Chapter 4 Flashcards
The 4 LEVERS of the UPPER limb are ____, _____, _____ and _____
The pectoral Girdle
The Arm
The Forearm
The Hand
The 3 JOINTS of the UPPER limb are ____, ____ and ____
Shoulder Elbow Wrist
UPPER limb has ____ main arterial trunk to provide it with blood
The blood is drained through 2 sets of VEINS - _____ and ____
UPPER limb is innervated via branches of a nerve plexus - _____ PLEXUS
BRACHIAL PLEXUS supplies __ MAJOR ______ BRANCHES (___, _____, ________, ____ and ____ branches)
One region in the limb requires special attention, the ____
The AXILLA is the space between the UPPER RIB CAGE and the ______, situated above the ___ ___
Arm Pit
Of the 4 WALLS of the AXILLA, 3 are ______ and the other is the ______ _____
Bicipital Groove
The BICIPITAL GROOVE is the _____ wall of the AXILLA
The MEDIAL WALL of the AXILLA is ____ ______ covering the rib cage
Serratus Anterior
The ANTERIOR WALL of the AXILLA is the 2 ______ muscles
The POSTERIOR WALL of the AXILLA is the muscular coating of the ANTERIOR SCAPULA (________), the ______ ____ and the _____ ______ muscles
Subscapularis Latssimus Dorsi Teres Major
The _____ is located just behind the clavicle, it is here where the ____ and ____ enter the AXILLA and subsequently, the UPPER LIMB
APEX Vessels Nerves
The ________ ARTERY passes UNDER the CLAVICLE and enters the APEX of the AXILLA, where it becomes the _______ ARTERY, which sends 3 branches to the main axillary walls
Subclavian Axillary
As the SUBCLAVIAN ARTERY runs through the AXILLA, it is closely related to the AXILLARY ____ and the ______ ______. These 3 structural elements are bound in life by a CONNECTIVE TISSUE SHEATH - the _____ ______
Veins Brachial Plexus Axillary Sheath
When the AXILLA ARTERY leaves the AXILLA, it becomes the _____ ARTERY
The 3 BRANCHES OF THE AXILLARY ARTERY are _____ ______ artery, __________ artery and _______ artery
Lateral Thoracic Thoracoacromial Subscapular
The AXILLARY ARTERY also supplies the DELTOID muscle via the _____ _____ ________ ARTERY
The muscles clothing the back of the SCAPULA are serviced by the ______ ARTERY a branch of the THYROCERVICAL TRUNK
The muscles clothing the back of the SCAPULA are serviced by the SUPRASCAPULAR ARTERY a branch of the _______ TRUNK
The AXILLARY ARTERY passes inferior border of the TERES MAJOR muscle at which point it becomes the ______ ARTERY
VEINS AND LYMPH NODES This is a group of 2 or 3 VEINS that travel with the ARTERY and NERVE PLEXUS in the _____ ______. They EMPTY into the _____ VEIN
Axillary Sheath Subclavian
The MAJOR PART of the BRACHIAL PLEXUS is located in the ____, that is within the _____ SHEATH
FIVE MAJOR NERVES The 5 ROOTS are __ - __ and __. These roots have 3 TRUNKS: _____, ____ and _____
C5 C8 T1 Upper Middle Lower
EACH of the TRUNKS DIVIDE to form ____ and _____ DIVISIONS, which unite to form 3 CORDS: the ____ CORD the _____ CORD and the ______ CORD
Anterior Posterior Lateral Medial Posterior
The POSTERIOR CORD gives off 2 big terminal BRANCHES: the ______ NERVE (by far the BIGGEST) and the _____ NERVE
Radial Axillary
The LATERAL CORD forms the ________ NERVE, the MEDIAL CORD forms the ____ NERVE and they BOTH send fibres to the center of the plexus to form the ____ NERVE
Musculocutaneous Ulnar Median
MINOR NERVES NERVE ROOT C5 gives off the ____ _____ NERVE (to RHOMBOID MAJOR and MINOR), while the ____ _____ NERVE (to SERRATUS ANTERIOR) comes from ROOTS C5 - C7
Dorsal Scapular Long Thoracic
The POSTERIOR CORD provides the _____ _______ NERVE (to SUBSCAPULARIS ) and the _____ ______ NERVE (to SUBSCAPULARIS and TERES MAJOR), and the _______ NERVE (to LATISSIMUS DORSI)
Upper Subscapular Lower Subscapular Thoracodorsal
The LATERAL CORD gives off the ____ _____ NERVE (to PECTORALIS MAJOR)
Lateral Pectoral
The MEDIAL CORD generates the ______ NERVES of the ARM and FOREARM, and the ____ _____ NERVE (to PECTORALIS MAJOR AND MINOR)
Cutaneous Medial Pectoral
ALL MAJOR NERVES can have their ROOTS “traced back” from the from the diagram - EXCEPT the ____ NERVE which only has roots C5 and C6
NERVE ROOTS C5 & C6 NERVES with _____ in the name (AXILLARY NERVE is the major exception) ALL _____ of the shoulder, via the AXILLARY NERVE to DELTOID, and via the SUPRASCAPULAR NERVE to SUPRASPINATUS ALL ______ _____ MUSCLES via the SUPRASCAPULAR and SUBSCAPULAR NERVES NERVES to the _____ MUSCLES
Scapular Abduction Rotator Cuff Shoulder
NERVE ROOTS C5, C6 & C7 Form the ______ NERVE The _____ ______ NERVE to PECTORALIS MAJOR The _____ ______ NERVE to SERRATUS ANTERIOR
Musculocutaneous Lateral Pectoral Long Thoracic
NERVE ROOTS C6, C7 & C8 Supplies the ______ _____ MUSCLE
Latissimus Dorsi
NERVE ROOTS C8 & T1 ____ NERVE to MUSCLES in the medial ARM and HAND CUTANEOUS sensation of the arm and forearm (____ ____ NERVES) The ____ ____ NERVE to PECTORALIS MAJOR and MINOR
ULNAR Medial Cutaneous Medial Pectoral
The SHOULDER MUSCLES (the most superior) are served by the UPPER ROOTS (____ & ___)
C5 C6
ANTERIOR ARM MUSCLES are served by the MIDDLE nerve roots (____, ____ & ____)
C5 C6 C7
The most INFERIOR MUSCLES (via the ULNAR NEVER to the MEDIAL ARM and HAND) are served by the LOWER roots(___ & ___)
C8 T1
Anterior Posterior
The bones of the PECTORAL GIRDLE include the ______, the _____ and the _______ HUMERUS
Scapula Clavicle Proximal
The SCAPULA sits on each side of the UPPER DORSAL: THORAX between the levels of __ to __
T2 T7
SERRATUS ANTERIOR Has a serrated origin from the LATERAL ASPECT of the _____ ____ ribs Its fibres run LATERALLY and then backwards around the ribcage and UNDER the SCAPULA (anterior side) to insert on its _____ border. Its insertion is concentrated toward the _____ It acts by pulling the SCAPULA FORWARD - _____ It also ROTATES the GLENOID FOSSA ____ because of the concentration of fibres at the INFERIOR ANGLE It is INNERVATED by the ____ ______ NERVE
Upper 9 Medial Bottom Protraction Upwards Long Thoracic
TRAPEZIUS This muscle ORIGINATES along a line from the _____ bone (base of the skull) down to vertebrae ___ It INSERTS onto the _____ The UPPER FIBRES INSERT onto the ____ and ____ The MIDDLE FIBRES run horizontally to INSERT along the length of the ___ of the ____ The LOWER FIBRES ascend to the ____ on the spine of the SCAPULA The 3 parts of the muscle can all act TOGETHER as powerful ______ of the SHOULDER The UPPER FIBRES _____ the SHOULDER and ROTATE the GLENOID FOSSA _____ The MIDDLE FIBRES are ________ The LOWER FIBRES ______ the SHOULDER and rotate the GLENOID FOSSA _____ The INNERVATION for the TRAPEZIUS is CRANIAL NERVE ___, the _______ _________ NERVE
Occipital T12 Scapula Clavicle Acromion Spine Scapula Tubercle Retractors Elevate Upwards Retractors Depress Upwards XI Spinal Accessory
LEVATOR SCAPULAE This muscle along with the RHOMBOIDS, forms a sheet of muscle running down ___ to ___, which INSERTS onto the ______ border of the SCAPULA It takes ORIGIN from the transverse processes of ___ - ____, the fibres course down and laterally underneath the splenius capitis to INSERT on the ______ ______ border of the SCAPULA Its action causes _____ of the SCAPULA, but ______ the GLENOID FOSSA It is INNERVATED by branches of nerves ___ and ____
C1 T5 Medial C1 C4 Upper Medial Elevation Depresses C3 C4
RHOMBOIDS (MAJOR AND MINOR) The pair often cannot be physically _____ RHOMBOID MINOR is the _____ of the 2 and ORIGINATES from the LIGAMENTUM NUCHAE and spinous processes of ___ and ___ RHOMBOID MINOR INSERTS into the _____ of the ______ border of the SCAPULA RHOMBOID MAJOR comes from the spinous processes of ___ - ____, is much more ______ than its minor brother. It INSERTS into the ____ third of the ______ SCAPULAR BORDER TOGETHER the RHOMBOIDS _____ and ______ the SCAPULA and aid in _______ the GLENOID FOSSA They are INNERVATED by the _____ _______ NERVE (C5) of the BRACHIAL PLEXUS
Separated Superior C7 T1 Middle Medial T2 T5 Powerful Lower Medial Elevate Retract Depressing Dorsal Scapular
LATISSIMUS DORSI It has a very large ORIGIN including the CREST of the _____, the _____ ______, the SACRAL, LUMBAR and LOWER THORACIC VERTEBRAL SPINES (___ - ___) and the LOWEST 3 or 4 RIBS Its FIBRES INSERT into the _______ ______ It is a very powerful ______ of the ARM Additionally, it is also an _______ and _______ ROTATOR It is INNERVATED by the _________ NERVE
Ilium Lumbar Fascia T7 T12 Bicipital Groove (the floor) Extensor Adductor Medial Thoracodorsal
PECTORALIS MAJOR It has 2 HEADS AND ORIGINS The CLAVICULAR HEAD comes from the ______ of the CLAVICLE COSTAL HEAD ORIGINATES from the 6 ______ COSTAL _______ and the adjoining STERNUM BOTH INSERT on the _______ ___ of the BICIPITAL GROOVE Powerful muscle that _____, _____ and _______ ROTATES the ARM It is INNERVATED by the BRACHIAL PLEXUS via the ______ and ________ _______ NERVES
Middle Upper Cartilages Lateral Lip Adducts Flexes Medially Medial Lateral Pectoral
PECTORALIS MINOR Takes ORIGIN from RIBS ___ to ___ and INSERTS on the _______ PROCESS It acts to ______ the SCAPULA and to PULL ____ and ______ on the RIB CAGE It is INNERVATED by the _____ PECTORAL NERVE
3 5 Coracoid Stabilize Upward Forward Medial
DELTOID The ORIGIN is a continuous line from the ____ third of the _____ to the acromion and LATERAL third of the ____ of the SCAPULA The FIBRES run down and INSERT on the _____ UPPER HUMERUS called the DELTOID ______ When all of the muscles act at once it is a powerful ____ The ANTERIOR FIBRES produce _____ MIDDLE FIBRES produce ______ POSTERIOR FIBRES produce _____ DELTOID is INNERVATED by the ______ NERVE
Lateral Clavicle Spine Lateral Tubercle Abductor Flexion Abduction Extension Axillary
TERES MAJOR Its ORIGIN is on the ____ part of the back of the _____ It INSERTS on the _____ LIP of the _____ _____ It ____, _____ and ____ ROTATES the ARM and is INNERVATED by the _____ ______ NERVE
Lower Scapula Medial Bicipital Groove Extends Adducts Medially Lower Subscapular
ROTATOR CUFF This is a group of 4 muscles ORIGINATING on the _____ and INSERTING on the _______ They are the ______, _______, ______, and _______
Scapula Humerus Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Teres Minor Subscapularis
SUBSCAPULARIS This muscle’s ORIGIN occupies most of the _____ surface of the SCAPULA, the SUBSCAPULARIS FOSSA Its fibres run laterally and INSERT on the ______ TUBERCLE of the HUMERUS It is a powerful ____ ROTATOR and a weak ___ It is INNERVATED by the ____ NERVES
Anterior Lesser Medial Adductor Subscapular
SUPRASPINATUS ORIGIN in the _____ FOSSA to its INSERTION in the __ FACET of the GREATER TUBERCLE This muscle initates____ and is INNERVATED by the _____ NERVE
Supraspinous Top Abduction Suprascapular
INFRASPINATUS ORIGIN occupying most of the ______ FOSSA and INSERTS on the ____ FACET of the GREATER TUBERCLE
Infraspinatus Middle
TERES MINOR ORIGIN is the _____ ____ BORDER of the SCAPULA and it INSERTS on the on the ______ FACET of the GREATER TUBERCLE It is a ______ ROTATOR and is INNERVATED by the ____ NERVE
Lower Lateral Inferior Lateral Axillary
CAPSULE AND LIGAMENTS OF THE SHOULDER JOINT The ligaments around the joint are for the most part very weak, with the exception of ______ LIGAMENT The greatest contribution to the strength of the joint are the _____ ____ muscles
Coracohumeral Rotator Cuff
MUSCULOCUTANEOUS Course: ______ ARM and EXITS ____in the FOREARM Motor: ANTERIOR _____ of the ARM Sensory: ARM & _____ FOREARM Injury: CANNOT _____ ELBOW
Anterior Laterally Flexor Lateral Flex
AXILLARY NERVE Course: POSTERIOR to the ______ ____ of the HUMERUS Motor: ____ & TERES _____ Sensory: ______ Injury: SURGICAL NECK FRACTURE - LOSS of ______ from 15 - 90 degrees
Surgical Neck Deltoid Minor Shoulder Abduction
MEDIAN NERVE Course: ______ to the ELBOW; Supplies and passes between 2 HEADS of the _____ TERES muscle
Anterior Pronator
STERNOCLAVICULAR JOINT This is the ____ JOINT between the CLAVICLE and the ______, the SUPERIOR part of the STERNUM 2 main ligaments REINFORCE the joint: the small, MEDIAL _____ LIGAMENT and the larger, more LATERAL, _______ LIGAMENT
Manubrium Sternoclavicular Costoclavicular
ACROMIOCLAVICULAR JOINT This joint is easily DAMAGED (a ____ shoulder) and it is the ARTICULATION of the DISTAL CLAVICLE with the MEDIAL facing part of the _____ PROCESS It is greatly REINFORCED by the ______ LIGAMENT
Separated Acromion Coracoclavicular
COMPARTMENTALIZATION OF THE ARM The ARM is divided into 2 compartments - ____ & _____- by a deep FASCIAL _____ The ANTERIOR COMPARTMENT houses the ELBOW ____ and the POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT contains the ELBOW _____
Anterior Posterior Septum Flexors Extensors
ANTERIOR COMPARTMENT 2 muscles here INSERT into the FOREARM (______ & ______) while a 3rd muscle, the ______ INSERTS into the _____ All muscles in this group are INNERVATED by the _______ NERVE
Biceps Brachialis Coracobrachialis Humerus Musculocutaneous
CORACOBRACHIALIS This is a small muscle ORIGINATING on the tip of the _____ PROCESS and INSERTING half way down the ___ side of the HUMERUS It is an ______ but a very minor one
Coracoid Medial Adductor
BRACHIALIS It is a wide muscle which ORIGINATES on the flat surface of the _____ HUMERUS Its fibres congregate to INSERT on the ____ of the ____ DISTAL to the ELBOW It is a powerful ELBOW ____
Distal Tubercle Ulna Flexor
BICEPS BRACHII The LONG HEAD ORIGINATES on a small tubercle above the _____ _____ on the SUPRAGLENOID TUBERCLE The SHORT HEAD ORIGINATES from the ____ PROCESS, next to the ORIGIN of the CORACOBRACHIALIS Fuse together and INSERT on the ____ TUBERCLE
Glenoid Fossa Coracoid Radial
POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT The only muscle that occupies this compartment is the TRICEPS (BRACHII) The LONG HEAD ORIGINATES on a SMALL TUBERCLE UNDER the _____ _____, the INFRAGLENOID TUBERCLE The MEDIAL HEAD is deep, its ORIGIN occurring on the lower part of the shaft of the ______ The LATERAL HEAD comes from the ____ HUMERUS Is INNERVATED by the RADIAL NERVE
Glenoid Fossa Humerus Proximal
BRACHIAL ARTERY It BIFURCATES as it enters into the FOREARM into the ____ and ____ ARTERIES The main branches of the BRACHIAL ARTERY are the _____ _____ ARTERY and the _____ _____ ______ ARTERY
Radial Ulnar Profunda Brachii Superior Ulnar collateral
The SUPERIOR ULNAR COLLATERAL ARTERY runs down the _____ side of the arm and anastomoses with the _____ ______ ARTERY, thus providing collateral circulation around the elbow joint
Medial Ulnar Recurrent
The RADIAL COLLATERAL ARTERY anastomosing with the _____ ____ ARTERY provides the same circulation as the ULNAR equivalent
Radial Recurrent
MUSCULOCUTANEOUS It is the most ____ of the BRACHIAL PLEXUS NERVES It pierces the CORACOBRACHIALIS, which it INNERVATES, and then it passes UNDER the biceps until it becomes cutaneous, passes the other side of the elbow and becomes the _____ ______ NERVE of the FOREARM
Lateral Lateral Cutaneous
MEDIAN NERVE Runs down the centre of the arm in concert with the BRACHIAL ARTERY on the ____ side of the biceps muscle It INNERVATES NOTHING at all in the ARM and passes in front of the elbow in the so-called ____ FOSSA
Medial Cubital
ULNAR NERVE Has ___ FUNCTION in the ARM It travels down the ARM _____ to pass behind the MEDIAL EPICONDYLE where, if struct, produces the “funny bone” sensation
No Medially
RADIAL NERVE The great ______ NERVE of the ARM and FOREARM It passes down the ARM on the _____ surface of the HUMERUS, in the SPINAL GROOVE deep to the triceps As it approaches the elbow, it moves to the front of the HUMERUS between the BRACHIALIS and _______ Before crossing the elbow, it bifurcates into the SUPERFICIAL (_________) and the DEEP (________ ________) NERVES, which enter the forearm
Extensor Posterior Brachioradialis Cutaneous Posterior Interosseous