Chapter 4 & 10- Fundamnetals of Biology & Marine Ecology Flashcards
Factors Affecting Distribution of Marine Organisms
Surface to volume ratios
Depth and pressure
Increases as you move from shore to open ocean
Dependent on the influence of fresh surface water
Does not fluctuate much in the deep ocean below the halocline
Factors Affecting Distribution of Marine Organisms
Surface-to-volume ratios
Depth and pressure
Movement of solutes (substances dissolved in water) from areas where they are more concentrated to an area where they are less concentrated
Movement of water from an area where it is more concentrated to an area where it is less concentrated
Their internal concentration varies as the salinity in the water around them changes.
Do not attempt to control solute/water balance
Most can only tolerate a very narrow range of salinities
Organisms that control their internal concentrations of solutes and water.
This can be done in a variety of ways, like secreting very little urine or using specialized glands to secrete salts.
Can generally tolerate a wider range of salinities than osmoconformers
plays a large role in determining marine organism distribution.
Generate body heat metabolically but heat is rapidly lost so organisms cannot maintain a constant internal body temperature; it matches that of the surrounding environment.
Retain most metabolic heat, and body temperature stays higher that that of the surrounding environment.
Body temperature varies with the temperature of the surrounding environment
Regulates body temperature so it does not vary as much as the temperature of the surrounding environment.
Affects osmoregulation and temperature control.
Also exchange of nutrients, waste, and gas with the environment.
Surface-to-Volume Ratio
Marine Ecology
Benthos, Nekton, and Plankton
Marine Environment and Zones
live in or on the bottom
sessile (attached) or move about on the bottom
Intertidal zone – between high and low tide, exposed at least once a day
Subtidal zone – below the low tide level to edge of continental shelf (shelf break), always submerged
Deep sea – bathyal, abyssal, and hadal zones beyond shelf break
live in the water column
Plankton – drift with currents
(phytoplankton + zooplankton)
Nekton – swim to oppose currents
Epipelagic zone is from the surface to 100-200 m; plenty of sunlight available to support primary production.
Mesopelagic zone extends from lower limit of epipelagic to about 1000 m; reduced light.
The bathypelagic, abyssopelagic, and hadopelagic zones are deep-sea zones where light does not penetrate.
Pelagic Organism
Nutrient Cycles in the Ocean
Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus