Chapter 3.3 No Autocorrelation/ Expected Value ... Flashcards
Explain Gauss-Markov assumption 4 and 5.
- No autocorrelation: No correlation between ith and jth residual terms.
- Expected value of the residual vector given X is zero.
Examining the residuals over time, β¦
Autocorrelation can be detected by β¦, or Durbin- Watson statistic.
no pattern should be observed if the errors are independent.
graphing the residuals against time
How can autocorrelation happen?
Reasons leading to autocorrelation:
* Omitted an important variable
* Functional misfit
* Measurement error in independent variable
- π· = 2 β no autocorrelation
- π· = 0 β perfect positive autocorrelation
- π· = 4 β perfect negative autocorrelation
Use Durbin-Watson (DW) statistic to test for first-order autocorrelation. DW takes values within [0, 4]. For no serial correlation, a value close to 2 (e.g., 1.5-2.5) is expected.
Breusch-Godfrey test
slide 37
A regression can estimate bothβ¦
* Create β¦ which indicate the season.
* Regress on β¦
* Use the multiple regression model to forecast.
the trend and additive seasonal indexes.
dummy variables
time and the seasonal variables
For any season, e.g. season 1, create a column with 1 for time periods which are season 1 and zero for other time periods (only season β 1 dummy variables are required).
When modelling for seasonality, explain how to use dummy variables in that instance.
Model only 3 quarters explicitly. Otherwise there is multicollinearity as Q1 = 1 - (Q2+Q3+Q4)
This allows to test for seasonality
What does endogeneity mean?
Correlation between error terms given Xi is not equal to zero
Simple test: analyze the correlation of the residuals and an independent variable.
- Reason for endogeneity: measurement errors, variables that affect each other,
omitted variables(!)
(show this in an omitted variable context)
Panel Data vs. Cross-Section Data
Cross-section data collected in observational studies refers to β¦, or without regard to differences in time.
A panel data set, or longitudinal data set, is one where there are β¦
* A balanced panel is one where β¦
* In an unbalanced panel some individuals have not been recorded in some time period.
data observing many subjects (such as individuals, firms or countries/regions) at the same point of time
repeated observations on the same units, which makes it possible to overcome an omitted variable bias.
every unit is surveyed in every time period.
Modeling & estimating fixed effects
Fixed effects
* assume π are constants (there is endogeneity) π
* effects are correlated with the other covariates
Least squares dummy variable estimator
* uses a dummy variable for each individual (or firm, etc.), which we assume to
have a fixed effect
Within estimator β> take deviations from individual means and apply least squares, relies on variations within individuals