Chapter 4 Flashcards
Covalent bond
sharing of 2 or more electrons
Coordinate covalent bond:
a covalent bond formed between 2 atoms, expept that both pf the shared e- come from the same atom
example if one has 2 and the other has a vacent electron shell then both electrons are from one atom f
Lewis structures can be drawn by applying the v
Valence Shell Electron Pai Repulsion
- Count the total number of valence electrons in the molecule
- select the central atom, if there are more than one carbon atom the atoms connect to one another
- Draw the atoms around the central atom
- draw the lines to represent covalent bonds between central atoms surrounding
- Give all atoms an octect
- Place extra e on the central aton
Ionic bond or covalet?
ionic Mental and Nonmetal
Covalent=2 nonmetals
a measure of an element’s attraction for e- in a covalent bond
How does Electronegativity go in the table? from left to right
top to bottom
- left to right increases
- decreases from top to bottom
If the difference between the electronegegs of 2 bonds are
0-1.6= what ?
1.7 or greater = ?
0-1.6=covalent bond
1.7 or greater= ionic bond
Ex: of H2
2.1-2.1=0 so covalent bond
are e shared equally what does that do for the bond?
makes it nonpolar covalent bond
Non polar covalent =
polar covalent=
- 4-1.7
- 7 over
3.0-1.2=1.8 Ionic bond
Steps for Vsepr
- Draw a lewis structure of a molecule and identify the atoms whose geometry is of interest
- count the number of electron charge clouds surrounding the atom of interest
- predict molecular shape by assuming that the charge clouds orient in space so that they are as far away from one another as possible
what are the different shapes in accordance to the lone pairs
0lone pairs
1 lone pir
2 lone pairs
Linear, Planar triangular
1= bent, lone pair sticks out
2 lone pair = bent
what is tetrahedral
4 bonds
3 bonds and 1 lone pairs
2 lone pairs 2 shared bonds