chapter 4 Flashcards
- What is []?
The empty list value, which is a list value that contains no items. This is similar
to how ‘’ is the empty string value.
- How would you assign the value ‘hello’ as the third value in a list stored in a variable named spam? (Assume
spam contains [2, 4, 6, 8, 10].)
spam[2] = ‘hello’ (Notice that the third value in a list is at index 2 because
the first index is 0.)
- What does spam[int(‘3’ * 2) / 11] evaluate to?
For the following three questions, let’s say spam contains the list [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’].
- ‘d’ (Note that ‘3’ * 2 is the string ‘33’, which is passed to int() before
being divided by 11. This eventually evaluates to 3. Expressions can be used
wherever values are used.)
let’s say spam contains the list [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’].
- What does spam[-1] evaluate to?
- ‘d’ (Negative indexes count from the end.)
- What does spam[:2] evaluate to?
let’s say spam contains the list [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’].
- [‘a’, ‘b’]
let’s say bacon contains the list [3.14, ‘cat’, 11, ‘cat’, True].
- What does bacon.index(‘cat’) evaluate to?
- 1
Q: 7. What does bacon.append(99) make the list value in bacon look like?
let’s say bacon contains the list [3.14, ‘cat’, 11, ‘cat’, True].
- [3.14, ‘cat’, 11, ‘cat’, True, 99]
bacon contains the list [3.14, ‘cat’, 11, ‘cat’, True].
Q: 8. What does bacon.remove(‘cat’) make the list value in bacon look like?
- [3.14, 11, ‘cat’, True]
- What are the operators for list concatenation and list replication?
- The operator for list concatenation is +, while the operator for replication is *.
(This is the same as for strings.)
- What is the difference between the append() and insert() list methods?
- While append() will add values only to the end of a list, insert() can add them
anywhere in the list.
- What are two ways to remove values from a list?
- The del statement and the remove() list method are two ways to remove
values from a list.
- Name a few ways that list values are similar to string values. (jest ich 5 tutaj)
Both lists and strings can be passed to len(),
have indexes and slices,
be used in for loops,
be concatenated or replicated,
be used with the in and not
in operators.
- What is the difference between lists and tuples?
- Lists are mutable(można je zmienić); they can have values added, removed, or changed. Tuples
are immutable; they cannot be changed at all. Also, tuples are written using
parentheses, ( and ), while lists use the square brackets, [ and ].
- How do you type the tuple value that has just the integer value 42 in it?
- (42,) (The trailing comma is mandatory.)
- How can you get the tuple form of a list value? How can you get the list form of a tuple value?
- The tuple() and list() functions, respectively