Chapter 3- Chemical and Physical Features the World Oceans Flashcards
The colder the water, the closer the bonds are
heat capacity and solvent of chloride(-) =, sodium (+) NaCl
Heat capacity increases
Density increases
Freezing point decreases
Temperature of maximum density decreases
As Salinity increases …..
dissolution of calcite produces a calcium ion (Ca2+) and two bicarbonate ions (HCO3-). as more bicarbonate ions are added to seawater, this will drive Equation further to the left to produce more carbonic acid, which will act to buffer seawater.
Thus, the buffering capacity of the ocean, or its ability to resist a change in pH, is actually quite large. In general, the ocean contains around 38,000 gigatons (or 38 billion tons) of bicarbonate, carbonate, and carbonic acid. This means that the entire ocean can absorb a lot of CO2 without becoming too acidic.
Buffering by Carbonite dissolution
Adding CO2 decreases pH
Removing CO2 increases pH
Effects of CO2 on pH
Oxygen layer is depended on….
physical and biological processes
the addition of bicarbonate increases pH and creates more carbonic acid, which acts as a buffer to seawater.
This limits the oceans ability to resist pH change, leading to a large absorption of CO2
CO2 Buffering
Thermocline- Temperature
Halocline - Salinity
Pycnocline - Water Density
Conditions for Water Depth
Water is also relatively transparent (one can see through it).
This means that sunlight shining on the surface can penetrate the surface (crucial for the photosynthetic organisms living underwater).
This level of penetration varies greatly depending on the amount of solutes in the water.
travels faster in water that is under greater pressure
travels faster in warmer water
Speed of sound controlled by pressure in upper mixed layer due to uniform temperatures. Pressure increases so does speed of sound.
The fact that still water is set in motion by wind implies that momentum associated with the moving air molecules is transmitted to the water molecules, setting them in motion.
Northern Hemisphere- reflects to the right
Southern Hemisphere - reflects to the left
Circular patterns creates gyres
Corolist Effect
Oceanic circulation is significantly driven by wind patterns.
Circulation can occur in the form of waves, tides, currents, and gyres.
Surface Circulation
Ekman LAyer, Ekman Spiral, and Ekman Transport
Friction on the ocean surface from the major wind fields of the atmosphere causes the sea surface to move, creating currents. All the major surface currents of the open ocean, in fact, are driven by the wind and ultimately by heat energy from the sun.
Surface Currents
Upper part ocean that is affected by wind
Ekman Layer
Because of the layered ocean and Coriolis effect
Ekman Spiral
The idea that the Ekman layer moves at a 90-degree angle from the wind direction.
Ekman Transport
Schematic representation of the Northeast Trade Winds and the Prevailing Westerlies that blow in the North Atlantic Ocean
Gyre Currents
Surface, intermediate and bottom
Ocean Layers
from surface to about 200 meters; this layer stays well mixed most of the year.
Surface layer
from 200 – 1500 m; a sharp temperature change (thermocline) is located here (see Fig. 3.8). Less mixing occurs here.
Intermediate Layer
below 1500 m; low mixing and normally uniformly cold.
Bottom Layer
come from currents that push deeper waters toward the surface.
brings gases from the surface to deeper layers
Due to salinity, water sinking
Deep ocean circulation of warm and cold water
Great Oceans Conveyor Belt
Waves are the result of wind blowing over the water’s surface.
Size depends on fetch, wind speed and duration
Highest point of the wave
Lowest point of the wave
The distance between twp crest/trough
the time it takes for a wave to pass by a set point
wave period
occurs when the crest of one wave meets the trough of another, and the sea surface ends up intermediate between the two.
Wave Cancellation
occurs if the crests of two waves collide, they add together to produce a higher wave.
Wave Reinforcement
caused by rouge reinforcement
Rouge Waves
Circulation is also driven by tides.
The tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon on the ocean waters (and to a lesser degree by the sun).
In their simplest form, tides are single waves that stretch across the entire ocean.