Chapter 34 Flashcards
Animals with a dorsal column of cartilaginous or bony structures and a skull enclosing the brain
A paraphyletic group composed of animals without a backbone. Includes about 95% of all animal species.
Radial summetry
An animal body pattern in which there at least two planes of symmetry. Typically the body is in the form of a cylinder or disk, with body parts radiating from a central hub
Pentaradial symmetry
Five-sided radial symmetry ex: star fish
A hard structure located just inside a thin layer of epidermal tissue that provides protection and support
A large and diverse phylum that is exclusively marine. Named for the spines and spikes in many species
Water vascular system
A series of branching, fluid-filled tubes and chambers
Tube feet
Elongated, fluid-filled appendages
Sections of the tube feet that project outside the Body and make contact with the substrate
Pharyngeal gill slits
Opening into the throat
Nerve cord
A bundle of nerves extending from the brain along the dorsal side of the chordate animal with cerebrospinal fluid inside a hollow central channel
A stiff and supportive but flexible rod which runs length of the body
Small, mobile, torpedo shaped animals with a fish like appearance and make their living by suspension feeding
Sessile, filter feeding animals that have a polysaccharide exoskeleton and two siphons through which water enters and leaves
A skull- A bony, cartilaginous, or fibrous case that encloses the brain
A column of cartilaginous structures which form along the dorsal side of the body
Housing the sense of smell
Associated with vision
Responsible for balance and sometimes hearing
The most anterior section of the vertebrate Brain. Divided into left and right hemispheres and four lobes and used for interpreting information
Posterior section of the brain that is involved in coordination of complex muscle movements such as required for locomotion and maintaining balance
Medulla oblangata
In vertebrates, a region of the brain stem that along with the cerebellum forms the hindbrain
A type of vertebrate connective tissue that consists of relatively few cells scattered in a stiff matrix of polysaccharides and protein fibers.
A type of vertebrate connective tissue consisting of living cells and blood vessels within a hard extracellular matrix composed of calcium phosphate and small amounts of calcium carbonate and protein fibers
Bony and or cartilaginous structures within the body that provide support
A hard covering secreted on the outside of the body, used for body support, protection, and muscle attachment.
Animals with jaws
Animals with four legs
Amniotic egg
An egg that has a water tight shell or case enclosing a membrane bound water supply, food supply, and waste sack
a solution of water and protein, found in amniotic eggs, that nourishes the growing embryo. Also called egg white
Gill arches
In the aquatic vertebrates, curved region of tissue between the gills. Gills are suspended from the gill arches.
Paired blocks of mesoderm on both sides of the developing spinal cord in a vertebrate embryo.
A major lineage of animals that share a pattern of embryological development, including formation of the anus earlier than the mouth and formation of the coelom by pinching off of layers of mesoderm from the gut
each of the upper and lower bony structures in vertebrates forming the framework of the mouth and containing the teeth.
Pharyngeal jaw
Having modified gill arches that function as a second set of jaws
A sequence of lineages that are paraphyletic
A specialized skin outgrowth composed of B-keratin present in all birds and only in birds. Used for flight, insulation, display etc.
Breast bone
Live birth
Eggs developed inside the body and then later once they are ready to hatch
An organ that is rich in blood vessels and that facilitates a flow of oxygen and nutrients from the mother to the developing offspring
A developmental period
Animals that produce milk and use it to feed their offspring after birth
Parental care
Behavior by a parent that improves the ability of its offspring to survive
Mammary gland
A unique structure that makes lactation possible
A fish that lack a jaw and look like an eel.