Chapter 3: Sampling Flashcards
Objective of Sampling
To obtain information about the entire population by interviewing a part of the population and, as a result, make a statement that can be applied to the whole population
Population in Sampling
The group which the researcher wants to obtain information from and of which he wants to make statements (target group of survey)
Sampling Frame
An available list of the population
All selected respondents
Probability Sampling
- Respondents are selected at random
- Every member of the population has an equal chance of being part of the sample
Types of Probability Sampling
- Simple Random Sample
- Systematic Sample
- Stratified Sample
- Cluster Sample
Simple Random Sample
- The entire population is listed
- A random selection process is used to pick individuals for the sample
Systematic Sample
- The entire population is listed in order
- A random starting point is selected
- Every Nth individual (where N is a fixed interval) is chosen for the sample
Sub-groups with the same general characteristics
Stratified Sample
- The population is divided into strata based on specific characteristics
- A random sample is drawn from each stratum, either proportionally or equally
Cluster Sample
- The population is divided into clusters (ex: city, school, department)
- A random selection of clusters is made
- All individuals or a random sample within the selected clusters are surveyed
Types of Non-probability Sampling
- Convenience
- Judgemental Sample
- Multi-stage Sample
Convenience Sample
- The sample is selected based on accessibility and ease of selection
- Participants are often chosen because they are readily available
Judgemental Sample
- The researcher identifies specific individuals or groups who have the expertise, experience or characteristics that align with the research objectives
- Participants are selected because they meet specific criteria that the researcher deems important
Multi-stage Sample
- The population is divided into stages or clusters
- In the first stage, a sample of clusters is selected, often using random or systematic sampling
- In the subsequent stages, further sampling is conducted within the clusters, which could involve simple random sampling, stratified sampling or other methods
Factors to Determine Sample Size
- Size of Population
- Confidence Interval
- Confidence level
What does “Confidence Interval” also mean?
Margin of Error
3-step plan for Sample Composition
1) Determination of the population in absolute numbers
2) Conversions of the population data into percentage
3) Sample composition (per gender and age group)