Chapter 3 - Regulation of Broker-Dealers Flashcards
Broker-dealers and their agents get paid when ______ is completed
A transaction
A broker acts as a go-between for two parties interested in making a __________ for their accounts
A dealer sells clients securities from their _________
own account
Exceptions to registering as a broker or dealer
- an agent (employee of a broker-dealer)
- an issuer
- a bank, savings institution or trust company
- the issuer of securities involved in the transaction
- other broker-dealers (people only dealing with other broker-dealers)
- institutional investors
Broker-dealer registration quick facts
- if you have an office in that state you must register
- don’t have to register if you don’t have an office in that state and only have institutional clients
- do have to register if you don’t have an office in the state but do have even one non-institutional client
An institutional investor must fit into one of the following categories:
- bank, savings institution, or trust company
- insurance company
- investment company
- broker-dealer
- pension or profit-sharing trust
- another financial institution or institutional buyer
Subsidiaries of bank holding companies that effect securities transactions with the public must _________ as broker-dealers
Commercial banks are ________ from having to register as broker-dealers
Canadian broker-dealers do not have to register if they don’t have an office in the state and:
- client is from Canada, had previous relationship with the firm and is just visiting the state
- client is engaging in transactions for a self-directed tax advantaged retirement plan held in Canada
- client is an institutional investor
Agents can use a limited registration if from a Canadian broker-dealer, would have to:
- file application
- file consent to service of process
- provide evidence of good standing
- proof of membership in a Canadian SRO
- make records available
- inform admin of any criminal history
- disclose Canadian origin to clients
- pay a filing fee
Broker-dealers are almost ______ required to file federally
Always. Only exception is when all transactions will be made within one state (which is rarely the case)
To register, a broker-dealer uses Form _____
Form BD.
Registration of a broker-dealer becomes effective at _____ on the ______ after application is filed.
Noon on the 30th
Admin has _____ days to initiate a hearing
90 days
Broker-dealer must also register with the appropriate _______ and ________
SRO and Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC)
Broker-dealers are subject to net capital requirements. T/F
True and state cannot make them meet requirements that are above the SEC requirements
Post-registration requirements for broker-dealers are:
- financial reports, must update inaccurate reports
- record keeping (client records and marketing lit for 3 years, first two in a an easily accessible place / some records for 6 years)
- audits can happen at any time
- bond or insurance required for broker-dealers with custody or authority
NSMIA says that a state cannot require net capital requirements, bonding, custody or reporting/record keeping above that of the ______ requirements
Termination of a broker-dealer for the following reasons:
- denial in the public interest
- revocation for public harm
- suspension for less serious infractions
- withdrawal (use Form BDW, effective after 30 days but under jurisdiction for the next year)
- restriction/limitation to operate only in certain capacities