Chapter 3 - Section 12 & 13 Flashcards
Johann Fugger
small town weaver, cloth business. lent $ to popes and Charles V, became bankers to the Hapsburgs in Germany and Spain
people who effectively sell goods
taking interest on a loan
lending $$$ for interest
government prosperous through trading and money
English Poor Law
forced people to work
middle class - had an average life
grammar schools
schools of secondary level
French schools that combined grammar schools and parts of universities
Spanish lesser nobles
common people
Northeastern German nobles
hereditary subjection
serfdom in Germany
tax on peasants (similar to corvees)
tax on peasants (similar to robots)
internal tariffs
tax on trade within country
Nations that dealt with internal strife and religion issues
France, England, Netherlands, Holy Roman Empire
Why was the Atlantic found?
It was an H2O trade route to Asia and provided access to silk, and cotton rugs.
What did the Atlantic trade routes lead to?
A Religion War where Spain and Germany are weakened, and the Dutch, English, and French rise.
Prince Henry the Navigator
15th Century - NW Africa
Bartholomew Dias
1488 - South Africa
Vasco de Gama
Malabar Coast, SW India
Spain backs him to discover a route to India. He stumbles on America.
Spanish soldiers, explorers, adventurers that controlled America - brutal, gruesome.
Encomienda System
Workers of Europeans, sometimes got land for work, beginning of slavery
People born in America
Mixed European/”Indian” descent
Reached Tenochtitlan, received graciously. Seized emperor Montezuma and his men, forced to surrender, executed. He learned soon after that the Aztecs had plundered Veracruz.
Circumnavigated the globe in 1520 due to a route from Atlantic to Pacific
Spanish/Portuguese agreement
1494 Line of Demarcation; globe divided in an imaginary north/south line.
Educational advances
Printing press, universities created
Potosi, Peru
Silver mines financed European projects of the Spanish King
Increase of populations leads to…
Increase in food demand, new land cultivated, increase in cost of production, AGRICULTURAL PRICES RISE
New Entrepreneurs (and examples)
Started as merchants, ended as bankers (like the Medicis or the Fuggers)
putting out system
Entrepreneurs would send wok to country folk, eliminating the guild system.
Labor Force in Labor system…
Worked when needed>Received pay>Little interest in task
Factories lead to…
much larger businesses
Entrepreneurs in Labor system…
Directed all affairs>No personal connection
New Industries
Mining, Books, Cannons, Muskets, Printing Press, Ship building.
New monarchies had high demand for weapons, barracks, and uniforms.
Bankers started charging this, which churches denounces.
Interest (as high as 30%)
Interest rates go down as…
Banks become more established.
The Bank of Amsterdam
an extremely safe place to put your money
Industry (for banks)
Processes of production
Producers (for banks)
Spinners, weavers
Entrepreneurs (for banks)
where to be sold
Government policy to build up a strong and self-sufficient government.
Mercantilism was opposed to…
Guilds and Localist views
What was the status of French and English guilds?
England’s guilds have little importance.
France keeps their guilds for an easy tax.
What was England’s goal at the time?
Set the poor to work.
What is the importance of National Support?
Wanted to be back by monarchy, not just a city.
Tariff Changes include
Wanting free trade, but it was difficult to break from traditions, except in England.
East India Companies
Monopoly - only merchants that belong to company could legally engage in trade in that region
Examples of National Markets
England (1600)
Dutch (1602)
French (1664)
Europe was broken into four classes…
Aristocracy, middle class, agricultural peasants, working poor
The agricultural peasants had two groups. One prospered…
Due to inflation of crop prices. Their manorial lord asked for the same price, but their prices went up. Called Yeomen in Britain.
The agricultural peasants had two groups. One didn’t prosper…
These peasants depended on wages and therefore, didn’t become as wealthy.
Lords of yeomen only did well if…
They received agriculture instead of a fixed sum of money, which was worth less due to inflation.
The aristocracy broke into two types. The old type…
had refined tastes, emphasized education for children, family was badge of honor.
The aristocracy broke into two types. The new type…
worked in the King’s service. They held government/military offices.
Middle class
Middle class/bourgeois, was called in English…
The Burghers.
During the Commercial Revolution, this class was gaining on the aristocracy.
The middle class.
The catholic clergy was part of this class.
All of them.
The Protestant clergy was part of this class.
Mostly middle class.
The guild members were part of this class.
Middle class.
The upper classes did better, and the poor did worse. Name some poor jobs.
Domestic service, water carriers, poop removers, stable boys, footmen, backup chambermaids, sailors.
Education was…
Suddenly very important.
In England, these schools starting popping up.
Grammar schools, equivalent to secondary schools.
French’s grammar school
Schools for girls were…
Universities were everywhere, but mostly…
Government helped form social classes in these ways.
Inhibited or promoted economic growth, government defined class, king could create nobles, nobles might have been exempt from taxes.
Eastern Europe lords, aka…
In Eastern Europe, there was less of a…
Middle class.
Most in the east fell into
Hereditary subjection, aka serfdom
Serfs owed forced labor, which is called this, in Bohemia.
Serfs could not do a lot of things without permission of their…
However bad being a peasant was in the west,
Being a serf in the east was worse.
During the Commercial Revolution, a country was doing poorly and one was doing better. Which ones?
Spain was doing poorly, and Dutch were doing phenomenally.