Chapter 4 Flashcards
bāsium, basiī, n.
bellum, bellī, n.
bellicose, belligerent, rebel, rebellion, revel
cōnsilium, cōnsiliī, n.
plan, purpose, counsel, advice, judgement, wisdom
counsel, counselor, consiliate, reconcile
cūra, cūrae, f.
care, attention, caution, anxiety
cure, curator, curious, curiosity, curio, curettage, sinecure
dōnum, dōnī, n.
gift, present
donate, donation, condone; cf. dō
exitium, exitiī, n.
destruction, ruin
magister, magistrī, m., and magistra, magistrae, f.
schoolmaster or schoolmistress, teacher, master or mistress
magistrate, magistracy, magisterial, maestro, mastery, mister, miss; cf. magnus
mora, morae, f.
moratorium, demur
nihil, indeclinable, n.
nihilist, annihilate
oculus, oculī, m.
ocular, oculist, binoculars, monocle
officium, officiī, n.
duty, service
office, officer, official, officious
ōtium, ōtiī, n.
leisure, peace
otiose, negotiate
perīculum, perīculī, n.
danger, risk
peril, perilous, imperil, parlous
remedium, remediī, n.
cure, remedy
remedial, irremediable, remediation
bellus, bella, bellum
pretty, handsome, charming
(belle, beau, beauty, embellish, belladonna, belles-lettres)
Do not confuse with bellum, war.