Chapter 3 - Sociology Flashcards
What it socialization?
The lifelong process through which we learn all the knowledge, skills and attitudes we need to survive and prosper
What is sociology?
A social science that analyzes the development, structure and functioning of human society
What is primary socialization?
Comprises the basic understandings we need t function in the society into which we are born
What is a primary socialization? And why?
Family, because they are there from the start to socialize you
What is secondary socialization?
Learning how to function in groups and learning how to follow the behaviours society expects of us while acting in group
What is a secondary socialization? And why?
School, because its the first presence of formal rules
What are agents of socialization?
Things that influence socialization
What is a social institution?
Group that supports social practices and behavious that a society has agreed to promote and obey
What are some societal needs a society must have in order to be self-sufficent?
- New members
- Socialize new members
- Deal with members health and sickness issues
- Select members for certain jobs
- Create knowledge
- Control members
- Defend against its enemies
- Promote social unity
- Produce and exchange goods and services
What is an example of a social institution and why?
Law: NEEDS - maintain social order. GROUPS - jails, courts, police stations, law offices. MEMBERS - lawyers, police officers, judges VALUES/NORMS - determine guilty and innocent people, fair trials, fair punishments
What is culture?
Shared attitudes, values, goals and practices that characterize an institution
What is high culture?
Tastes and creations used by upper class. Requires elaborate training/resources to take part
What is folk culture?
Tastes and creations used by working class/minorities. Produced for and by ordinary people
What is popular culture?
Tastes and creations that appeals to the masses. Items designed for leisure, entertainment, fashion. Short lived “fads”
What is subculture?
Shared elements of mainstream culture, but maintains own customs, values, norms, lifestyles. Based on age, gender, wealth, etc
What is counterculture?
Deliberately and consciously opposed to some central beliefs or attitudes of mainstream culture. Based on gender, race, SES
What is ethnocentrism?
Judging all cultures by your own culture’s standards
Thinking yours is better
What is multiculturalism?
Encourages respect and appreciation for all culture differences
What is deviant behaviour?
Doesn’t conform to the social norms held acceptable by a society
Differs depending on culture/location
What are the causes of deviant behaviour?
Rapid social change, multicultural society, inadequate socialization, increasing complexity of society, conflict between goals and means
What is the labeling theory?
No acts or people are inherently deviant
People in power create laws and label things as deviant
What is the self-fulfilling prophecy?
- ) commit a deviant act
- ) labeled as a deviant
- ) get treated like a deviant, start believing you are a deviant
- ) commit more deviant acts as result
What does feral meanV
What is a critical window?
Children learn certain thing at certain times
How is language affected by the critical window?
3-4 years to learn language
If not learned in critical window, language will never be learned
Language isn’t just words, its putting them into sentences using grammar
What is nature?
Natural qualities and aptitudes that we possess from birth
What is nurture?
Activities we do after we are born and influence development. Human brain is a blank slate (tabula rasa) which is gradually filled
What is a psychopath?
(Translates to mind disease)
An individual who possesses specific anti-social personality traits
What is a serial killer?
Someone who commits 3 or more murders over a period of time
What are some characteristics of serial killers?
- Over 90% are white males
- Commonly abused children
- Usually from unstable family
- Many suicide attempts
- Fire starters
- Sadistic activity
- Interested in porn and pleasure from sexual pain at early age
What are some characteristics on a emotional level of psychopaths/sociopaths?
- Superficial
- Egocentric
- Incapable of love
- Shallow
- Lack of remorse or guilt
- Lack of empathy or caring
- Manipulative
- Fearless
What are some characteristics on a social deviance level of psychopaths/sociopaths?
- Impulsive
- Lack of responsibility
- Early behaviour problems
- Over-exaggerate crimes
- Exploit/manipulate others for pleasure
- Need for excitement
Differences between psychopaths and sociopaths:
PSYCHOPATH: -Psychological -Genetic/biological -Malformation of the amygdala SOCIOPATH: -Based on personal belief -Result of social forces -Early life trauma -Parental roles -Environmental
What is stockholm syndrome?
Feelings of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor
What is the bystander effect?
Occurs when the presence of others hinders individuals from intervening in an emergency situation
What is a treatment/research for psychopaths?
Hard to treat, because its already in the brain
Researchers have found a link with the size of the amygdala
What is an amygdala?
A part of the brain that is believed to monitor empathy for others
What is a subgroup?
(A group within a group)
Collection of people who identify themselves as members of a group within a larger social system
What is conformity?
Occurs when a person adjusts his/her thoughts, feelings and behaviour to match the standards of a group
What is a cult?
A religious organization that is outside a society’s cultural traditions
What are the 3 D’s?
Deception, dependency, dread
What is deception?
Led to believe the group will enrich their lives
What is dependency?
Isolation from outside support
What is dread?
Once dependent, strong fears of losing group support. Encouraging individuals to stay in the group
What are signs of a cult?
- Leader is authoritarian and sole judge of faith
- Can be psychologically and physically dangerous
- Members are required to perform demeaning tasks with little talent or education