Chapter 4-6 Flashcards
What is a call story?
The Bible contains a number of stories of God calling people and imparting to them a mission. They follow the pattern of encounter with God, God speaks, God gives a mission, the person being called objects, they are reassured by God, and God gives a sign that he is with them in their mission. When God calls us, God does not leave us alone
What is a covenant?
A binding agreement between two parties that spells out the conditions and obligations of each party.The biblical notion of covenant arose from this contractual notion, but is far more. God’s covenant is a bond of love that calls us in our freedom to respond in love. God’s commitment to us is forever. God’s commitment is founded in love.
What is an encounter?
unexpectedly experience or be faced with (something difficult or hostile)/an unexpected or casual meeting with someone or something
What is passover?
the major Jewish spring festival that commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, lasting seven or eight days from the 15th day of Nisan
What is a prophet?
a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God. MOUTHPIECE OF GOD
What is a revelation?
People have the ability to come to know God through God’s works. But there is a higher order of knowledge which comes not from human reason, but from divine Revelation. God makes Himself known fully by sending his beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. The Sacred Scriptures reveal the loving actions of God in human history.
What is self-revelation?
disclosure of one’s private feelings, thoughts, etc. Especially when it’s unintentionally
What is sin?
An immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law. When we sin against our neighbour we sin against God
What is a Vocation?
is a call from God. Jesus calls all people into the family of God. God also calls each one of us personally to a way of life that is founded on the love of God and the love of neighbour. For some this way of life leads to priesthood; but for others, consecrated religious life; for others, service in the context of family life or the broader community
God’s covenant with humankind is a sign of what?
It is a sign of his love for us and his desire to have a personal relationship with us. When we accept the covenantal promise, we commit ourselves to this personal relationship with God
What was God’s covenant with Abraham?
Abraham trusted God’s promise that He would provide new land and offspring “that number the stars” if he worshiped only him. Due to his faith and loyalty, that come to pass.
What is Apocalyptic Literature?
A style of writing that evolved during Israel’s troubled history around the time of Jesus. It focused on the end of history and the time of God’s purifying Judgment. It frequently employed frightening imagery of end-time wars between good and evil and of convulsions in nature
What are the Beatitudes?
A form of pronouncement that presupposes that a good or happiness has already been given or is about to be received. The sermon on the Mount contains a list of Beatitudes: “blessed are the poor in spirit…”
What is Eschatoloigcal?
Pertaining to the end of time, in the sense of its fullness . The coming of the kingdom of God at the end of time, according to Jesus, has already begun in his life, death, and resurrection. Eschatological ethics is an ethics that insists that we can already live what God will realize or reveal at the end
What is Exegesis?
The analysis of texts in their original context. Uncovering the historical, cultural, linguistic, etc., particularities that the original author was dealing with in order to better understand the original meaning and intent of the end
What is the Gospel?
The unique literary genre that proclaims the life, death and resurrection of Jesus from the perspectives of the living faith of particular early Church
What are hermeneutics?
A way of interpreting texts and events to help us understand what they mean for us in the twenty-first century
What does inspiration mean?
Sacred Scripture is inspired by God. “what Christ entrusted to the apostles, they in turn handed on by their preaching and writing, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to all generations, until Christ returns in glory.” (CCC #96)
What is the Kingdom of Heaven?
Used exclusively in the Gospel of Matthew
What is Parousia?
Term used to refer to the second Coming of Christ at the end of time
What is Torah?
The five bears of Moses that contain the core teachings: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy
What is an Apostle?
A title given in the Gospels to the twelve chief disciples of Jesus, and later also to St. Paul. ONE WHO HAS SEEN GOD
What is the Church?
The assembly or communion of the baptized followers of Jesus.
What is Communion?
The Body of Christ, both in its sacramental Eucharist form of bread and wine, and also in the assembly of the baptized followers of Jesus
What is a conversion?
A radical transformation of values, a turning around, that takes place at the intellectual level as an awareness and openness to truth and true knowing at the moral level when I recognize myself as free and responsible, and at the religious level where my preoccupation with myself is taken over with the love of God and love of others. A RADICAL TRANSFORMATION OF MIND AND HEART
What is a Gentile?
A person who is not part of the Jewish faith, or not of Jewish ancestry.
What is the Magisterium?
The official teaching office of the Church: the bishops in union with the bishops of Rome, the Pope
What is a mission?
A task Jesus left his followers: to proclaim the Good News, that is, to proclaim Jesus to the world
What is a Sacrament?
“the sacraments are perceptible signs (words and actions) accessible to our human nature. By the action of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit they make present efficaciously the grace that they signify” (CCC#1084) OUTWARD SYMBOL OF INWARD BELIEF
Who was the greatest apostle to the Gentiles in history?
Saint Paul