Chapter 3 Vocab Flashcards
of or pertaining to the reign of Queen Victoria, or someone who shares the values of that period
middle class
a social class that had very wealthy members without aristocratic heritage
valuing material possessions and physical comfort above everything else, money-oriented
a person who usually uses aggressive selling tactics to make a profit
a card game for four players divided into two teams
the roads, canals, sewers, public services, and transportation networks that allow a community to function
land set aside by governments for the use of First Nations
to join another culture and to give up one’s own language and traditions
granting someone the rights and protection of a citizen or a particular country
people respected for their wisdom and understanding of traditional knowledge
strongly favoring a point of view to the point of misrepresenting other views
an economic system based on colonialism, in which the home country uses raw goods imported from the colonies to manufacture goods
Corn Laws
laws which protected agriculture in the British Empire by limiting the import of grain from other countries
a duty or charge that must be paid on an imported item
economic depression
a period of low economic activity marked by high unemployment
Rebellion Losses Bill
a bill promising compensation to people of Canada East who suffered property damage during the Rebellions of 1837
a union of provinces, each of which keeps certain powers but gives up other powers to a central, national government
to take over a territory and add it to the territory of another country
Manifest Destiny
an American idea that it was the fate of the U.S. to control all of North America
American Civil War
(also called the war between the states) a war that began in 1861 and ended in 1865, the industrialized North fought the agricultural South, a divisive issue was slavery, which the South supported
a person who is responsible for ensuring discipline and solidarity within a political party
in politics, when one or more political parties or interest groups work together to achieve a common goal
in politics, taking bribes or using one’s influence to gain an unfair advantage
representation by population
a form of proportional representation in government, areas with higher populations have more elected officials in government
an agreement that provided for free trade between the U.S. and British Colonies