Chapter 4 Flashcards
Bill of rights
A written list of freedoms that a government promises to protect
How did English ideas about government
English Ideas about government and trade affected the colonies by the freedoms that they had and the way they could live. The English nobles forced King John to sign the Magna Carta, which was a great charter. It also limited the monarchs right to own private property . Under the Magna Carta nobles formed a great council. This later formed a parliament. The parliament later removed King James 2 from the throne and his daughter, Mary, took over. She then signed the bill of rights. It was a list of freedoms that a government promises to protect. This then lead to many other rights that were enforced such as freedom of press, and even the right to vote. This just shows the affects of the law making bodies that the English formed. It also represents the development of ideas they had even though the colonies were so far away.
Habeas corpus
A princible that a person cannot be held in prison without being charged with a specific crime
Freedom of the press
Right of journalists to publish the truth without restriction or penalty
The publishing of statements that dame he a persons reputation
Extended family
A family that includes in addition to the parents and children, other members such as grandparent aunts and uncles
What were the characteristics of colonial society
Some characteristics of the colonial society are chance of opportunity or willingness, and curiosity. If you lived in America you had more chances to go and start new things. You had all that land awaiting for you and new supplies that might not have been discovered. In England the people have found all of this land and don’t have new places to go and look for. I think that curiosity also plays a huge role in the
Someone who learns a trade by working for someone in that trade for a certain period of time
Upper class of the colonial society
Middle class
Made up of small planets, independent farmers, and artisans
Indentured servants
Signed a contract to work from4 to 10 yards in the colonies for anyone who would pay for his or her ocean passage to the Americas
How did slavery develop in the colonies and affect colonial life
Triangular trade
Three way trade between the colonies , the islands of the Caribbean, and Africa
The belief that one race is superior of inferior to another
Slave codes
Strict laws that restricted rights and activities of slaves
How did ideas about religion and government influence colonial live
Public school
A school supported by taxes
Dame school
School that women opened in their homes to teach girls and boys to read and write
Anne Nradstreet
First colonial poet
Phillis Wheatley
A later poet
Benjamin Franklin
Loved colonial writer
Jonathon Edwards
Massachusetts preacher
Rights that belong to every human being from birth
Divine right
Is the belief of monarchs get their authority to rule directly from God
Separation of powers
Division of the power of government into separate branches
A group of people who have the power to make laws