Chapter 30 Flashcards
Traditionally blacks have earned about _____%
C. 60
Women working full time earn about ______%of what men working full time earn.
C. 75
Each of the following has contributed to the growing number of homeless people except
A. the rising crime rate
About 1 out of every _____ black American is poor.
C. 4
The poverty line is set
A. by the US Department of Commerce (based on the USDA food budgets).
Which statement about public assistant is false?
B. It has failed completely.
A family of four with one wage earner who earns the minimum hoursly wage would be
A. well below the poverty line
Which statement is true?
A. There is at least a dozen different theories of poverty.
B. The liberals and conservatives are in basic agreemenet about the cause of poverty.
C. The liverals and the conservatives are in basic agreement about how to solve the poverty problem.
D. None of the statements are true.
A. There is at least a dozen different theories of poverty.
Charles Murray believed that the antipoverty programs of the 1960’s and 1970’s
D. caused more proverty
Which statement is true about who has the most poverty?
B. Blacks have a poverty rate of about three times of the whites.
The poverty line in 2007 for a family of four was slightly more than $_____.
C. $20,650
The lowest the poverty rate has been during the last 40 years was in
C. 1973
Between 1960 and 1973 the poverty rate_____;between 1973 and 1983 the poverty rate_____.
D. fell; rose
William Gates and Warren Buffet, each has a person fortune worth more than
C. $50 billion
Which goes exclusively to the poor?
A. Medicaid
Which does not go exclusively to the poor?
C. Unemployment insurance benefits
Conservatives and liberals ___ on the cuases of poverty and ____ on how to solve the poverty problem.
D. disagree; disagree
The conservative theory of poverty blames ______ for welfare dependency.
C. both the poor and the government
Which statement is true about homelessness?
A. There is no one single cuase of homelessness
The Lorenz curve shows the distribution of
B. income
In which of the following groups of people in the U.S. would the incidence of poverty be the greatest?
A. Black familes with a female head
Because the value of non-cash benefits to the poor is not counted when calculating the official poverty rate in the U. S., the official statistics
D. overestimate the poverty rate
What fraction of the world’s population lives on no more than $2 a day?
C. 1/2
Since 1994 the number of people on the welfare rolls has
E. fallen substantially
The person most closely associated with a conservation theory if poverty is
A. Charles Murray