Chapter 4 Flashcards
It provides policy directions in the areas of money, banking and credit
It supervises operations of banks and exercise regulatory powers over non-bank financial institutions with quasi-banking functions
Functions of BSP
Liquidity Management
Currency Issue
Lender of last resort
Financial Supervision
Management of foreign currency reserves
Determination of exchange rate policy
Other activities
The BSP formulates and implements monetary policy aimed at influencing money supply consistent with its primary objective to maintain price stability
Liquidity Management
The BSP has the exclusive power to issue the national currency
Currency Issue
The BSP extends discounts, loans and advances to banking institutions for liquidity purposes
Lender of last resort
The bsp supervises banks and exercises regulatory powers over non-bank institutions performing quasi-banking functions
Financial supervision
The bsp seeks to maintain sufficient international reserves to meet any foreseeable net demands for foreign currencies in order to preserve the international stability and convertibility of the Philippine peso
Management of foreign currency reserves
The bsp determines the exchange rate policy of the philippines
determination of exchange rate policy
Other bsp functions
acts as the banker of the government
financial advisor of the government
official depository of the government
Describe the 1st organizational structure
Functional sectors
Monetary stability sector
Supervision and Examination sector
resource management sector
Offices under The executive management services
Monetary Board
- Office of the secretary to the monetary board
- Internal Audit Office
- Office the General counsel and legal services
- Office of special investigation
- Treasury delartment
- systems and method office
- BSP staff in almcs
- Corporate planning office
- risk management office
- corporate affairs office
provides administrative and secretarial services to the monetary board
office of the secretary to the monetary board
prepares opinions anf rulings for the MB, the governor, and the deputy governors on matters relating to policies, functions, operations and regukations of the bank
office of the general counsel and legal services
prosecutes and defends cases involving the bsp, the mb and management in judicial and administrative proceedings
office of the general counsel and legal services
evaluates bank irregularities and anomalies noted in the examination reports submitted by examining departments
office of the special investigation
monitors the internal control system of the bsp
internal audit office
reviews and appraises the effectiveness of operating control systems
internal audit office
monitors utilization of security materials, disposal of production wastes, and receipt of gold and other precious metals at the spc
internal audit office
manages the bsp’s international reserves at a level and a mix that allows the bsp to meet any demands for foreign currency
treasury department
undertakes open market operations and transacts with accredited government securities dealers and the rest of the members
treasury department
participates in the philippine dealing system to ensure the competitiveness of the philippine peso and its convertibility
treasury department
ensures a well organized and integrated bank wide effort to develop and maintain efficient systems and procedures
systems and method office
provides recommendation along the areas of manualization, business process reengineering and systems support
systems and method office
provides technical support to management in the formulation and application of strategic plans and practices and in the development of guidelines or policies
corporate planning office
assists the anti money laundering council in implementing the provision of the anti money laundering law
bsp staff in amlcs
a manpower pool for the amlcs was created in this office to address th problem of recruiting qualified personnel with a minimum of five year residency
Office of the governor
Departments that involves in amlcs
Governor of the bsp
Commissioner of securities and exchange commission
commissioner of insurance commission
aggregates the various risk exposures of the bank
risk management office
identifies appropriate risk control measures
risk management office
implements the public relations and advertising programs of the bsp to promote and enhance its corporate image
corporate affairs office
describe the monetary stability sector
5 subsectors of monetary policy sector
monetary policy subsector
international subsector
monetary operations subsector
currency management subsector
regional monetary affairs subsector
offices under monetary policy subsector
department of economic research
department of economic statistics
center for monetary and financial policy
economic and financial learning center
offices under international subsector
international operations department
international relations department
offices under monetary operations subsector
department of loans and credit
asset management department
offices under currency management subsector
cash department
currency issue and retirement office
offices under regional monetary affairs office
la union regional office
cebu city regional office
davao city regional office
assists in developing stronger relations with the international financial community and promotes the philipines as an investment site
investor relations office
acts as the principal policy research and technical arm of the banks
department of economic research
produces economic data for the guidance of the governor and the monetary board jn the formulation and implementation of monetary policies
department of economic research
generates relevant, accurate and timely statistics for the guidance of the monetary board in the formulation and implementation of its policies
department of economic statistics
conducts cutting edge empirical and theoretical researches in the monetary, financial and economic fields
center for monetary and financial policy
serves as the primary and central source of the bank in providing timely and relevant information concerning economic and financial matters through collection of books, and other reference materials
exonomic and financial learning center
monitors and analyzes regional and global economic financial, and trade development issues
international relations department
facilitates the banks pro active membership in bilateral, regional and international associations and groupings by initiating and complying with commitments and agreements
international relations department
supports the promotion and maintenance of monetary stability and external sustainability through the enhanced management of external debt, foreign investments and other foriegn exchange transactions
international operations department
reviews, recommends, and implements sound policies and regulations on foreign exchange denominated transactions
international operations department
monitors and coordinates of the operation of the banks branches in the countryside
regional monetary affairs sub sector
branches that report directly to the regional monetary affairs sub sectoe
legazpi branch
lucena branch
naga branch
la union regional office supervises the branches in luzon
cebu regional office supervises the brances in visayas
davao regional office supervises the branches in mindanao
cagayan de oro
general santos
administers, preserves, and disposes assets acquired of foreclosed properties by the bsp in payment for loans secured by banks
asset management department
implements the credit policies of the bsp
department of loans and credit
extends loans and advances to banks and rediscounts
department of loans and credit
conducts credit examination of banks
department of loans and credit
undertakes special studies on credit policies
department of loans and credit
supplies and issues the currency requirements of the banking industry and services the currency exchange
cash department
acts as a depository or custodian of cash, securities, gold and other forms of valuable assets
cash department
manages the retiremen5 of unfit/mutilated currencies withdrawn from circulation
currency issue and retirement office
safekeeps unissued notes and coins
currency issue and retirement office
2 groups under supervision and examination sector
inclusive finance advocacy staff
central administrative services group
focuses on advocacy work with financial institutions to. promote sustainable methods in the delivery of microfinance and the small and medium enterprise banking servives
inclusive finance advocacy staff
undertakes sector wide services relating to personnel, budget and finance, records facilities, property and supplies, and frontline services administration of the SES
central administrative services group
Subsector under the supervision and examination sector
central supervisory support sub-sector
supervision and examination subsector 1
supervision and examination subsector 2
supervision and examination subsector 3
Group under the central supervisory support subsector
SES operations management group
central applications and licensing group
financial consumer affairs group
office of supervisory policy department
supervisory data center
provides dedicated support to the SES management in optimizing scarce examination resources to achieve timely and efficient conduct of risk based on site examination while keeping the professional staff up to date on their training requirements
SES operations management group
assesses the training needs and capacity development requirement of the SES personnel, and develops the corresponding training courses
SES operations management group
evaluates requests of banks and non banks which require approval of the bsp on matters such as the establishment of banks, branching, equity investment outsourcing and in sourcing
central applications and licensing group
conducts advocacy initiatives aimed at educating and supporting the interest of the public in financial literavy issues
financial consumer affairs group
functions as central policy research and development unit of the SES
office of the supervisory policy development
serves as the central collection, quality assurance, processing and distribution point of all financial sector data coming into or being release by the SES
supervisory data center
it is responsible for developing and maintaining the financial system databases of the sector in a state of the art data warehouse environment
supervisory data center
groups under SES 1
core information technology specialist group
trust specialist group
capital markets specialist group.
anti money laundering specialist group
micro, small and medium enterprise finance specialist group
examination departments 1,2,3
conducts information technology supervision and examination of vanks and non banks financial institutions, inckuding payment systems
core information technology specialist group
specializes in examining risk exposure which may arise from the trust, other fiduciary business and investment management activities of FIs
trust specialist group
specializes in the supervision and examination of capitak market activities of bsp supervised financial institutions including treasury operations
capital market specialist group
develops guidelines and regulations to support the anti money laundering efforts of bsp supervised financial institutions
anti money laundering specialist group
conducts off site monitoring to identify those FIs with operations that present an elevated risk of money laundering activities
anti money laundering specialist group
focuses on the specialized risk based supervision and examination rewuirements of banks which have adopted a banking business model dedicated to or highly exposed to the micro, small and medium enterprises
micro, small and medium enterprises finance specialis5 group
conducts on site examination of universal banks and their subsidiaries/ affiliates, commercial banks and their subsidiaries
examination department 1,2,3
group under SES 2
integrated supervision department I
Integrated supervision department II
Monifors and supervises cooperative banks and non bank financial institutions including j vestment houses with quasi banking and or trust license and nonstock savings and loan associations
integrated supervision department I
conducts suoervision and examination of selected banks and non banks FIs
integrated supervision department II
groups under SES III
Regional Supervisory Services Divisions I and II (Cebu and Davao)
Central Point of Contact Department I
Central Point of Contact Department II
serve as the focal point of contavt between the SES main office and the local banks and their customers in tge region
Regional Supervisory Services Divisions I and II
Their primary responsibility is to provide more timely frontline services relative to manila in their operating area relating to varouos FI suoervisions matters and consumer issues
Regional Supervisory Services Divisions I and II
Supervisesbanking groups and large banks that have complex operations and dynamic risk profiles
Financial Institutions under CPCD I
large private universal or commercial banks
government banks
foreign banks
large thrift banks that operate on a national scale
supervises banks operating on a regional and local level that comprise the overwhelming majority of the players in the banking system
Banks under CPCD II
region and community based thrift and rural banks, including microfinance oriented banks
Groups under Resource Management sector
provident fund office
crisis management office
payments and settlements office
implements the rules or regulations governing the administration of the provident and housing funds and carries out the policies and directives adopted by the board of trustees of the provident fund
provident fund office
manages the funds investment portfolio and the earnings derived from it
provident fund office
establishes and maintains a bsp bank wide master crisis plan considering linkages and inter operability of all departmental crisis plans
crisis management office
ensures the smooth flow of the countrys payments and settlements systen through the philippine payments and settlements system
payments and settlements office
The resource management sub sectors
management services sub sector
comptrollership subsector
human resource sub sector
information technology sub sector
groups under management services sub sector
administrative services department
facilities management and engineering department
project development and management office
procurement office
security, investigation and transport department
manages and performs property control, issuance of real and movable properties, warehousing and records management, printing of bank circulars
administrative services department
ensures the general upkeep of the whole bsp main builfing complex and premises
facilities management and engineering department
manages the operations and maintenance of all mechanical, electrical, electronic, and auxiliary,/accessory equipment systems of the bank
facilities management and engineering department
supervises the renovation and construction of all offices and building of the bsp an dthe philippine international convention center
project development and management office
supports the bid and awards commitee
procurement office
assists approvingj authorities in the implementation of awards
procurement office
protects and safeguards installations, property, currency
security, investigation, and transport department
provides security to currency shipments of the bsp
security, investigation and transport department
provides transport services, maintains the fleet of motor vehicles and operates the banks motor pool
security, investigation, and transport department
groups under comptrollership subsector
budget planning and special studies group
financial accounting department
serves as technical staff of the bsp budget commitee in the formulation of budget guidelines
budget planning and special studies group
reviews and analyzes budgetary eatimates of income and expenses and proposals for capital expenditures and asset acquisitions
budget planning and special studies group
performs the accounting or bookkeeping, budget administration and disbursement actibities of the bank
financial accounting department
groups under human resource sub sector
human resource development department
human resource management department
bangko sentral ng pilipinas institute
medical and dental clinic
implements a competency based human resource system
human resource development department
manages the development of the organization and its human capital by improving organizational performance through change and development
human resource development department
delivers human resource services such as recruitment, appointment, performance evaluation, compensation and benefits, payroll, leave and retirement and employee relations
human resource management department
acts as the training arm of the bsp
bangko sentral ng pilipinas institute
assesses the training needs of all bank personnel
bangko sentral ng pilipinas institute
provides medical and dental services such as consultations and treatments
medical and dental clinic
groups under information technology subsector
policy standards and planning group
enterprise systems and project development staff
IT infrastructure and operations department
Information systems support and development department
establishes, monitors, and updates specific standards in the acquisition, development and implementation of application system
policy standards and planning group
provides enterprise IT solutions and close support to critical, technical and program management projects, from design, operatipns and system evolution
enterprise system and project development staff
manages the computer environment of the bank ans ensures the efficient operation of all communication and technology infrastructure
IT infrastructure and operations department
develops and maintains appropriate business or application software that enhances the effevtiveness ad efficiency of. operations of various departments or offices in the banks
information system support and development department
group under security plant complex
research and development group
SPC Financial servives and data management group
banknotes securities and printing department
mint and refinery operations department
department of general services
conducts research and development studies o various aspects of the operations of the security plant complex, especially on banknote printing and coin minting operations
research and development group
prepares financial statements and consolidates cash flows, jncome statements and balanfe sheets for SPC
SPC Financial services and data management group
records financial receipts and disbursements and processes bills for payment
SPC Financial services and data management group
coordinates data collection activities and provides technical support on software applications
SPC Financial services and data management group
manages and performs the printing of banknotes an dother security documents
banknotes securities and printing department
manages and performs the minting of coins, commemorative medals, and refines gold purchased from local panners or miners
mint and refinery operations department
manages the procurement of supplies, equipmet and services for the spc and the general maintenance and upkeep up its facilities
fapertment of general services