Chapter 31 Flashcards
The NCLEX-RN exam covers knowledge and patient care needs in a number of areas. Which of the following is not one of these areas?
a. safe, effective care environment
b. physiologic integrity
c. psychological integrity
d. health promotion and maintenance
C: The NCLEX-RN exam test plan covers knowledge in four primary areas: safe, effective care environment, physiologic integrity, psychosocial integrity (not only psychological), and health promotion and maintenance. TABLE 31-1 NCLEX TEST PLAN
What percent of NCLEX-RN test questions are related to safe, effective care of patients.
a. 13 to 19 c. 30 to 41
b. 21 to 33 d. 43 to 51
B: The NCLEX-RN test plan includes questions from the four primary categories of patient care. 21 to 33 percent of these questions are related to safe, effective care of patients. 43 to 51 percent is related to physiological integrity, 6 to 12 percent is related to psychosocial integrity and 6 to 12 percent is related to health promotion and maintenance. TABLE 31-1 NCLEX TEST PLAN
How long are candidates given to complete the NCLEX-RN exam?
a. 3 hours c. 5 hours
b. 4 hours d. 6 hours
D: Nursing candidates who sit for the NCLEX-RN exam are allowed a maximum of six (6) hours to complete the exam. This means that if one were to try to answer all 265 questions they should allow approximately one (1) minute per question. NCLEX EXAMINATION
Test items on the NCLEX exam are validated by:
a. at least two approved nursing textbooks or references
b. at least two approved clinical references
c. a minimum of three approved nursing references
d. a minimum of three approved clinical references
A: All test items on the NCLEX exam are validated in at least two approved nursing textbooks or references. Clinical references can be either nursing clinical references or non-nursing (i.e., medical) clinical references. HOW THE EXAMINATION IS CONSTRUCTED
Where do the questions for the NCLEX-RN exam come from?
a. a group of test question writers approved by individual state boards of nursing
b. educators and clinicians whose names have been suggested by individual state boards of nursing
c. a contracted test writing service
d. a curriculum committee comprised of experts only from accredited schools of nursing selected by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing
B: The questions on the NCLEX-RN exam are written by a group of test writers (educators and clinicians) recommended by individuals state boards of nursing. A professional test writing service is contracted to supervise the writing and validation of the items written by these selected writers. HOW THE EXAMINATION IS CONSTRUCTED
The NCLEX-RN exam questions may take a variety of different formats. Which is not a correct format for NCLEX-RN exam questions?
a. fill in the blank
b. identification of a specified area on a picture or graph
c. multiple choice: single answer
d. true or false
D: A number of formats exist for the exam questions used in the NCLEX-RN examination. These are fill in the blank, identification of a specified area on a picture or graph, multiple choice: single answer, and multiple choice: multiple option answer that requires more than one response. True or false questions are not used in this exam. TEST QUESTION FORMATS AND SAMPLES
Some predictors of performance on the NCLEX-RN exam are listed below. Which is not necessarily correct?
a. HESI exit exam c. ACT score
b. confidence in one’s abilities d. absence of emotional distress
B: A number of predictors of performance on the NCLEX-RN examination have been identified. These factors are HESI exit exam, ACT score, absence of emotional distress, Verbal SAT score, high school rank and grade point average, undergraduate nursing program GPA, GPA in science and nursing theory courses, competency in American English language, reasonable family responsibilities or demands, and critical thinking competency. TABLE 31-2 POSSIBLE PREDICTORS OF NCLEX SUCCESS
A graduating nursing student asks the instructor, “What is the least and the most questions that students can answer on the NCLEX-RN before the computer will shut off.” The instructor would be correct in responding which of the following?
a. 50 to 300 c. 100 to 450
b. 75 to 265 d. 125 to 500
B: Nursing candidates who take the NCLEX-RN exam will receive between 75 and 265 questions. Fifteen of these questions are being piloted to decide whether they should be used for future exams. NCLEX EXAMINATION
Students preparing for the NCLEX-RN exam should know that which of the following areas contain the bulk of the questions on the exam?
a. safe, effective care environment
b. physiological integrity
c. psychological integrity
d. health promotion and maintenance
B: Between 43 and 51 percent of the questions on the NCLEX-RN exam concern physiological integrity. This section includes subcategories such as basic care and comfort, pharmacological and parenteral therapies, and reduction of risk potential TABLE 31-1 NCLEX TEST PLAN
You are organizing your review in order to be prepared for the NCLEX-RN. Which of the following is not necessarily an area to concentrate on for this review?
a. NCLEX knowledge review
b. NCLEX test question practice
c. test anxiety control
d. NCLEX review/reread of all of your nursing textbooks and talking with teachers
D: Three areas that those who are preparing to take the NCLEX-RN exam should focus on for their review are NCLEX knowledge review, NCLEX test question practice, and test anxiety control. Reviewing or rereading all of your nursing texts is time consuming and will not help to focus upon critical areas found in the exam. ORGANIZING YOUR REVIEW
In order to structure a good review for your NCLEX-RN exam, you should identify your strengths and weaknesses. Some ways to do this are listed below. Which is not necessarily one of these suggestions?
a. Use your intuitive knowledge of what you know (strengths) and don’t know (weaknesses) as you know yourself the best.
b. Complete a self-needs analysis.
c. Establish a schedule that allows you to completely cover all material to be learned.
d. Purchase one of the NCLEX review books and use it.
A: Some ways to structure a good review for the NCLEX-RN exam include complete a self-needs analysis, establish a schedule that allows you to completely cover all material to be learned, purchase one of the NCLEX review books and use it, and if you took an exit exam from your school, note your strengths and weaknesses identified on that exam, and look carefully at the elements of the NCLEX-RN test plan. Relying upon your intuitive knowledge of what you know and don’t know may leave gaps in material that need to be covered and is not a sound method of formulating a good review. ORGANIZING YOUR REVIEW
Some reliable methods of memory improvement to help one remember material for the NCLEX-RN exam are listed below. Which is not necessarily correct?
a. mnemonic devices c. cramming the night before
b. self-recitation d. mental imagery
C: Some reliable methods to aid in memory improvement when studying for the NCLEX-RN exam are mnemonic devices, self-recitation, and mental imagery. Relying upon cramming the night before the exam, while it may provide some means of remembering material, should not be relied upon to provide a good means of memory improvement nor is it the only method utilized for an exam of this importance. ORGANIZING YOUR REVIEW
A nursing instructor has just completed a lecture on how anxiety can disrupt even the most prepared test takers. Later that day a student approaches the instructor and says that she now understands how to reduce her anxiety. Which strategy by the student would indicate that further study is required?
a. guided imagery c. relaxation exercises
b. breathing exercises d. fasting
D: While fasting may provide a temporary relief of anxiety due to its association with meditation, the body needs good nutrition when exerting the amount of energy and concentration required for test taking. Visualization and relaxation techniques can be used to help reduce test anxiety related to the NCLEX-RN examination. Some of these are guided imagery, breathing exercises, and relaxation exercises. EXIT EXAMINATIONS
A nursing instructor is providing graduating senior nursing students with tips for taking the NCLEX-RN exam. Which tip, if suggested by a student, would indicate that further clarification is needed?
a. good nourishment
b. avoid gaseous foods the day of the exam
c. take a nap right before the exam
d. comfortable wardrobe
C: Further clarification is needed if a student suggested taking a nap right before the exam. There are a number of cautions concerning taking a nap right before the exam. If you have trouble waking up or wake up drowsy or groggy, you will not be as mentally alert as you need to be in order to effectively perform on the exam. Some tips for taking the NCLEX-RN exam as well as other test of the caliber and length include good nourishment, avoid gaseous foods and minimize the potential for a full bladder, comfortable wardrobe, and allow sufficient time to get the minimum amount of sleep you need each night the week before the exam. NUTRITION SLEEP AN WARDROBE
A number of studies have provided insight into what characteristics comprise a profession. Of the characteristics listed below, which is not necessarily correct?
a. work based upon systematic body of theory and abstract knowledge
b. results can only be standardized over time
c. existence of a code of ethics
d. autonomy of decision making
B; A number of studies have been done regarding the characteristics of professions. Pavalko (1971) noted that work based upon systematic body of theory and abstract knowledge and the existence of a code of ethics were two characteristics of a profession. Manthey (2002) affirmed that autonomy of decision making was another component of professions, and Public Law 93-360 on Collective Bargaining stated that results cannot be standardized over time (not can be). FIGURE 31-1 CHARACTERISTICS OF A PROFESSION
A nursing instructor asks a group of students which professional values will be important in their roles as professional nurses. Which response by a student would indicate that further teaching is needed?
a. appearance c. ethical
b. nonjudgmental d. esthetics
A: Professionals are noted for upholding certain values. Some of these are nonjudgmental, ethical, esthetics, caring, altruism, equality, freedom, human dignity, truth and justice. Appearance, while a characteristic of professionals, falls under the category of professional behaviors and attributes. FIGURE 31-2 CHARACTERISTICS OF A PROFESSIONAL
What makes an occupation a profession? Listed below are some of the characteristics of professions. Which is not necessarily correct?
a. Body of specialized knowledge is continually developed and evaluated by research.
b. The members are self organizing and establish standards for education through a small group of experts.
c. Members continually evaluate the quality of services provided to protect individuals and the public.
d. It is an occupation that involves a unique practice that carries individual responsibility and is based on theoretical knowledge.
B: A number of definitions and defining characteristics are related to professions. Some of these that are held in general agreement: the body of specialized knowledge is continually developed and evaluated by research, the members are self organizing and collectively establish standards for education (not through a small group of experts), its members continually evaluate the quality of services provided to protect individuals and the public, and it is an occupation that involves a unique practice that carries individual responsibility and is based on theoretical knowledge. PROFESSIONALISM
Some patient-related nurse-sensitive outcomes include lower death rates from the causes listed below. Which is not necessarily correct?
a. pneumonia c. gastrointestinal bleeding
b. deep vein thrombosis d. orthopedic fractures
D: The advent of professional nursing has benefited patients by lower rates of nurse-sensitive outcomes. Some of these include lower death rates for pneumonia, deep vein thrombosis, gastrointestinal bleeding, sepsis, life-threatening complications, shock, cardiac arrest, urinary tract infections, and “failure to rescue.” NURSE SENSITIVE OUTCOMES
There are two categories of patient care that comprise the smallest number of questions on the NCLEX-RN exam. They are:
a. safe, effective care environment and health promotion and maintenance
b. physiological integrity and psychosocial integrity
c. psychosocial integrity and health promotion and maintenance
d. physiological integrity and safe, effective care environment
C: Two of the four primary patient areas covered in the NCLEX-RN exam contain the smallest percentage of questions in relation to the entire exam. These areas are psychosocial integrity (6 to 12%) and health promotion and maintenance (6 to 12%). Physiological integrity contains the most with 43 to 51%, and safe, effective care environment contains 21 to 33%. TABLE 31-1 NCLEX TEST PLAN
The CAT is:
a. a feline
b. a synonym for the NCLEX
c. a professional society for nurses
d. an acronym for computerized adaptive testing
D: The NCLEX exam is a computerized exam that utilizes a technology called CAT or computerized adaptive testing. This exam uses state-of-the-art technology, and the National Council of State Boards of Nursing is responsible for the security and administration of this exam. HOW THE EXAMINATION IS CONSTRUCTED
You are reviewing test questions in preparation for your NCLEX-RN examination. You have found using the ARKO strategies to be very helpful. The K in ARKO relates to which of the following?
a. Reword the question
b. Identify any key words in the question stem
c. Option elimination
d. Is the question is asking for me to take action or take no action
B: ARKO Strategies are as follows: A = Is the question asking for you to take Action or take no Action in the question stem?R = Reword the question. K = Identify any Key words in the question stem. O = Option elimination. EXIT EXAMINATIONS
You are caring for a patient on a low-sodium diet. Which meal would be appropriate for your patient?
a. A grilled chicken sandwich, a small toss salad, and an apple
b. A hot dog on a bun with potato chips and a peach
c. A corned beef sandwich with french fries and a slice of pickle
d. A cup of canned vegetable soup and 6 saltine crackers
A: The best meal for the patient would be the grilled chicken sandwich, small tossed salad and an apple. Items that should not be on a low-sodium diet include bacon, corned beef, ham, hot dogs, sausage, canned soups and vegetables, pickles, saltine crackers, and snack foods such as potato chips. TABLE 31-8 COMMON FOOD SOURCES FOR VARIOUS NUTRIENTS AND DIETS
The HESI exit examination is frequently administered for which of the following reasons?
a. to determine if a patient is ready for discharge
b. a neurologic check of patients leaving the recovery room after surgery
c. placement of new freshmen in college courses
d. a possible predictor of passing the NCLEX
D: The HESI exit examination is given to nursing students as a possible predictor of whether the student will be successful on the NCLEX-RN examination. TABLE 31-2 POSSIBLE PREDICTORS OF NCLEX SUCCESS
Which of the following would be an alternate format question on the NCLEX-RN?
a. multiple choice question c. true/false question
b. fill-in-the blank question d. essay question
B: A fill-in-the blank question is considered an alternate format question on the NCLEX-RN. Other alternate format questions include multiple response questions and questions with exhibits that you will need to examine and place an X over the appropriate spot to answer the question. HOW THE EXAMINATION IS CONSTRUCTED
During your NCLEX-RN examination, you begin reading a question that seems very difficulty and relates to a client with a disease that you are unfamiliar with. You decide to use the test taking AKRO strategies. You should start by doing which of the following?
a. attempt to guess at an answer because you have never heard of the disease
b. reword the question by putting in the name of another disease
c. determine whether the question is asking you to take action or take no action in the stem
d. keep reading the question before panicking because you believe that you are going to fail
C: ARKO Strategies are as follows: A = Is the question asking for you to take Action or take no Action in the question stem?R = Reword the question. K = Identify any Key words in the question stem. O = Option elimination. EXIT EXAMINATIONS