe the relations between the entities and properties the
theory postulates, and (ii) correspondence rules, which connect the entities postulated by
the theory with things we are able to observe.
Received view of theories
a theory of scientific explanation
developed by Carl Hempel according to which an explanation is correct if and only if you
can deduce a description of what’s to be explained from the general laws of the theory
and a description of the antecedent conditions in which the phenomenon to be explained
Deductive-nomological (DN) model of explanation
a view of the nature of scientific theories associated with pragmatism
according to which theories are just instruments that allow use to predict phenomena we
want to explain.
a view that some phenomenon is real, that it exists. One can be a realist about
X, but an irrealist about Y. Scientific realists emphasize that the reason scientific theories
are predictive is that they are true; hence, successful theories are not mere instruments,
according to the scientific realist.
the view that scientific laws are supported or confirmed by their instances and hence justified by enumerative induction
Karl Popper’s view that what demarcates scientific theories is that they
are falsifiable.
a theory that tells you what counts as confirmation, or good
evidence, that some scientific hypothesis or theory is correct.
Confirmation theory
the thesis that every event that ever occurs is completely caused by prior
the view that moral questions are to be decided by reason
Moral rationalism
the view that some moral claims are true, i.e. that there are moral facts
and moral knowledge.
moral realism
the view that moral claims primarily express feelings, preferences, or desires.
the view that moral judgment are beliefs
the view that moral judgments are not beliefs. Since knowledge
requires belief, non-cognitivism implies that there is no moral knowledge.
the view that people have a faculty of intuition that allows us to directly
perceive moral qualities (goodness and badness)
the view that moral truths hold absolutely and universally.
the view that moral claims can only be said to be true or false relative to the
standards of some person, group, culture, convention, etc.
the metaethical view associated with R.M. Hare that moral terms
prescribe rather than describe so are never equivalent to anything that can be stated in
purely descriptive or factual terms.
a type of ethical theory associated with Immanuel Kant that
holds that morality consists of duties to act in various ways that are absolute and thus
hold no matter what the consequences of those actions are likely to be.
Deontological ethical theory
a type of ethical theory associated with Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart
Mill that holds that actions are right or morally good to the extent that they bring about
the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Classical utilitarianism is a conjunction of
a hedonist theory of well-being and a consequentialist account of right action.
the view that what is good or morally valuable is what is pleasurable or what
makes people happy.
the view that an action is right or wrong depending on how good or
bad the consequences it is likely to bring about are.
the view that no state ever has legitimate authority to use force or coercion
on its members.
the view that for a government to be legitimate it must be able
to successfully enforce rules that makes the lives of citizens better off than they would be
in the state of nature. Hobbes thought that it could also be shown on considerations of
self-interest alone, that it would be rational for citizens to accept even tyrannical rules of
a monarch.
Hobbes’ theory of justice
the view that for a society to be just it must be the case that each
person has an equal right to the most extensive system of equal basic liberties compatible
with a similar system of liberty for all and that inequalities in income or liberties can be
allowed to emerge only if doing so somehow helps out the worst off in society and any
more desirable position is open to all qualified citizens.
Rawl’s theory of justice
Nozick’s theory of justice, which consists of a principles governing
the acquisition and transfer of property along with a principle of rectification in holdings
and a meta-principle that says that no one is entitled to property any other way.
Entitlement theory
the view that citizens have obligations to accept limits on their
freedoms to make what they like of their lives because it is thought that human lives can
only flourish and be successful within a community.
the view that there are moral constraints on whether a rule enforced
by government is a law.
Natural law theory